Wednesday Weekly – 1Apr15

Wednesday Weekly April 1, 2015

1.     Easter Greetings – Bishop Stephen Jensen

Please share the following Easter Message from Bishop Jensen in parish bulletins:

“O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His steadfast love endures forever.”

 The words of the responsorial psalm for Easter Sunday present the celebration of the Resurrection as an invitation to encounter God’s steadfast love for us. This love that moved Him to humble Himself by becoming a man to offer His life on the cross is a torrent of mercy that touches people in every age.

Pope Francis has just announced an extraordinary Holy Year, from December 2015 to November 2016, to be observed as a “Jubilee of Mercy.” In this the Holy Father is building on the ministry of St. John Paul II, who instituted the observance of Divine Mercy Sunday on the octave day of Easter in answer to the message of Saint Faustina, the Polish mystic to whom the Lord spoke of His great mercy for sinners.

I invite everyone to join me at Sacred Heart Cathedral on Sunday, April 12, beginning at 2:00 pm, for the Divine Mercy devotions and Mass. It will be a wonderful way to anticipate the jubilee year and strengthen our trust in His mercy.

 Happy Easter!

                                                                  Bishop Stephen Jensen


  1. Youth and Young Adult Ministry Update

 Young Adults:

  • As the strike has ended at UNBC, there will be regular Mass on campus Wednesdays at 11AM in room #7-158.
  • DISH with the BISH: Thursday, April 9 will mark the end of Alpha and an opportunity to have DISH WITH THE BISH. Join us at 6PM at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre for dinner with our beloved Bishop Jensen. The evening will conclude with the Alpha program.
  • SUMMIT: Join us for a night of praise & worship and adoration. This will mark the last Summit for the university year. Come to Sacred Heart Cathedral, Saturday April 11 @ 7PM.


  • Have you registered for the 20th Annual Diocesan Youth Conference?? All those in grades 7-12 are encouraged to attend. DYC is being held May 1-3 this year and will feature keynote speaker, Chris Padgett. Early-bird registration for this awesome weekend ends APRIL 10TH. Tickets are $50 until this date and scholarships are available. Be sure to register quickly! All registration can be done online at It is going to be one amazing weekend! Any questions? Email
  • We are also seeking practicing, Catholic young adults interested in volunteering as small group leaders and general volunteers. Email if you are interested!