Wednesday Weekly – 29Oct14
Wednesday Weekly, October 29th, 2014 Print Version
1. Norms for Extraordinary Ministers
On September 30, 2014 Bishop Jensen issued a decree which defined the functions of the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion within Mass and for Communion to the Sick. The Norms are to become effective November 30, 2014. A copy of the Decree and the Norms are attached. Parishes are asked to provide a copy of the Norms to their ministers of Communion. The information is also available on the diocese website.
Norms for Extraordinary Ministers Decree
Norms for Extraordinary Ministers of Communion September 2014
2. Employment Opportunity – Domano Renewal Centre
Please place the following job opportunity in parish bulletins:
The Domano Renewal Centre is seeking a part-time Secretary/Receptionist. This role requires a person comfortable with change, the ability to multi-task and interact well with clients and guests. Proficient computer skills are required in Microsoft Office (Outlook, Excel, Word & Publisher). Areas of responsibility include receptionist/secretary, bookkeeping, scheduling and group bookings. The position is for 4 hours per day, 5 days a week with some flexibility for evenings and weekends. Expected start date is November 24th. For more information and to apply, contact Sr. Irene Baker, 250-964-4475 or email:
3. November At A Glance
The Domano Renewal Centre has some exciting new sessions/workshops this month!
• 3 part DVD series of Fr. Ron Rolheiser: The Many Faces of Fear: Exploring the Roots of Religious Fear
• Constructing Skill and Strategies to Create Hopeful Changes: Supporting Children and Youth Who Live with Anxiety facilitated by Rev. John Garden, MEd (Counselling) and Ms. Annie Kearns, MEd (Counselling)
• Living as Missionary Disciples – How can we live more fully the call of Pope Francis to live as Missionary Disciples of Jesus today? With Fr. Jack Michalchuk and John Connelly
• Men’s Retreat – Archbishop Emeritus Sylvain Lavoie, OMI will lead a weekend retreat on Negotiating the Male Journey.
More information on these and other programs being offered this month can be found in the attached November at a Glance!
4. Sacramental Online Prep Training
Please post the attached poster and place the following information in parish bulletins. Parish offices will be sent the webinar registration links by email so that it can be forwarded to interested participants.
Two ONLINE TRAINING opportunities for our new Diocesan Sacramental Preparation program GOD’S GIFT for First Reconciliation and First Communion will be offered on Thursday, November 6th @ 6:30 pm and Saturday, November 8th at 10:00 am. Kathleen Suzuki from Loyola Press will guide leaders through an hour and a half session via the internet. The webinar can be viewed as a group, or in the privacy of your own home. Priests, catechists and helpers, please mark your calendars for one of these workshops, and grow in your ability to facilitate this program. Contact your parish office to receive the webinar link by email.
Online Sacramental Preparation program poster
5. Annual Diocesan Appeal Update
Wednesday Weekly – 22Oct14
Wednesday Weekly October 22, 2014 Print Version
1. New Deans Appointed
The Church’s Code of Canon law states that each diocese is to be divided into distinct parts to foster pastoral care by means of common action. Several parishes joined together constitute a vicariate forane, commonly known as a Deanery (canon 374).
On September 30, 2014 Bishop Jensen established the four regions of the diocese as Deaneries and appointed the following priests as Deans:
Western Deanery: Rev. Terence Brock
Midwestern Deanery: Rev. Pier Pandolfo
Central Deanery: Rev. Christopher Lynch
Northern Deanery: Rev. Venerando Sabacan
A copy of the decree is can be found by clicking: Deanery Decree
2. Men’s Retreat – Negotiating the Male Journey, Nov 21-23
Please place the following notice in parish bulletins:
Men, mark your calendars for the upcoming retreat with Archbishop Emeritus Sylvain Lavoie, OMI to be held November 21-23rd at the Domano Renewal Centre. Topics covered include Men at Prayer, Men Fully Alive, Living a Holistic Spirituality, Doing Soul Work, and Reconciliation & Moving Forward. The retreat will offer quiet time for prayer and reflection as well as one-on-one sharing, fellowship and relaxation. Participants can expect to come away renewed, with the greater ability to be fully alive in our society and Church today. For further information and to register, contact the Domano Renewal Centre at 250-964-4475 or at
3. Retirement – Jo-Anne Allison
After over nine years of dedicated service, Jo-Anne Allison has resigned her position as archivist of the diocese, effective Friday, October 24. We thank Jo-Anne for her presence and service in the curia and wish her well in her retirement.
4. CIS Employment Opportunities – Notre Dame School
Notre Dame School in Dawson Creek has two Limited Duration Full-time teaching positions (Grade 2 & Grade 4) available. The positions are available immediately and will remain open until filled. Please see the attached ads for further information.
LD 1 0 FTE Grade 2 Teacher Oct-14
LD 1 0 FTE Grade 4 Teacher Oct-14
5. Employment Opportunity – Music Director, St. Mary’s Parish, Prince George
Please post the attached job opportunity in parish bulletins. The deadline for applying is November 12, 2014. See the ad for further information.
Music Director St Marys Parish
6. Life Giving Love
The Catholic Organization for Life and Family (COLF), with the support of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, has launched a National Campaign in Favour of Palliative and Home Care, and Against Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide. This campaign of education and action, which is structured around the theme “Life-Giving Love”, is also a response to Pope Francis’ urgent call: “In imitation of our Master, we Christians are called to confront the poverty of our brothers and sisters, to touch it, to make it our own and to take practical steps to alleviate it”. Please read the attached pamphlet for further information or view the campaign website at:
7. Assisted Suicide and the Supreme Court of Canada
The appeal of the Carter Case decision commenced in Ottawa at the Supreme Court of Canada this past week. The Catholic Health Alliance of Canada and the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition have intervenor status in the appeal and will be presenting intelligent and persuasive arguments for leaving our laws as they are on this issue. Attached is flyer created by CHABC giving a timeline of events in Canada over the past two decades and asking the faithful to pray that the Supreme Court judges make a just decision for all Canadians on this issue. In addition, a copy of an open letter to all Canadians from a group of physicians who oppose any change to our existing laws is attached. Parishes are asked to share this information with parishioners. The information is also available on the diocese website by clicking here.
CHABC flyer on assisted suicide
An Open Letter to Canadians on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
8. Annual Diocesan Appeal Update
9. Sacramental Online Prep Training
Please post the following information in parish bulletins:
Two ONLINE TRAINING opportunities for our new Diocesan Sacramental Preparation program GOD’S GIFT for First Reconciliation and First Communion will be offered on Thursday Nov 6th @ 6:30 pm and Saturday Nov 8th at 10 am. Kathleen Suzuki from Loyola Press will guide leaders through an hour and a half session via the internet. The webinar can be viewed as a group in your local parish, or in the privacy of your own home. Priests, catechists and helpers, please mark your calendars for one of these workshops, and grow in your ability to facilitate this program. Registration details will be provided next week.
Wednesday Weekly – 15Oct14
Wednesday Weekly October 15, 2014 Print Version
1. Vocation Live-In for Men
Please place the following notice in parish bulletins:
The next Vocation “Live-in” for Men at the Seminary of Christ the King, Mission, BC will take place November 14-16, 2014. A Vocation Live-In is an opportunity for young men ages Grade 10 and up to meet other young men interested in the priesthood or consecrated life. During the weekend there are times for community prayer, daily Mass and rosary, sports, discussion groups, and a tour of the seminary. For more information, call Fr. Terry Brock, Vocations Director at 250-635-2313.
2. Vocation Live-In Retreat for Women
Please place the following notice in parish bulletins:
The Sisters of the Child Jesus, North Vancouver, are holding a silent Live-In Retreat for women interested in discerning a call to Religious Life from 7:00 pm Friday, November 7, 2014 to 3:30 pm Sunday, November 9, 2014. For further information or to register contact Sister Denece at (604) 985-4872 ( or Sister Linda at (604) 936-2875 (
3. Monthly Day of Adoration – November
Please place the following information in parish bulletins in the Central Region:
Emmanuel Hermitage invites you to a Personal Date with Jesus on Tuesday, November 11 in the Domano Chapel (at the Domano Renewal Centre, 6500 Southridge Ave.). Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. and the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for a day of silent prayer and adoration. We will pray especially for the people and needs of our Diocese, the universal Church, and the world. In particular we will pray for the protection of all human life, for vocations, and for the intentions of those participating in the day. Please mark your calendar on the second Tuesday of the month for Personal Date with Jesus days.
4. Annual Diocesan Appeal Update
Wednesday Weekly – 8Oct14
Wednesday Weekly October 10, 2014 Print Version
1. Diocesan Assembly
Thank you to all who attended the events offered during the Diocesan Assembly. Feedback was very positive and responses will be reviewed for ways to improve the next event. If anyone missed filling out the evaluation form or has further suggestions, please contact John Connelly at or Fr. Jack Michalchuk at Alive in Christ materials can be ordered from Teresa Phillippe at 250-964-4424 extension 242 or Travel expenses for parish and schools will be cost shared. The travel expense summary form is attached. Please submit all receipts to Teresa by Friday, October 17th.
Assembly travel expense claim form
2. Our Lady of the Snows – Sr. Divinia Pedro, CSJ
Bishop Jensen is pleased to announce Sr. Divinia Pedro, CSJ has returned to the Fort St. James area. She joins Fr. Frank Salmon, OMI, Sr. Maurine Barzantni, OP and Sr. Renee Richie, OP in providing local ministry. Sr. Divinia can be reached through Our Lady of the Snows Parish office or by email at Welcome back, Sr. Divinia!
3. Office of Evangelization & Catechesis – Norman Hebert
We would like to introduce Norman Hebert as Project Manager for the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis. His role will be to support the Office in their continued growth and expansion of ministries, conferences, and outreaches being planned in the Diocese. Norman has previous managerial experience in the corporate world as well as being the director of a large Catholic boys camp in Alberta. Many have seen him at work during the Diocesan Assembly. Welcome to the Diocesan team, Norman!
4. Development & Peace – Humanitarian Aid, Reconstruction and Development Program in Haiti
On January 12, 2010, Haiti was struck by a devastating earthquake causing over 200,000 deaths and leaving 2.3 million displaced and homeless. In response, Development and Peace, with the full support of the Canadian bishops, launched an appeal for donations for relief efforts amongst its members, the faithful and the general public. Through this appeal, $21.5 million was donated and an additional $7.5 million was received in funding from the Canadian International Development Agency. A written report on Development & Peace’s work in Haiti since the earthquake is now available on its website: In addition, a video on its activities in the country can be viewed at:
5. Symposium: The Global Cry of the People: Mining Extraction and Justice
Please put the following notice in parish bulletins:
OMI Lacombe Canada’s Office of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation in partnership with Saint Paul University is pleased to invite parishioners to a Symposium on “The Global Cry of the People: Mining Extraction and Justice” being held November 7-8, 2014 at Saint Paul University, Ottawa, ON. The Symposium will try to create a space for Church, civil society and politicians to share information and learn first-hand about mining justice issues. It has no registration fee. For further information and register, please see the following link: en
6. Annual Diocesan Appeal Update
Wednesday Weekly – 1Oct14
Wednesday Weekly October 1, 2014 Print Version
1. Michael Van Adrichem
We pray for the repose of the soul of Michael van Adrichem, who passed away in Prince George on Sunday, September 28th at 90 years of age. Mike served as the first superintendent of Catholic Independent Schools Diocese of Prince George. He also spent many years as a member and Chair of the Federation of Independent Schools Association (FISA) where he was instrumental in helping to obtain partial government funding for Catholic Schools in BC. For his contributions to Catholic education and the Church, he received the “Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice” medal from Pope John Paul II, the highest medal that can be awarded to the laity. A prayer service will be held on Friday, October 3rd at 7 pm at Sacred Heart Cathedral and the Funeral Mass will take place on Saturday, October 4th at 11 am at Sacred Heart Cathedral.
2. Domano Renewal Centre – October Programs
Please post the attached flyer and put the following notice in parish bulletins:
The new month brings new programs at the Domano Renewal Centre. Take some time out before the busyness of the Christmas Season…the Women’s Retreat is scheduled for October 24-26 – this weekend retreat will leave you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed for the coming months! For information on more exciting programs, please see the attached At a Glance newsletter with details of our upcoming October programs. If you have any questions regarding our programs or to register for a program, please contact us by email at or by phone 250-964-4475.
3. WCB 3rd Quarter Report – Deadline October 10th, 2014
Parishes and Schools are asked to report to Diocesan Payroll Services any WorkSafeBC (WCB) payments for the second quarter July 1st, 2014 to September 30th, 2014. Payments include those made to individuals (including replacement ministry personnel) and to contractors who are not registered with WCB. If you have not done so already, also report your first & second quarter payments for the period January 1, 2014 to July 31st, 2014. Deadline: Tuesday, October 14th. Thank you.
4. Catch the Fire
Please put the following notice in parish bulletins in the Central region:
All women are invited to attend a “Catch the Fire” presentation – Saturday November 15, 2014 at Christ Our Saviour Parish, Prince George. The Catholic Women’s League will host an information session following 9:00 am Mass until 3:30 pm. The session includes information, contemplation and friendship while finding out more about the CWL. Come out for a day of discovery! Lunch will be provided at noon. Please RSVP to Secretary, Norma Dauvin by email: or by phone: 250-962-1512.
5. Rachel’s Vineyard
Please put the following notice in parish bulletins:
The Diocese of Kamloops will be holding their next Rachel’s Vineyard retreat Wednesday, October 29 to Friday, October 31 at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Shrine and Retreat Centre in Cache Creek. Rachel’s Vineyard retreats are designed to bring healing for those who have undergone an abortion. This program is endorsed by the Catholic Church and those who participate find a renewed faith and peace. To register and for more information, contact Healing After Abortion: Phone 250-267-5081; email; website: All inquiries are held in strictest confidentiality.
6. Annual Diocesan Appeal Update
Wednesday Weekly – 24Sep14
Wednesday Weekly – September 24, 2014 Print Version
1. Diocesan Assembly
Parishes are asked to continue to publish the attached Diocesan Assembly announcements. The location of the Special Training Session for Catechists and Home School Parents scheduled for October 4th has been changed to Immaculate Conception Parish. Please refer to the attached sheet and update your bulletins. Thank you!
Diocesan Assembly Bulletin Announcements
2. Ordo
The Office of the Bishop will be ordering the Ordo for parishes and diocesan ministries. Listed below is the number of copies each parish or ministry ordered last year. If there are any changes to your order, please contact Lisa Weber before October 3rd, 2014. Thank you.
Burns Lake – 1 Chancery – 1
Chetwynd/Tumbler – 3 Office of Evangelization & Catechesis – 4
Dawson Creek – 4 Fr. Andy – 1 (add to St. Mary’s, Prince George order)
Fort St. James – 1 Sr. Maria – 1
Fort St. John – 6 Sr. Gerarda Slanina – 1 (add to Sacred Heart Cathedral’s order)
Fraser Lake – 1 Dominican Sisters – PG – 1
Houston – 2 Dominican Sisters – FSJ – 1
Kitimat – 2 Domano Renewal Centre – 2
Mackenzie – 1
McBride – 2
New Hazelton – 2
PG, Cathedral – 5
PG, Christ Our Savior – 4
PG, Imm. Conception – 3
PG, St. Mary’s – 6
Prince Rupert – 3
Smithers – 5
St. Theresa’s Missions – 1
Terrace – 4
Vanderhoof – 1
3. Diocesan Annual Appeal News
An Appeal financial update and message from Fr. Richard is attached. Appeal Tip: Parish offices can process online donations for parishioners by using the CanadaHelps link located on the diocese website. Click the “Donate Now through CanadaHelps” button and follow the steps. A credit card number and email address are required. The donor may need to be reminded that CanadaHelps produces the income tax receipt, not the Appeal office.
4. Religious Education Trust
The Religious Education Trust provides funding to support and encourage initiatives for religious education in our diocese. The closing date for submission of applications for the next distribution of funds is October 20th, 2014. A copy of the Application Form is attached. Forms can be sent to Lynn Monteith via email: or fax: (250)964-2101 or mailed to the Diocese address: 6500 Southridge Avenue, Prince George, BC , V2N 5P9.
5. Remembering Our Angels – Memorial Park Cemetery
Please place the following information in parish bulletins in the Central Region until the weekend of October 12th:
Memorial Park Cemetery is hosting an event to commemorate World Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day on October 15th, 2014 at 7 pm. Persons wishing to remember a lost infant can join us for a candle lighting ceremony. The event will begin at the Cemetery Administration Office with a procession to the Children’s Garden. Contact Cemetery Administration for more information at 250-562-4661.
Wednesday Weekly – 17Sep14
Wednesday Weekly, September 17, 2014 Print Version
1. Diocesan Annual Appeal
The 2014-15 Appeal is underway! The week of September 20/21 is an Educational Weekend. Parishes are asked to refer to the Appeal Manual for further information. A report on goals and pledges will be included with next week’s Wednesday Weekly. Thank you for your support.
2. Diocesan Assembly Special Event: An Encounter with Jesus
Parishes are asked to continue to publish the Diocesan Assembly announcements circulated with last week’s Wednesday Weekly. In addition, please add the following announcement:
An Encounter with Jesus: Deacon Ralph Poyo, the keynote speaker for the Diocesan Assembly, will host an evening of inspiration and adoration on Thursday, October 2nd at 7:30 pm, at the Diocese of Prince George Pastoral Centre, 6500 Southridge Avenue. The night will feature awesome praise and worship by our young adult community and a talk by Deacon Ralph. The event is free and open to all parishioners, though youth and young adults are especially encouraged to participate. Please come and join in this inspiring session of the Assembly!
3. Youth and Young Adult Update
Youth Event:
PRINCE GEORGE SEARCH 2014: A Retreat for High School Teens & Young People in cooperation with the Diocesan Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry
What is SEARCH?
SEARCH is a peer to peer ministry! There are opportunities to meet new friends who are also trying to follow the way of Jesus in today’s world. SEARCH follows the call of Jesus to the first disciples. “Come after me and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19)
Who is SEARCH For?
YOUNG PEOPLE (from age 15 to early university) who are interested in experiencing the Catholic faith in a dynamic way. Youth of all faiths are welcomed. It is a Catholic weekend open to all religious denominations.
Why are SEARCH Weekends held?
To help youth enter into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. To develop a fuller understanding of God and His Church. To encourage young people to assume an active role in the Church.
When & Where is the SEARCH Weekend held?
October 17-19, 2014
Diocese of Prince George Pastoral Centre 6500 Southridge Ave, Prince George
SEARCH begins at 7:00 p.m. on Friday and ends with Mass on Sunday at 1:30 p.m.
How do I sign up for a SEARCH Weekend?
For registration forms and more information
What is the Cost of a SEARCH Weekend? $40.00
Young Adult:
- Young Adult Fall Retreat & Summit September 27th: Focused on Pope Francis’ call in ‘Being Missionary Disciples’, this will be the first young adult fall retreat in Prince George! Open to all ages 18-35, the day will feature talks, praise & worship, an afternoon hike and will culminate with the first SUMMIT of the school year. $10 gets you breakfast, lunch, dinner and soul food (priceless!). RSVP to Eunice at if you are interested in coming out. You won’t want to miss this!
- RISE UP: HURRY! The early-bird deadline for RISE UP is September 15. This dynamic conference put on by Catholic Christian Outreach December 28-January 1 is by far one of the most inspiring young adult conferences of the year. This year, Calgary will be hosting the conference and we hope to have a bus leaving Prince George. Head to for more details. Contact Eunice if you have any questions.
- Faith studies: It’s starting up again! Our 6-week faith studies were a tremendous success last year. This year, we will be offering not one but TWO faith studies (Discovery for those starting out and Source for those who have already taken Discovery). Email Eunice if you are interested in either! Studies will start late September.
4. Monthly Day of Adoration – October
Please place the following information in parish bulletins in the Central Region:
Emmanuel Hermitage invites you to a Personal Date with Jesus on Tuesday, October 14 in the Domano Chapel (at the Domano Renewal Centre, 6500 Southridge Ave.). Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. and the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for a day of silent prayer and adoration. We will pray especially for the people and needs of our Diocese, the universal Church, and the world. In particular we will pray for the protection of all human life, for vocations, and for the intentions of those participating in the day. Please mark your calendar on the second Tuesday of the month for Personal Date with Jesus days.
5. Advent Candles
The Domano Renewal Centre has an extra set of slightly used large pillar Advent candles (3 purple, 1 pink) that would be appropriate for a church or larger space. Please contact the Domano Renewal Centre at 250-964-4475 if you are interested. The set can be picked up during the Diocesan Assembly, if necessary.
6. Collection for the Needs of the Church in Canada
Please find attached a document regarding the Collection for the Needs of the Church in Canada on September 27/28, 2014 from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. It provides suggested bulletin announcements and Prayers of the Faithful, one for this upcoming weekend and one for the following weekend. Please insert the bulletin announcements in parish bulletins. Thank you.
Collection for the Needs of the Church in Canada
7. Prayer for the Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops
The Holy Father has declared the whole Church is to pray on Sunday, September 28, for the III Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the pastoral challenges of the family in the context of evangelization, which begins on Sunday, October 5. Attached is a guide from the General Secretary of the Synod which includes the prayer for the Synod written by Pope Francis, along with suggestions for prayers of the faithful. All the faithful, especially families, are invited to join in these prayers.
8. French Lectionary
The French Sector Commission for Liturgy and the Sacraments advise that the revised European edition of the French-language Lectionary now on sale is not approved for use in Canada. The Bishops of the French Sector have agreed the revised Lectionary for Canada should incorporate inclusive language. This new Canadian edition of the French-language Lectionary is expected to be available in about a year, following the recognitio of the Holy See. Further information about the approved lectionary will be posted on the CCCB website.
Wednesday Weekly – 10Sep14
Wednesday Weekly September 10, 2014 Print Version
1. Diocesan Annual Appeal
The 2014-15 Diocesan Annual Appeal begins this weekend. If your parish has not received an Appeals package, please contact Esperanza Vezina at the Diocese. Further instructions regarding the Appeal are provided in the attachment “Annual Diocesan Appeal Cover”. Please refer to these instructions on how to use the attached Appeal Kick Off Letter and Appeal Manual. Parish goals will be forwarded from the Finance Office on Thursday so it can be included with your presentation.
2. Office of Evangelization and Catechesis Announcements
Please refer to the attachment from the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis with two bulletin announcements. The first is an update on the Diocesan Assembly (you can choose from a long or short version). The second is information on a Special Training Session for Catechists and Home School Parents being offered on October 4th. Parishes are asked to place these announcements in their bulletins this weekend.
Diocesan Assembly Bulletin Announcements
3. Youth and Young Adult Update
Youth Event:
Announcing: The first…
A Retreat for High School Teens & Young People in cooperation with the Diocesan Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry
What is SEARCH?
SEARCH is a peer to peer ministry! There are opportunities to meet new friends who are also trying to follow the way of Jesus in today’s world. SEARCH follows the call of Jesus to the first disciples. “Come after me and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19)
Who is SEARCH For?
YOUNG PEOPLE (from age 15 to early university) and who are interested in experiencing the Catholic faith in a dynamic way. Youth of all faiths are welcomed. It is a Catholic weekend open to all religious denominations.
Why are SEARCH Weekends held?
To help youth enter into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. To develop a fuller understanding of God and His Church. To encourage young people to assume an active role in the Church.
When & Where is the SEARCH Weekend held?
October 17-19, 2014
Diocese of Prince George Pastoral Centre 6500 Southridge Ave, Prince George
SEARCH begins at 7:00 p.m. on Friday and ends with Mass on Sunday at 1:30 p.m.
How do I sign up for a SEARCH Weekend?
For registration forms or more info email:
What is the Cost of a SEARCH Weekend? $40.00
Young Adult:
- Young Adult Fall Retreat & Summit September 27th: Focused on Pope Francis’ call in ‘Being Missionary Disciples’, this will be the first young adult fall retreat in Prince George! Open to all ages 18-35, the day will feature talks, praise & worship, an afternoon hike and will culminate with the first SUMMIT of the school year. $10 gets you breakfast, lunch, dinner and soul food (priceless!). RSVP to Eunice at if you are interested in coming out. You won’t want to miss this!
- RISE UP: HURRY! The early-bird deadline for RISE UP is September 15. This dynamic conference put on by Catholic Christian Outreach December 28-January 1 is by far one of the most inspiring young adult conferences of the year. This year, Calgary will be hosting the conference and we hope to have a bus leaving Prince George. Head to for more details. Contact Eunice if you have any questions.
- Faith studies: It’s starting up again! Our 6-week faith studies were a tremendous success last year. This year, we will be offering not one but TWO faith studies (Discovery for those starting out and Source for those who have already taken Discovery). Email Eunice if you are interested in either! Studies will start late September.
4. Development and Peace Fall Campaign Retreat
Parishes are asked to post the attached Development and Peace Fall Campaign Retreat Schedule and place the following information in bulletins:
Parishioners are invited the Development and Peace Fall Campaign Weekend on September 26-27th. It will be held at the Domano Renewal Centre in Prince George at Emmaus House. Anyone is welcome to attend the whole weekend or either day – please see the schedule posted in your parish. It will be an opportunity to learn more about Development and Peace, meet other members from the Diocese, and learn about our upcoming Fall Campaign “Sow Much Love” with a focus on supporting small scale farther and their rights to seeds.
Development and Peace Fall Campaign Retreat
5. A Catholic Perspective on Health Decisions
The Supreme Court of Canada is set to hear the appeal of the Carter Case decisions that have been made in BC over the past two years. Deliberations will start in mid-October. There is a very real possibility that a decision could be made to change our laws in Canada regarding the legality of assisted suicide. The Catholic Health Alliance of Canada’s Governing Council commissioned the attached publication entitled A Catholic Perspective on Health Decisions and Care at the End of Life to help the faithful understand issues about care and decision-making at the end of life. Please share it with your parishioners and pray for the Supreme Court to make a right decision. A copy of the document is also available on the Diocesan website.
A Catholic Perspective on Health Decisions and Care at the End of Life
Wednesday Weekly – 3Sep14
Wednesday Weekly September 9, 2014 Print Version
1. Northern Catholic News/Appeal Materials
The 2014-15 Diocesan Annual Appeal begins the weekend of September 13/14. The Diocesan Annual Appeal dates for 2014 are provided in the attached document. Appeal materials will be distributed to Parishes together with the Northern Catholic News commencing Monday, September 8th. Parishes are asked to please contact Esperanza Vezina, Receptionist at 250-964-4424 in advance to coordinate pick up on or after this date. Any material for parishes outside of Prince George that cannot be picked up will be sent out by Greyhound.
2. Diocese of Prince George Address Change
The Diocese of Prince George mailing address changed effective September 1st. The Bag 7000 address is no longer to be used. The change will incorporate all organizations and departments housed at the Pastoral Centre: including the Chancery, Catholic Independent Schools, and the Domano Renewal Centre. The new address is:
6500 Southridge Avenue, Prince George, BC V2N 5P9
3. Youth and Young Adult Ministry News
We had a wonderful time at IGNITE Alberta with Face2face Ministries this August. Thank you to all who came out and supported our Prince George crew! What a blessing that week was in the lives of both participants and leaders alike. Check with your local parish for upcoming youth events.
Young Adult:
Young Adult Fall Retreat & Summit September 27th (please post the attached poster): Focused on Pope Francis’ call in ‘Being Missionary Disciples’, this will be the first young adult fall retreat in Prince George! Open to all ages 18-35, the day will feature talks, praise & worship, an afternoon hike and will culminate with the first SUMMIT of the school year. $10 gets you breakfast, lunch, dinner and soul food (priceless!). RSVP to Eunice at if you are interested in coming out. You won’t want to miss this!
- RISE UP: HURRY! The early-bird deadline for RISE UP is September 15. This dynamic conference put on by Catholic Christian Outreach December 28-January 1 is by far one of the most inspiring young adult conferences of the year. This year, Calgary will be hosting the conference and we hope to have a bus leaving Prince George. Head to for more details. Contact Eunice if you have any questions.
- Faith studies: It’s starting up again! Our 6-week faith studies were a tremendous success last year. This year, we will be offering not one but TWO faith studies (Discovery for those starting out and Source for those who have already taken Discovery). Email Eunice if you are interested in either! Studies will start late September.
Youth Ministers:
Anyone involved in youth ministry is strongly encouraged to attend the Diocesan Assembly Oct. 1-3 where there will be special youth ministers training offered. For more details, head to
4. Condolences
Arthur James, brother of Fr. Vincent James, passed away Friday, August 29th. As we pray for the repose of his soul, we offer our condolences and prayerful support to Fr. Vince.
5. Message from Fr. Terry Brock, Vocations Director
Some suggestions for promoting Vocations in your parish: The Mass selection for Vocations to Holy Orders can be found in Masses and Prayers for Various Needs and Occasions, page 1245 in the Roman Missal. There is also a Mass selection for Vocations to Religious life on page 1254. Other suggestions to promote vocations are to pray the prayer for vocations at all parish meetings, school Masses, Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and on the first Sunday of the month.
6. Seminary Vocation Live-In for Men, Nov. 14-16, 2014:
Please put the following notice in parish bulletins:
The next Vocation “Live-in” for Men at the Seminary of Christ the King, Mission, BC will take place November 14-16, 2014. A Vocation Live-In is an opportunity for young men ages Grade 10 and up to meet other young men interested in the priesthood or consecrated life. During the weekend there are times for community prayer, daily Mass and rosary, sports, discussion groups, and a tour of the seminary. For more information, call Fr. Terry Brock, Vocations Director at 250-635-2313.
7. CCCB Publications Resources
Attached is the latest flyer from CCCB Publications. Please note the Office of the Bishop will coordinate ordering the ORDO for parishes in the upcoming weeks. The Commission for Christian Unity, Religious Relations with the Jews and Interfaith Dialogue, issued the resource Unitatis Redintegratio to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council’s Decree on Ecumenism. Developed by several Canadian Catholic ecumenists working with Bishop Donald Bolen and the Commission, the document is intended for parishes and discussion groups. It provides introductory information about our Church’s commitment to, and involvement in, ecumenical work following the Second Vatican Council. The electronic version of this new resource will also be available for consultation on the CCCB website. If you are interested in ordering this document or any document from CCCB Publications, please contact Teresa Phillippe at or 250-964-4424 extension 242.
8. Okanagan Live-In
Please place the following notice in parish bulletins during September:
The Okanagan Fall Live-In weekend will be held at Immaculata Regional High School in Kelowna B.C. the weekend of October 24-26, 2014. The Live-In is an experience of God’s love through Jesus and the Live-In faith community. If you would like more information or would like to register, please contact Darlene Heaney at 250-542-8690.