Wednesday Weekly 13Jan16


World Day for Consecrated Life and the closing of the Year for Consecrated Life

On Tuesday, February 2, 2016, 7:00 PM, on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, Bishop Stephen Jensen will celebrate a Solemn Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral with the religious men and women of the Diocese. Everyone is welcome to attend and show appreciation to those who have chosen to live the consecrated life. This day will also mark the closing of the Year for Consecrated Life, which began on November 30, 2014. Please bring goodies to share for the reception which will take place in the lower church hall.


Psalms: Sundays and Solemnities (NRSV Translation)

Year B Psalms were available for sale last October – Year C is now also available for sale. You can place an order by telephone, by fax, by email or online (see information below).

CODE: 182-399

TITLE: Psalms for Sundays and Solemnities: NRSV – Year C

PRICE: $75.00

DISCOUNT: 40% discount to Dioceses and bookstores.

TELEPHONE: 1-800-769-1147

FAX: 613-241-5090



The Year A volume is expected to be available later this spring.



Declaration on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide

This past October 29, the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) and the CCCB launched a joint Declaration on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide at the National Press Gallery in Ottawa on Parliament Hill. The CCCB and EFC were assisted in the launching by Rabbi Dr. Reuven P. Bulka from the Congregation Machzikei Hadas in Ottawa, and Imam Samy Metwally from the Ottawa Main Mosque/Ottawa Muslim Association. At the time of its release, the Declaration had 56 signatories from Catholic, Orthodox, Evangelical, Jewish and Muslim faith leaders across Canada.

The sponsoring signatories to the Declaration, including the CCCB, would now like to make a concerted effort to obtain signatures from a wide spectrum of Canadians who agree with the principles outlined in the Declaration. The EFC and the Jewish and Muslim partners have agreed to do the same. The number of signatures has already grown to 1,961 as of January 7, including some members from among various mainline Protestant Churches.

You are invited sign the joint Declaration and help make it better known. Signatures to the Declaration are made on line. The Declaration and the signatory option can be accessed at the following links:

English –

French –

The hope is that a considerable number of Canadians will sign so that when Catholic, Evangelical, Orthodox, Jewish and Muslim representatives are engaging federal, provincial, territorial or municipal governments on the question of euthanasia and assisted suicide, the Declaration can be used as evidence of the numerous and diverse groups of Canadians who do not support physician-assisted suicide.


What does it mean for descendants of residential school staff to reconcile with Canadian history?

To explore this question, graduate student Caroline Crocker is asking Canadians who have parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles or other relatives who worked in the Indian Residential School System to participate in a focus group discussion on Saturday, January 30, 2016. If you worked at Lejac Indian Residential School and you think possibly your children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews would be interested in participating in this discussion, contact Caroline by phone at 613-986-2276 or by email for further information.


Office of Evangelization and Catechesis


All are welcome to…Come and Rest (Mt 11:28):  The Office of Evangelization and Catechesis (OEC) in cooperation with Christ Our Saviour Parish is hosting a series of Sabbath Day Encounters with Jesus.  These are gatherings where we will welcome Him in prayer, adoration, teaching, and fellowship.  Each session begins with coffee and fellowship in the basement of Christ Our Saviour in Prince George.  A presentation will follow for the various generations (adult, teens, and children).  Child care will also be provided.

The topic for these sessions will be:  PRAYING WITH THE HEART OF JESUS, an ongoing series where we will explore the riches of the Heart of Jesus and it’s connection to the Year of Mercy.  After the teaching time, we will have a potluck dinner (bring a dish to share) followed by an evening of Adoration and Worship before the Blessed Sacrament.   These days will take place on the Sundays of Jan 24, Feb 21, March 20, April 17, May 15,  3:00 – 7:30 pm.  For more info. call Tracy at 250-640-0251 or email her at

 “Jesus, let me enter Your Heart as I would a school.”                         St Margaret Mary


 Young Adults

Faith studies

Have you made any resolutions for 2016? How about growing in your spiritual strength and knowledge?

Starting this January, we will be offering 3 different faith studies to all young adults ages 18-30. These small group faith studies explore the basics of the Catholic Christian faith. Regardless of your faith background or where you are at, we invite you to join us. Bring your questions! These 6-week studies meet for just 1 hour each week at a location and time that works for you.

  • Discovery
  • Growth
  • Commissioning