Wednesday Weekly – 11Mar15

Wednesday Weekly March 11, 2015 Print Version

1.     Personnel Changes

Bishop Stephen Jensen announces the following priest moves:

Robert Smith, OMI is appointed Administrator of St. Mary’s Parish in Prince George, effective March 11, 2015.

Piotr Dudek, OMI, formerly Pastor of St. Mary’s will move to Ottawa this week.

On behalf of the Diocese, I offer many thanks to Fr. Dudek for his service in the parish and a warm welcome to Fr. Smith.


2.    40 Days for Life


Prince George parishes are requested to use the following updated announcement in bulletins the weekends of March 15th and 22nd:


The Prince George 40 Days for Life Campaign commenced on Ash Wednesday, February 18th and will conclude on Palm Sunday, March 29th. We are still in need of volunteers to join our focused pro-life effort consisting of prayer and fasting to end abortion with a peaceful vigil outside UHNBC. Please consider volunteering any day during the campaign from 7 am to 7 pm to pray and witness along 15th Avenue. To sign up for the vigil or for more information, please email or Tony Donovan at or phone Lucy Quickfall at 250-962-7454 between 6:30 am and 10:00 pm.



3.    Bursary

Please place the attached ad or the following notice in parish bulletins:


The Sisters of St. Ann are offering a Bursary named in honour of their foundress, Blessed Marie Anne Blondin. This bursary offers assistance to women seeking education in theological and ministry studies that promote justice, peace, integrity of creation, healing, holistic living and a healthy life style. Priority will be given to a candidate from BC, the Yukon or the Northwest Territories. Preference will be given to a candidate on limited income and who sees the educational opportunity as a means of employment training or personal growth. For an application form, please contact or 250-592-3133. Deadline: April 2015. Further information about the Sisters of St. Ann is available on their website at



4.     Give Us Time


A new website, has been created by the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition of B.C. in response to the recent ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada on assisted suicide and euthanasia. When the Supreme Court struck down Canada’s assisted suicide law, it gave Parliament one year to replace it. One year is not enough time to draft effective legislation especially in an election year. The GIVE US TIME postcard campaign urges the Federal government to invoke the Notwithstanding Clause to give Parliament more than one year. Please refer to the website for further information and add your voice to this important cause.


5.     National Mission – VisionTV


Please post the attached poster and place the following notice in parish bulletins until March 29th:

The National Catholic Mission 2015, “Beware the Holy Spirit!” will be broadcast on VISIONTV on Monday, March 30 (Pt. 1) and Tuesday, March 31 (Pt 2) at 3 pm and repeated at 7 pm. It will be hosted by Fr. Pat Fitzpatrick and feature Spiritan Fr. Anthony Gittins. This year’s Mission looks at when and where God speaks to us in our daily lives and how we, as an institution and as individuals, can ignore that voice at our peril. In Program Two, the afternoon of life is looked at and why it burdens some people and brings freedom and joy to others.

 Mission 2015


6.     CNEWA – Syria

Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) Canada is collecting funds to assist Assyrian Christian communities in Syria where there have been recent abductions and displacements. They are urging the general public to renew their aid to displaced persons and refugees, victims of the war raging in this country. The Christian community is increasingly threatened by extremist groups that have taken advantage of the current political instability to prey on the most vulnerable. Anyone wishing to support the Assyrian Christians can make a donation to CNEWA Canada by mailing a cheque (payable to “Emergency Syria”) to CNEWA Canada, 1247 Kilborn Place, Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 6K9, visiting or calling toll free 1-866 322-4441. Please see the attached press release for further details.

CNEWA Press Release