Wednesday Weekly 14Oct15

Appeal Updates:

 Reminder: If there are still any Appeal envelopes for parishioners in your church foyers, please remember to mail them, and send your receipt to the Appeal office for postage reimbursement.

Commitment Sunday is October 25, 2015. More information will be sent next week.


Diocesan Formation Days –

The Face of Mercy: Held in the four Deaneries of the Diocese of Prince George throughout September and October.

The session for the Central Deanery will take place on October 22-23 at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre. Our keynote speaker, Father Basil Burns, PhD., is a gifted presenter who came to the Diocese to assist in theological formation and faith development. He will explore the meaning of the upcoming Jubilee Year of Mercy. Priests, religious, Parish and School Council members, parishioners especially those in parish leadership, and Catholic School principals, teachers and staff are all invited to these days that are designed to be an experience of prayer and interactive learning that will help us respond to our vocation to be disciples. A special invitation is extended to young adults and to anyone from the other three deaneries who have not yet been able to participate.

Thursday, October 22, 2015 @ 7-8:30 PM

Friday, October 23, 2015 beginning with Mass @ 8 AM followed by refreshments.

Sessions from 8:45 AM – 3:30 PM

No registration fee.

Please bring your own lunch.


Consultation on Suicide: This is our opportunity to influence a decision that will impact everyone in Canada. Please take part in the federal government’s assisted suicide consultation process. The consultation panel’s “Issue Book” questionnaire asks for your views on important issues relating to physician-assisted dying: The deadline is November 17. The panel will propose legislative options on “doctor-assisted dying” this fall, leaving only a few months before Parliament must draft a new law to replace the one struck down by the Supreme Court of Canada. Share your personal experiences with the panel and let it know your concerns about doctor-assisted suicide.


Grief to Grace: Applications are now being accepted for the next Grief to Grace program to be held in Kelowna, November 19-22, 2015. Grief to Grace – Reclaiming the Gift of Human Dignity is a spiritual journey for anyone who has suffered degradation or violation through sexual/psychological abuse, rape, incest, physical or emotional abuse and neglect or other forms of traumatic violation in childhood, adolescence or as an adult. To register or for more information call 250-878-7603 or e-mail or



Save the date for DYC 2016: April 29 – May 1, 2016 in Prince George—More information to come.

Formation for all Youth Minister, Teachers and Parents:

The need for greater formation in our large, spread out diocese has been heard. We will be travelling across the diocese so that you don’t have to! We are incredibly blessed to have the Director of the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Archdiocese of Vancouver, spend five days with us. Clay Imoo is the father of three and a die-hard Canuck fan. He has been serving the Archdiocese of Vancouver for 13 years, prior to this he has youth ministry experience in a parish setting. Clay will offer sessions for all youth ministers, catechists, teachers and parents. These sessions will focus on tangible tools needed to teach our young people to walk as disciples of Jesus in the fullness of the Catholic faith. Here is a rough outline of dates:

  • Thursday, October 15 – Evening, time TBA – Terrace (Sacred Heart Parish)
  • Saturday, October 17 – 10 – 12 PM – Prince George (Sacred Heart Parish)
  • Sunday, October 18 – 4 – 7 PM – Dawson Creek (Notre Dame Parish)

For more information, please email Eunice at


World Youth Day 2016 in Krawkow, Poland: All those 18+ are invited to join us as we head to WYD in Poland. We will be partnering with the Archdiocese of Vancouver. The anticipated total cost for the trip is $3800 (including taxes). Those interested can email A deposit of $1000 is due by October 31, 2015 to secure your spot.

Faith Studies – All young adults in Prince George are invited to join a weekly small-group faith study. This 6-week study focuses in on the foundations of what it means to be a Catholic. These faith studies will begin the week of October 13, (this week) These groups will be setup according to the schedules of those who would like to participate. Email Eunice at if you are interested in joining a group.


Vocations Retreats – Seminary of Christ the King

The next Vocation Live-ins for the College and High School Seminary are:

  • November 13-15, 2015
  • February 12-14, 2016
  • April 8-10, 2016

If you would like to attend, please contact:

College Seminary Live In:
Father Matthew Gerlich, OSB
Tel: 604-826-8715