Wednesday Weekly – 10Sep14

Wednesday Weekly September 10, 2014 Print Version


1.     Diocesan Annual Appeal

The 2014-15 Diocesan Annual Appeal begins this weekend. If your parish has not received an Appeals package, please contact Esperanza Vezina at the Diocese. Further instructions regarding the Appeal are provided in the attachment “Annual Diocesan Appeal Cover”. Please refer to these instructions on how to use the attached Appeal Kick Off Letter and Appeal Manual. Parish goals will be forwarded from the Finance Office on Thursday so it can be included with your presentation.

 Annual Diocesan Appeal Cover

Appeal Kick Off Talk

Appeal Manual 2014

Appeal Goals 2014-2015


2.     Office of Evangelization and Catechesis Announcements

Please refer to the attachment from the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis with two bulletin announcements. The first is an update on the Diocesan Assembly (you can choose from a long or short version). The second is information on a Special Training Session for Catechists and Home School Parents being offered on October 4th. Parishes are asked to place these announcements in their bulletins this weekend.

Diocesan Assembly Bulletin Announcements


3.     Youth and Young Adult Update

 Youth Event:

Announcing: The first…

A Retreat for High School Teens & Young People in cooperation with the Diocesan Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry

What is SEARCH?

SEARCH is a peer to peer ministry! There are opportunities to meet new friends who are also trying to follow the way of Jesus in today’s world. SEARCH follows the call of Jesus to the first disciples.  “Come after me and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19)

 Who is SEARCH For?

YOUNG PEOPLE (from age 15 to early university) and who are interested in experiencing the Catholic faith in a dynamic way.  Youth of all faiths are welcomed. It is a Catholic weekend open to all religious denominations.

 Why are SEARCH Weekends held?

To help youth enter into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. To develop a fuller understanding of God and His Church. To encourage young people to assume an active role in the Church.

 When & Where is the SEARCH Weekend held?

October 17-19, 2014

Diocese of Prince George Pastoral Centre 6500 Southridge Ave, Prince George

SEARCH begins at 7:00 p.m. on Friday and ends with Mass on Sunday at 1:30 p.m.

How do I sign up for a SEARCH Weekend?

For registration forms or more info email:

 What is the Cost of a SEARCH Weekend?  $40.00

Young Adult:

  • Young Adult Fall Retreat & Summit September 27th: Focused on Pope Francis’ call in ‘Being Missionary Disciples’, this will be the first young adult fall retreat in Prince George! Open to all ages 18-35, the day will feature talks, praise & worship, an afternoon hike and will culminate with the first SUMMIT of the school year. $10 gets you breakfast, lunch, dinner and soul food (priceless!). RSVP to Eunice at if you are interested in coming out. You won’t want to miss this!
  •  RISE UP: HURRY! The early-bird deadline for RISE UP is September 15. This dynamic conference put on by Catholic Christian Outreach December 28-January 1 is by far one of the most inspiring young adult conferences of the year. This year, Calgary will be hosting the conference and we hope to have a bus leaving Prince George. Head to for more details. Contact Eunice if you have any questions.
  •  Faith studies: It’s starting up again! Our 6-week faith studies were a tremendous success last year. This year, we will be offering not one but TWO faith studies (Discovery for those starting out and Source for those who have already taken Discovery). Email Eunice if you are interested in either! Studies will start late September.


4.     Development and Peace Fall Campaign Retreat

Parishes are asked to post the attached Development and Peace Fall Campaign Retreat Schedule and place the following information in bulletins:

Parishioners are invited the Development and Peace Fall Campaign Weekend on September 26-27th. It will be held at the Domano Renewal Centre in Prince George at Emmaus House. Anyone is welcome to attend the whole weekend or either day – please see the schedule posted in your parish. It will be an opportunity to learn more about Development and Peace, meet other members from the Diocese, and learn about our upcoming Fall Campaign “Sow Much Love” with a focus on supporting small scale farther and their rights to seeds.

Development and Peace Fall Campaign Retreat


5.     A Catholic Perspective on Health Decisions

The Supreme Court of Canada is set to hear the appeal of the Carter Case decisions that have been made in BC over the past two years. Deliberations will start in mid-October. There is a very real possibility that a decision could be made to change our laws in Canada regarding the legality of assisted suicide. The Catholic Health Alliance of Canada’s Governing Council commissioned the attached publication entitled A Catholic Perspective on Health Decisions and Care at the End of Life to help the faithful understand issues about care and decision-making at the end of life. Please share it with your parishioners and pray for the Supreme Court to make a right decision. A copy of the document is also available on the Diocesan website.

A Catholic Perspective on Health Decisions and Care at the End of Life