Wednesday Weekly September 18, 2013 Print Version
1. Appeal News
The Appeal is underway! The week of September 21/22 is an Educational Weekend. Please refer to your Appeal Manuals for further information. A report on goals and pledges will be included with next week’s Wednesday Weekly.
2. Bank Signing Authorizations
At the June Consultors’ meeting, a motion was passed requiring two signatures on all cheques issued at the parish and school level. As a result of this resolution, the signing authorities held at the CIBC and the Royal Bank need to be updated. Lisa Weber will coordinate obtaining the updated paperwork. Please forward the names of all authorized signers for your accounts to Lisa at Thank you!
3. Collection for the Needs of the Church in Canada
Please find attached a document regarding the Collection for the Needs of the Church in Canada on September 28/29, 2013 from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. It provides suggested bulletin announcements and Prayers of the Faithful, one for this weekend and one for next weekend. Please insert the bulletin announcements in parish bulletins. Thank you.