Youth Ministry Resources

Here are just several of the resources we have found to be helpful tools for youth ministry leaders and parents

  1. Rebuild Youth Conferences – an online youth conference for leaders every several months that is free and available right from your own home
  2. Lifeteen & Edge Youth Ministry – One of the largest youth ministry resources, Lifeteen is a great place for resources on putting together nights for youth
  3. YDisciple Program – a tool to help facilitate small group discipleship amongst teens in your parish
  4. Chosen DVD series – a 24-lesson video series that can be used to re-confirm that teens learned leading up to the Sacrament of Confession. This can be used as a basic faith formation tool
  5. Decision Point – a free DYD series put out by Matthew Kelly that helps to explain the basics of faith to teens
  6. Alpha Youth Film Series – these free videos are available online and help to explain the basic Gospel message to teens in a relevant way
  7. Rebuilt Youth Ministry – quick blog posts of resources based on one parish’s experience revitalizing their youth ministry
  8. Outside da box videos – great stand-alone videos that you can incorporate into different youth nights hyperlink: