Wednesday Weekly – 3Sep14

 Wednesday Weekly September 9, 2014 Print Version


1.     Northern Catholic News/Appeal Materials

The 2014-15 Diocesan Annual Appeal begins the weekend of September 13/14. The Diocesan Annual Appeal dates for 2014 are provided in the attached document. Appeal materials will be distributed to Parishes together with the Northern Catholic News commencing Monday, September 8th. Parishes are asked to please contact Esperanza Vezina, Receptionist at 250-964-4424 in advance to coordinate pick up on or after this date. Any material for parishes outside of Prince George that cannot be picked up will be sent out by Greyhound.


2.     Diocese of Prince George Address Change

The Diocese of Prince George mailing address changed effective September 1st. The Bag 7000 address is no longer to be used. The change will incorporate all organizations and departments housed at the Pastoral Centre: including the Chancery, Catholic Independent Schools, and the Domano Renewal Centre. The new address is:

            6500 Southridge Avenue, Prince George, BC V2N 5P9


3.     Youth and Young Adult Ministry News

We had a wonderful time at IGNITE Alberta with Face2face Ministries this August. Thank you to all who came out and supported our Prince George crew! What a blessing that week was in the lives of both participants and leaders alike. Check with your local parish for upcoming youth events.


Young Adult:
Young Adult Fall Retreat & Summit September 27th (please post the attached poster): Focused on Pope Francis’ call in ‘Being Missionary Disciples’, this will be the first young adult fall retreat in Prince George! Open to all ages 18-35, the day will feature talks, praise & worship, an afternoon hike and will culminate with the first SUMMIT of the school year. $10 gets you breakfast, lunch, dinner and soul food (priceless!). RSVP to Eunice at if you are interested in coming out. You won’t want to miss this!

 Young Adult Fall Retreat

  • RISE UP: HURRY! The early-bird deadline for RISE UP is September 15. This dynamic conference put on by Catholic Christian Outreach December 28-January 1 is by far one of the most inspiring young adult conferences of the year. This year, Calgary will be hosting the conference and we hope to have a bus leaving Prince George. Head to for more details. Contact Eunice if you have any questions.


  • Faith studies: It’s starting up again! Our 6-week faith studies were a tremendous success last year. This year, we will be offering not one but TWO faith studies (Discovery for those starting out and Source for those who have already taken Discovery). Email Eunice if you are interested in either! Studies will start late September.


Youth Ministers:
Anyone involved in youth ministry is strongly encouraged to attend the Diocesan Assembly Oct. 1-3 where there will be special youth ministers training offered. For more details, head to


4.     Condolences

Arthur James, brother of Fr. Vincent James, passed away Friday, August 29th. As we pray for the repose of his soul, we offer our condolences and prayerful support to Fr. Vince.



 5.     Message from Fr. Terry Brock, Vocations Director

Some suggestions for promoting Vocations in your parish: The Mass selection for Vocations to Holy Orders can be found in Masses and Prayers for Various Needs and Occasions, page 1245 in the Roman Missal. There is also a Mass selection for Vocations to Religious life on page 1254. Other suggestions to promote vocations are to pray the prayer for vocations at all parish meetings, school Masses, Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and on the first Sunday of the month.


6.     Seminary Vocation Live-In for Men, Nov. 14-16, 2014:

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins:

The next Vocation “Live-in” for Men at the Seminary of Christ the King, Mission, BC will take place November 14-16, 2014. A Vocation Live-In is an opportunity for young men ages Grade 10 and up to meet other young men interested in the priesthood or consecrated life. During the weekend there are times for community prayer, daily Mass and rosary, sports, discussion groups, and a tour of the seminary. For more information, call Fr. Terry Brock, Vocations Director at 250-635-2313.


7.     CCCB Publications Resources

Attached is the latest flyer from CCCB Publications. Please note the Office of the Bishop will coordinate ordering the ORDO for parishes in the upcoming weeks. The Commission for Christian Unity, Religious Relations with the Jews and Interfaith Dialogue, issued the resource Unitatis Redintegratio to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council’s Decree on Ecumenism. Developed by several Canadian Catholic ecumenists working with Bishop Donald Bolen and the Commission, the document is intended for parishes and discussion groups. It provides introductory information about our Church’s commitment to, and involvement in, ecumenical work following the Second Vatican Council. The electronic version of this new resource will also be available for consultation on the CCCB website. If you are interested in ordering this document or any document from CCCB Publications, please contact Teresa Phillippe at or 250-964-4424 extension 242.

CCCB Resources


8.     Okanagan Live-In

Please place the following notice in parish bulletins during September:

The Okanagan Fall Live-In weekend will be held at Immaculata Regional High School in Kelowna B.C. the weekend of October 24-26, 2014. The Live-In is an experience of God’s love through Jesus and the Live-In faith community. If you would like more information or would like to register, please contact Darlene Heaney at 250-542-8690.