Wednesday Weekly – 12Nov14

Wednesday Weekly – November 12, 2014 Print Version


1.     Official Receipts For Income Tax Purposes

It will soon be time to send out official donation receipts to donors and parents. For information on what details must appear on a charitable donation receipt please see the CRA website at:

Please note the CRA website address that must appear on the receipt has changed. The correct address is: If parishes have any questions about updating this information in Parish Friendly, please contact Jennifer Foster at (250)564-5225. Any other questions about receipts can be directed to Lynn Monteith.


2.     Parish Friendly Version 7

All Parishes should have received the attached brochure from Sitescapers regarding the Parish Friendly Version 7 upgrade. Parishes are requested to order the upgrade prior December 31st, 2014 at a cost of $349.00 plus GST. Any parishes still using Versions 3, 4 or 5, are also requested to order Version 7 prior to December 31st. For these parishes, the Diocese will refund to the parish the difference between the new license and upgrade cost ($899.00 less $349.00) if it is ordered prior to December 31st. To receive the refund, a copy of the receipt is to be forwarded to Lynn Monteith. Any questions regarding installing Version 7 are to be directed to Jennifer Foster at Sacred Heart Cathedral (250)564-5225 or Thank you.

 Parish Friendly Brochure


3.     Day of Prayer in Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples

Please find attached the 2014 Message for the Day of Prayer in Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples. This day of prayer is celebrated on December 12, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas. This year and next, in the context of the pastoral challenges for the family and its needs and role in evangelization, the members of the Canadian Catholic Aboriginal Council wish to honour elders who helped them develop their own faith. Parishes are asked to share this message with parishioners.

 2014 National Day of Prayer message


4.     Annual Diocesan Appeal Update

Parishes are kindly reminded to ensure all Appeal pledge cards are submitted to the Diocesan Accounting Office so they have the most up to date information before the second mailing. Thank you!

20141112 Appeal Update