Wednesday Weekly

Wednesday Weekly 23Mar16

Divine Mercy Sunday City-wide Celebration

Bishop  Jensen will celebrate Mass for the Solemnity of the Divine Mercy on Sunday, April 3, 2016 at 3:00 PM at Sacred Heart Cathedral.


12:10 – 3:00 PM    Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
There will be a sign-up sheet provided for each of the city parishes for those who wish to come for adoration.

 2:00 – 3:00 PM   Confession

 3:00 PM                Chaplet of Divine Mercy preceded by a Solemn Mass
Most Rev. Jensen, Main Celebrant

NOTE: The Divine Mercy Sunday Indulgence.  On the 29th of June 2002, the Apostolic Penitentiary of the Holy See promulgated a decree creating new indulgences that may be gained by the faithful in connection with the celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday. This decree grants a plenary indulgence to those who comply with all the conditions established, and a partial indulgence to those who incompletely fulfill the conditions.

To receive the Jubilee Indulgence offered this year, Pope France invites you to take these steps:

  • Make a brief pilgrimage and pass through a Door of Mercy as a sign of your deep desire for true conversion.
  • Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation (up to eight days before or after your pilgrimage).
  • Participate in a celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
  • Offer a prayer (such as an Our Father) for the Pope and his intentions.


Bishop Jensen’s Episcopal Anniversary

April 2 is Most Reverend Jensen’s 3rd Anniversary of his Episcopal Ordination.  This is a diocesan celebration.  Since April 2, 2016 falls on the Octave of Easter, the Solemnity of that day that will be celebrated.

Bishop Jensen will celebrate Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral on that day at 9:00 AM.


Regional Vocational Discernment Gatherings

There will be evenings of vocation discernment for high school students throughout the diocese in April: in Terrace, Burns Lake, Prince George,  and Dawson Creek.

If you are in grade 8-12 you’re invited.

The evening will begin with a pizza dinner, followed by a program that will allow the participants to come to a better understanding of God’s call in their life.

To help us plan for the evenings, please indicate your attendance by contacting one of the sites:

Friday, April 15

Sacred Heart Parish, Terrace                              635.2313

Immaculata Parish, Burns Lake                         692.3568

Vianney House*, Prince George                         964.4424
*adjacent to the Domano Renewal Centre

Friday, April 22

 Notre Dame Parish, Dawson Creek                   782.3456

Pope Francis recently wished young people a “good journey of discernment.” “For each one of us,” he said, the Lord has his vocation, that place He wants us to live our lives.” But, the Pope continued, “we must seek it, find it; and then, continue in it, always going onward.”


Looking for DYNAMIC Catholic Teachers To Teach Passionately AND INSPIRE Others In Our FAITH!

Catholic Independent Schools,  Diocese of Prince George is accepting applications for Continuing and Limited Duration Teacher positions beginning September 2016 . For a complete listing of all teacher postings please go to  Please note that the CIS webpage is updated as positions are filled, and postings are available.


Returning To Spirit (RTS)

See the following website for upcoming RTS Workshops



Holy Saturday: “Where did He Go?”

Who:       Everyone

When:     Saturday,  March  26, 9:00-10:30 AM

Where:    Christ our Savior Parish

Event:     Fr. Basil Burns will be explaining the meaning of Holy Saturday

For more Information, please contact Angelo at (250) 613-3969 or

Youth and Young Adults Events


Registration for the 2016 DYC: The Ascent is now open for all those in grades 7-12! You can register online at It is $40 before APRIL 1 and $60 after April 1. The Diocesan Youth Conference is a packed weekend adventure filled with dynamic talks, workshops, games, adoration, praise and worship, and a coffeehouse featuring artists from across our diocese as part of an evening celebration. This year, our theme is ‘The Ascent’. The Christian journey often feels like a tough climb, but we hope young people will leave ready to take on every mountain. With the help of Face2Face Ministries, we will unpack that which is most central and basic to the Catholic Christian faith.


Wednesday Weekly 16Mar16

  • Annual Diocesan Appeal Weekly Report for March 16, 2016



Reminders from the desk of Lynn Monteith
Payroll – Timesheets are due by March 18, 2016
The deadline for RET applications is April 4, 2016


Divine Mercy Sunday Citywide Celebration

Bishop Stephen Jensen will celebrate Mass for the Solemnity of the Divine Mercy on Sunday, April 3, 2016 at 3:00 PM at Sacred Heart Cathedral. The Divine Mercy Chaplet will be prayed prior to Mass. According to the schedule of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy this day is dedicated to be Jubilee for those who are devoted to the spirituality of Divine Mercy.


Looking for DYNAMIC Catholic Teachers To Teach Passionately AND INSPIRE Others In Our FAITH!

Catholic Independent Schools, Diocese of Prince George is accepting applications for Continuing and Limited Duration Teacher positions beginning September 2016 . For a complete listing of all teacher postings please go to Please note that the CIS webpage is updated as positions are filled, and postings are available.


Returning to Spirit (RTS)

RTS is a charitable organization created in partnership between indigenous and non-indigenous people to address the intergenerational impacts of Residential Schools in Canada. We design and deliver reconciliation workshops that help restore spirit and individual power and shift the conversation from resentment and blame to hope and possibility. We deliver adult-directed workshops and the newly launched YOUTH/YOUNG ADULT–directed RAVENSWORK workshops.

The next workshop will be held”

April 1 – 4, 2016 9:00 am – 5:00 pm daily (Friday to Monday) at Domano Renewal Centre. Contact Janine Luggi to register: 204-889-4579. ext.107 or 1-855-244-3963, ext. 107
The workshop fee is $500.00
You handle your own accommodation, meals and transportation. Parking is free.
Visit the website: Check “Attend A Workshop”

See attached poster, registration and application forms


Come & Rest:

Who:       Everyone is welcome and childcare programs will be provided for ages 2-18!
When:     Sunday March 20, 3:00-7:30 PM
Where:    Christ our Savior Parish in Prince George (4514 Austin Road West)
Event:     We will begin with a coffee and snack social in the parish hall, followed by a talk by Fr. Basil Burns entitled, “What Does Consecration Mean?” then a Q & A period. A pot luck supper will follow. Please bring enough food for your family, and we will have enough for everyone!

For more Information, please contact Angelo at (250) 613-3969 or

Holy Saturday:

Who:       Everyone
When:     Saturday, March 26, 9:00-10:30 AM
Where:    Christ our Savior Parish
Event:     Fr. Basil Burns will be explaining the meaning of Holy Saturday,
“Where did He Go?”

For more Information, please contact Angelo at (250) 613-3969 or


Youth and Young Adults Events



Registration for the 2016 DYC: The Ascent is now open for all those in grades 7-12! You can register online at It is $40 before APRIL 1 and $60 after April 1. The Diocesan Youth Conference is a packed weekend adventure filled with dynamic talks, workshops, games, adoration, praise and worship, and a coffeehouse featuring artists from across our diocese as part of an evening celebration. This year, our theme is ‘The Ascent’. The Christian journey often feels like a tough climb, but we hope young people will leave ready to take on every mountain. With the help of Face2Face Ministries, we will unpack that which is most central and basic to the Catholic Christian faith.

Wednesday Weekly 09Mar16

Annual Diocesan Appeal Weekly Report for 2016-03-09


Chrism Mass 2016

The Mass of Chrism will be celebrated at 7:00 PM on Monday, March 14, 2016 at Sacred Heart Cathedral. In this diocesan celebration the Holy Oils and Chrism used in the Sacraments are blessed and consecrated. The priests will renew their commitment to serve the Church.

A reception will follow. Those attending are asked to bring a plate of snacks to share. Please put on the table in the lower church hall before Mass. Thank you.


Holy Week Mass Times

We would like to publish the Mass times for ALL parishes in the Diocese for Holy Week on the Diocesan webpage.

Please email Teresa at with your Mass times for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday by Tuesday, March 15, 2016. Thank you.

Please note:

The Easter Vigil Mass is not an ordinary Saturday evening Mass. It should begin after dark and be at a different time from the usual Saturday evening Mass hour to show its unique character as the greatest celebration in the Church year. (CDW: Easter, nos. 77-80 and 93)

The entire celebration takes place at night. It does not start before nightfall and must be over before daybreak on Sunday. The celebration of Mass alone without vigil service without the vigil service is forbidden. (Ordo pg. 186)



Divine Mercy Sunday Citywide Celebration

Bishop Stephen Jensen will celebrate Mass for the Solemnity of the Divine Mercy on Sunday, April 3, 2016 at 3:00 PM at Sacred Heart Cathedral. The Divine Mercy Chaplet will be prayed prior to Mass. According to the schedule of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy this day is dedicated to be Jubilee for those who are devoted to the spirituality of Divine Mercy.

For those who are dedicated to the spirituality of Divine Mercy a meeting will be held on Thursday, March 17, 2016 at 7:00 PM at Sacred Heart Cathedral to plan this special celebration.



Looking for DYNAMIC Catholic Teachers To Teach Passionately AND INSPIRE Others In Our FAITH!

Catholic Independent Schools Diocese of Prince George is accepting applications for Continuing and Limited Duration Teacher positions beginning September 2016 . For a complete listing of all teacher postings please go to Please note that the CIS webpage is updated as positions are filled, and postings are available.



 Come & Rest:

Who: Everyone

Where: Christ Our Saviour Parish Prince George. (4514 Austin Road West)

When: March 20, 3:00-7:30 pm

Event: These events encourage a renewed vision, celebrating our Sabbath Rest Day with talks, fellowship, and adoration. Open to all people in the Diocese with childcare available. We are currently exploring the connection between the Year of Mercy and the Heart of Jesus. Please bring enough food for your family and everyone will have plenty.

For more information, please contact Angelo at  or (250) 964-4424 (ext. 230)

Youth and Young Adults Events

Registration for the 2016 DYC: The Ascent is now open for all those in grades 7-12! You can register online at It is $40 before APRIL 1 and $60 after April 1. The Diocesan Youth Conference  is a packed weekend adventure filled with dynamic talks, workshops, games, adoration, praise & worship, and a coffeehouse featuring artists from across our diocese as part of an evening celebration. This year, our theme is ‘The Ascent’. The Christian journey often feels like a tough climb, but we hope young people will leave ready to take on every mountain. With the help of Face2Face Ministries, we will unpack that which is most central and basic to the Catholic Christian faith.
Young Adult Ski Retreat: Register Online

Smithers. Skiing. Retreating. What more could you ask for? Come join us March 18-20 in the beautiful slopes of Smithers for a time away from the busyness of daily life. Ages 18-40. The theme this year is SKI MERCIFUL. We will be exploring themes of receiving and giving mercy. Guest speaker, Megan Turland from Catholic Christian Outreach, will be joining us all the way from Toronto along with our fav skiing priest, Fr. Jack Michalchuk. To keep cost minimal, we are joining the Hudson Bay Mountain PG Community weekend so lift tickets are only $25! This event will fill up quickly so please register online at:



We have a weekly mass offered to university students as well as faculty, staff and whomever else would like to join right on the UNBC Campus. Join us each Wednesday at 12:30 PM. Message Eunice at if you would like to find out where the next one is!

Wednesday Weekly 02Mar16



Looking for DYNAMIC Catholic Teachers To Teach Passionately AND INSPIRE Others In Our FAITH!

Catholic Independent Schools Diocese of Prince George is accepting applications for Continuing and Limited Duration Teacher positions beginning September 2016 . For a complete listing of all teacher postings please go to


Chrism Mass 2016

The Mass of Chrism will be celebrated at 7:00 PM on Monday, March 14, 2016 at Sacred Heart Cathedral. In this diocesan celebration the Holy Oils and Chrism used in the Sacraments are blessed and consecrated. The priests will renew their commitment to serve the Church.


A reception will follow. Those attending are asked to bring a plate of snacks to share. Please put on the table in the lower hall before Mass. Thank you.

 Music Ministry for the Chrism Mass

Choir practice will take place on Thursday, March 3 and Monday March 7 at 7:00 PM at Sacred Heart Cathedral.


If you are hospitalized

Just a reminder that if you are being admitted to the hospital and would like a visit from those whose ministry is visiting the sick, tell the admissions clerk that you are a Roman Catholic. They will then provide your name to those visiting the sick. Due to the privacy act a patient cannot be asked what religious affiliation they have, but can volunteer the information.


Monthly Day of Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Emmanuel Hermitage invites you to a Personal Date with Jesus on March 8, 2016 in the Domano Chapel, 6500 Southridge Ave. Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. and the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. for a day of silent prayer and adoration. We will pray for the universal Church and the world, and the people and needs of our Diocese. In particular we will pray for the protection of all human life, for vocations, and for the intentions of those participating in the day. Please mark your calendar on the second Tuesday of each month for Personal Dates with Jesus days.


Attention Former Frontier Apostles

The Frontier Apostolate, established by Bishop O’Grady in 1956, will celebrate the 60th Anniversary of its founding with a reunion of former Frontier Apostles on August 19-21, 2016 at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre. For more information contact


Marriage Preparation Weekend

Living a Joy-Filled Marriage

Who: For all couples preparing for marriage. Also open to married couples who want an opportunity for encouragement and renewal.

Where: Diocesan Pastoral Centre (6500 Southridge Ave. Prince George)

When: Saturday and Sunday March 12-13.

Cost:   $200/couple Includes (Workbooks Lunches and Snacks)

Contact Angelo at the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis for registration and information. Phone (250) 964-4424 (ext. 230) or email


Youth and Young Adults Events



Registration for the 2016 DYC: The Ascent is now open for all those in grades 7-12! You can register online at It is $40 before APRIL 1 and $60 after April 1. The Diocesan Youth Conference  is a packed weekend adventure filled with dynamic talks, workshops, games, adoration, praise & worship, and a coffeehouse featuring artists from across our diocese as part of an evening celebration. This year, our theme is ‘The Ascent’. The Christian journey often feels like a tough climb, but we hope young people will leave ready to take on every mountain. With the help of Face2Face Ministries, we will unpack that which is most central and basic to the Catholic Christian faith.


Young Adult Ski Retreat: Register Online

Smithers. Skiing. Retreating. What more could you ask for? Come join us March 18-20 in the beautiful slopes of Smithers for a time away from the busyness of daily life. Ages 18-40. The theme this year is SKI MERCIFUL. We will be exploring themes of receiving and giving mercy. Guest speaker, Megan Turland from Catholic Christian Outreach, will be joining us all the way from Toronto along with our fav skiing priest, Fr. Jack Michalchuk. To keep cost minimal, we are joining the Hudson Bay Mountain PG Community weekend so lift tickets are only $25! This event will fill up quickly so please register online at:

Wednesday Weekly 24Feb16







Please see the schedule attached for city parish activities observing the 24 Hours for the Lord







 Annual Diocesan Appeal Report for 2016-02-24


Annual Diocesan Appeal 2015 Tax Receipts

Please be looking for your Tax receipt for 2015 from the Annual Diocesan Appeal Office they are in the mail.


Payroll: 2015 T4s have been issued

Employees set up with an email address in payroll can access your T4 the same way you get your pay advices. Employee T4s for those who do not have email addresses in payroll are in the mail today. We will be contacting schools and parishes in the next few weeks to get the remaining email address so that everyone will have access to their payroll information electronically.


Time sheet due date moving to noon on Friday

We must send the payroll file on Tuesday rather than Thursday to ensure that employees are paid on Friday and need the extra day to complete the file. A new payroll schedule will be sent shortly. Please have staff estimate their hours for Friday. If there are any changes to the estimate a revised timesheet can be sent on Monday.


Looking for DYNAMIC Catholic Teachers To Teach Passionately AND INSPIRE Others In Our FAITH!

Catholic Independent Schools Diocese of Prince George is accepting applications for Continuing and Limited Duration Teacher positions beginning September 2016 . For a complete listing of all teacher postings please go to


Chrism Mass 2016

The Mass of Chrism will be celebrated at 7:00 PM on Monday, March 14, 2016 at Sacred Heart Cathedral. In this diocesan celebration the Holy Oils and Chrism used in the Sacraments are blessed and consecrated. The priests will renew their commitment to serve the Church.
A reception will follow. Those attending are asked to bring a plate of snacks to share. Please put on the table in the lower hall before Mass. Thank you.

 Choir Practices for the Chrism Mass

Choir practice for the Chrism Mass will take place on Thursday, March 3 and Monday March 7 at 7:00 PM at Sacred Heart Cathedral.


If you are hospitalized

Just a reminder that if you are being admitted to the hospital and would like a visit from those whose ministry is visiting the sick, tell the admissions clerk that you are a Roman Catholic. They will then provide your name to those visiting the sick. Due to the privacy act a patient cannot be asked what religious affiliation they have, but can volunteer the information.


Mary’s Parish Lenten Mission

A Time of Mercy presented by Very Reverend Rectorino M. Tolentino, Jr. Fr. Rector will share what our Holy Father Pope Francis asks of us during this Holy Year. The meaning of the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be explored and the participants will be led to a greater understanding, appreciation and celebration of the Sacrament. They will be reminded of their call, that as a Church, we are commissioned to live and announce God’s mercy to all.

Please come and join Fr. Rector at St. Mary’s Parish, 1088 Gillett Street, Prince George, on February 29, March 1 & 2, @ 7:00 PM. You are invited to bring family members, relatives, and friends to this spiritual renewal during this Lenten Mission. For more information, contact: Rev. Gilbert Bertrand OMI, pastor, St. Mary’s Parish (250) 564 -4097.


Monthly Day of Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Emmanuel Hermitage invites you to a Personal Date with Jesus on March 8, 2016 in the Domano Chapel, 6500 Southridge Ave. Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. and the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. for a day of silent prayer and adoration. We will pray for the universal Church and the world, and the people and needs of our Diocese. In particular we will pray for the protection of all human life, for vocations, and for the intentions of those participating in the day. Please mark your calendar on the second Tuesday of each month for Personal Dates with Jesus days.


Attention Former Frontier Apostles

The Frontier Apostolate, established by Bishop O’Grady in 1956, will celebrate the 60th Anniversary of its founding with a reunion of former Frontier Apostles on August 19-21, 2016 at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre. For more information contact



Marriage Preparation Weekend: Living a Joy-Filled Marriage

Who: For all couples preparing for marriage. Also open to married couples who want an opportunity for encouragement and renewal.

Where: Diocesan Pastoral Centre (6500 Southridge Ave. Prince George)

When: Saturday and Sunday March 12-13.

Cost:   $200/couple Includes (Workbooks Lunches and Snacks)

Contact Angelo at the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis for registration and information. Phone (250) 964-4424 (ext. 230) or email



Parish Missions: Mercy and the Healing of the Broken Hearted, presented by Fr. Basil Burns

Who is invited:           Everyone

When and Where:     Terrace            March 1-2

Burns Lake      March 6-7

For more information please contact Angelo at or (250) 964-4424 (ext. 230)


Youth and Young Adults Events

The Diocesan Youth Conference: DYC 2016: REGISTRATION now OPEN!

Registration for the 2016 DYC: The Ascent is now open for all those in grades 7-12! You can register online at It is $40 before APRIL 1 and $60 after APRIL 1.


The Diocesan Youth Conference  is a packed weekend adventure filled with dynamic talks, workshops, games, adoration, praise & worship, and a coffeehouse featuring artists from across our diocese as part of an evening celebration. This year, our theme is ‘The Ascent’. The Christian journey often feels like a tough climb, but we hope young people will leave ready to take on every mountain. With the help of Face2Face Ministries, we will unpack that which is most central and basic to the Catholic Christian faith.

 When:             Friday, 29 April at 6:00 PM – Sunday, 1 May, 2016 @ 1:00 PM

Where:           6500 Southridge Ave – Prince George, BC V2N 5P9


“Ski Merciful” Young Adult Ski Retreat

Who:               Young Adults ages 19-40

When:             Friday & Saturday March 18-19, 2016

Where:           Hudson Bay Mountain Resort, Smithers

All young adults ages 18-40 are welcomed to join us. Please email Eunice at or Angelo at or (250) 964-4424 (ext. 230)


Wednesday Weekly 17Feb16

A Call to Act in Defense of Life

After a relentless campaign from pressure groups and a ruling by the Supreme Court, the parliament of Canada is months away from passing a law that would legalize assisted suicide. We need to do what we can to influence politicians to protect life, not legitimize its destruction in the name of a false compassion. There are two initiatives parishioners can take to stand up for life:

 The first is sign the petition asking for a meaningful national strategy to provide palliative care for those who are dying. Appropriate and available care at the end of life means people can receive the support they need to die with dignity rather than be driven to destroy themselves.

 The second item is a postcard that asks that the conscience rights of health care professionals be protected, so that no one is compelled to participate in an act of suicide.

Both the petition and postcard are attached. Please print and copy to have them available for parishioners. If you are not able to copy the postcards please email with the number required

Condolences and Prayer Request

Sandra Olaksew, secretary in Prince Rupert, is in New Brunswick to attend her brother’s funeral. While there, and as a result of her brother’s death, her father had a heart attack. Please pray for the soul of Sandra’s brother and for recovery for her father. Pray also for peace and healing for Sandra, and her family during this time of struggle and loss. Thank you.

Chrism Mass 2016

The Mass of Chrism will be celebrated at 7:00 PM on Monday, March 14, 2016 at Sacred Heart Cathedral. In this diocesan celebration the Holy Oils and Chrism used in the Sacraments are blessed and consecrated. The priests will renew their commitment to serve the Church.

A reception will follow. Those attending are asked to bring a plate of snacks to share. Please put on the table in the lower hall before Mass. Thank you.

 Choir Practices for the Chrism Mass

Choir practice for the Chrism Mass will take place on Thursday, March 3 and Monday, March 7 at 7:00 PM at Sacred Heart Cathedral.


St. Mary’s Parish Lenten Mission

A Time of Mercy presented by Very Reverend Rectorino M. Tolentino, Jr. Fr. Rector will share what our Holy Father Pope Francis asks of us during this Holy Year. The meaning of the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be explored and the participants will be led to a greater understanding, appreciation and celebration of the Sacrament. They will be reminded of their call, that as a Church, we are commissioned to live and announce God’s mercy to all.

Please come and join Fr. Rector at St. Mary’s Parish, 1088 Gillett Street, Prince George, on February 29, March 1 & 2, @ 7:00 PM. You are invited to bring family members, relatives, and friends to this spiritual renewal during this Lenten Mission. For more information, contact: Rev. Gilbert Bertrand OMI, pastor, St. Mary’s Parish (250) 564 -4097.


The Camp Morice Society Fundraiser

 Camp Morice Society invites you to a Lasagna Dinner

When:          Sunday, February 28, 2016

Doors open at 5:00 PM

Dinner at 6:00 PM

Where:        St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 1088 Gillett Street, Prince George

Cost:            By donation

 All donations will go towards training our volunteer staff at Leadership Week and to help those who need assistance to go to camp. Come support our Catholic Camp. This year’s theme is “The Faith Awakens”, come and see what is in store for a great summer.

Contact Maria Barnes president of Camp Morice Society at 250-961-3225 or for more information.

Attention Former Frontier Apostles

The Frontier Apostolate, established by Bishop O’Grady in 1956, will celebrate the 60th Anniversary of its founding with a reunion of former Frontier Apostles on August 19-21, 2016 at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre. For more information contact



See Flyer for OEC

Marriage Preparation Weekend

Living a Joy-Filled Marriage – Please see attached poster for more information.

When:             March 12-13, 2016.

Cost:               $200/couple Includes (Workbooks Lunches and Snacks)

 Contact Angelo at the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis for registration and information. Phone (250) 964-4424 (ext. 230) or email


“Growing in Catholic Leadership”

Presented by The Office of Evangelization and Catechesis, & Christ the King Parish, Kitmat

Saturday, 27th of February, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Presenter:        Fr. Jack Michalchuk


Come & Rest

Who:               Everyone

When:             Sundays: Feb 21, Mar 20, Apr 17, May 15, @ 3:00-7:30 PM

Where:           Christ Our Saviour Parish Prince George. (4514 Austin Road West)

We are currently exploring the connection between the Year of Mercy and the Heart of Jesus. These events encourage a renewed vision, celebrating our Sabbath Rest Day with talks, fellowship, and adoration. Open to all people in the Diocese. Childcare is available. Please bring enough food for your family and everyone will have plenty.

For more information please contact Angelo at or (250) 964-4424 (ext. 230)


Parish Missions

Mercy and the Healing of the Broken Hearted, presented by Fr. Basil Burns

Who is invited:           Everyone

When and Where:     Kitimat            Feb 28-29

Terrace            March 1-2

Burns Lake      March 6-7

For more information please contact Angelo at or (250) 964-4424 (ext. 230)


Youth and Young Adults Events

The Diocesan Youth Conference

DYC is a packed weekend adventure filled with dynamic talks, workshops, games, adoration, praise andworship, and a coffeehouse featuring artists from across our diocese as part of an evening celebration.

This year, our theme is‘The Ascent’. The Christian journey often feels like a tough climb, but we hope young people will leave ready to take on every mountain. With the help of Face2Face Ministries, we will unpack that which is most central and basic to our Catholic Christian faith. “Verso l’alto!” – Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati

 When:             Friday, 29 April at 6:00 PM – Sunday, 1 May, 2016 @ 1:00 PM

Where:           6500 Southridge Ave – Prince George, BC V2N 5P9


 “Ski Merciful” Young Adult Ski Retreat

Who:               Young Adults ages 19-40

When:             Friday & Saturday March 18-19, 2016

Where:           Hudson Bay Mountain Resort, Smithers

For more information please contact Angelo at or (250) 964-4424 (ext. 230)


Wednesday Weekly 10Feb16


Marriage Preparation Weekend joyfilled marriage

Living a Joy-Filled Marriage – Please see attached poster for more information.

When:             March 12-13, 2016.

Cost:               $200/couple Includes (Workbooks Lunches and Snacks)

Contact Angelo at the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis for registration and information. Phone (250) 964-4424 (ext. 230) or email


Office of Evangelization and Catechesis

Is proud to announce the next “Come and Rest” event.

WHO:             Everyone is welcome and childcare programs will be provided for ages 2-18!

FEE:               Free

WHEN:          Sunday Feb.21, 3:00-7:30pm

WHERE:       Christ our Savior Parish in Prince George (4514 Austin Road West)


Will begin with a coffee and snack social in the parish hall.

Presentation to follow by John Connelly entitled, “What is the greatest devotion in the church?”

Q & A period

Share a pot luck supper

 Please bring enough food for your family and there will be enough for everyone!

 For more Information, please contact Angelo at (250) 613-3969 or


 Rite of Election at Sacred Heart Cathedral

On Sunday, February 14, the first Sunday of Lent, the Rite of Election of Catechumens will be celebrated by the Bishop at Sacred Heart Cathedral at the 11:00 AM Mass.

The Church highlights the various stages of the initiation process for those who are to be baptized into the Catholic community and marks key moments with special rites. One of the most significant is the Rite of Election. This step marks the “beginning of the period of final, more intense preparation for the sacraments of initiation, during which the elect will be encouraged to follow Christ with greater generosity.” (#105)

We invite catechumens from the city parishes to gather with their sponsors, family members, catechists and members of their parish communities to celebrate this rite in the mother church of the diocese. Candidates who are already baptized in other denominations and who seek admission to full communion in the Church will also be welcomed. A reception will follow in lower hall after the Mass.

Catechumens, candidates and sponsors are asked to be at the Cathedral by 10:00 AM to review the rite and have a rehearsal with Fr. Rector Tolentino.

Additional Note: Pastors of parishes outside the city of Prince George are delegated by the Bishop to celebrate the Rite of Election with their catechumens and to welcome candidates for full communion.


The Camp Morice Society Fundraiser

 Camp Morice Society invites you to a Lasagna Dinner

When:          Sunday, February 28, 2016

Doors open at 5:00 PM

Dinner at 6:00 PM

Where:        St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 1088 Gillett Street, Prince George

Cost:            By donation

 All donations will go towards training our volunteer staff at Leadership Week and to help those who need assistance to go to camp. Come support our Catholic Camp. This year’s theme is “The Faith Awakens”, come and see what is in store for a great summer.

Contact Maria Barnes president of Camp Morice Society at 250-961-3225 or for more information.


Northern Catholic News

The deadline for the next Northern Catholic News is the 15th of February –we look forward to receiving pictures and articles to liven up the spring edition of the Northern Catholic News. Please send to as soon as possible. Thank you!


Attention Former Frontier Apostles

The Frontier Apostolate, established by Bishop O’Grady in 1956, will celebrate the 60th Anniversary of its founding with a reunion of former Frontier Apostles on August 19-21, 2016 at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre. For more information contact



think fast This is a Catholic youth event put together by Development and Peace that aims to educate youth about the causes of poverty and to learn how to spread the message of peace and justice. During the fast, students will not eat solid food for 24 hours and will only drink water, fruit juice, broth, or other liquids. There will be sessions, activities, games, and much more! When: Saturday February 20th at 10am until Sunday February 21st after 9am mass and pancake breakfast.

 Where: Immaculate Conception Parish


Minimum $10 donation

your health card and emergency contact information

an overnight bag

a sleeping bag and pillow

a reusable water bottle

Contact:         Deirdre O’Callaghan @ 250-613-1525 if you have any questions


The Diocesan Youth Conference

DYC postcard

Check this out:

For Registration go to:


DYC is a packed weekend adventure filled with dynamic talks, workshops, games, adoration, praise and worship, and a coffeehouse featuring artists from across our diocese as part of an evening celebration.

This year, our theme is‘The Ascent’. The Christian journey often feels like a tough climb, but we hope young people will leave ready to take on every mountain. With the help of Face2Face Ministries, we will unpack that which is most central and basic to our Catholic Christian faith. “Verso l’alto!” – Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati

 When:     Friday, 29 April 2016 at 6:00 PM – Sunday, 1 May 2016 at 1:00 PM (PDT)

Where:    6500 Southridge Ave – Prince George, BC V2N 5P9

Wednesday Weekly 03Feb16

2016-02-03 Diocesan Annual Appeal Report


Office Assistant

Office Assistant to The Office of Evangelization and Catechesis (OEC) position has been filled as of Monday, January 25, 2016. The successful applicant is Mr. Angelo Sabbadin. We congratulate Angelo and welcome him to the Diocesan Pastoral Center as our newly hired Office Assistant to the OEC.


Marriage Preparation Weekend

Joy-filled joyfilled marriageposter 2016

Marriage Preparation Registration 2016

Living a Joy-Filled Marriage — (See links)

When:             March 12-13, 2016.

Cost:               $200/couple Includes (Workbooks Lunches and Snacks)


Contact Angelo at the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis for registration and information. Phone (250) 964-4424 (ext. 230) or email



Message from Sr. Elizabeth Poilievre, FCJ

Because of increasing needs in Edmonton; my community is calling me back to help out with needs there. I will leave the Domano Renewal Centre effective July 1, 2016. It has been a joy for me to work here and to meet so many wonderful people across the Diocese. It will be hard to leave.


Rite of Election at Sacred Heart Cathedral

On Sunday, February 14, the first Sunday of Lent, the Rite of Election of Catechumens will be celebrated by the Bishop at Sacred Heart Cathedral at the 11:00 AM Mass.

The Church highlights the various stages of the initiation process for those who are to be baptized into the Catholic community and marks key moments with special rites. One of the most significant is the Rite of Election. This step marks the “beginning of the period of final, more intense preparation for the sacraments of initiation, during which the elect will be encouraged to follow Christ with greater generosity.” (#105)

We invite catechumens from the city parishes to gather with their sponsors, family members, catechists and members of their parish communities to celebrate this rite in the mother church of the diocese. Candidates who are already baptized in other denominations and who seek admission to full communion in the Church will also be welcomed. A reception will follow in lower hall after the Mass.

Additional Note: Pastors of parishes outside the city of Prince George are delegated by the Bishop to celebrate the Rite of Election with their catechumens and to welcome candidates for full communion.


The Camp Morice Society Fundraiser

 Camp Morice Society invites you to a Lasagna Dinner

When:    Sunday, February 28, 2016

  Doors open at 5:00 PM

  Dinner at 6:00 PM

Where:   St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 1088 Gillett Street, Prince George

Cost:        By donation

 All donations will go towards training our volunteer staff at Leadership Week and to help those who need assistance to go to camp. Come support our Catholic Camp. This year’s theme is “The Faith Awakens”, come and see what is in store for a great summer.

Contact Maria Barnes president of Camp Morice Society at 250-961-3225 or for more information.


Vocations Retreat

On the weekend of February 12 – 14, there will be a Vocation Live-In for boys or young men interested in the priesthood or the consecrated life, at the Seminary of Christ the King, Mission, BC.

For more information call 604-826-8715 or

 Father Mark Dumont, OSB                      Tel: 604-826-8975

Vocations Awareness Committee             Fax: 604-826-8725

Seminary of Christ the King

PO Box 3310 Mission BC V2V 4J5 website:


Monthly Day of Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Emmanuel Hermitage invites you to a Personal Date with Jesus on February 9, 2016 in the Domano Chapel, 6500 Southridge Ave. Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. and the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. for a day of silent prayer and adoration. We will pray for the universal Church and the world, and the people and needs of our Diocese. In particular we will pray for the protection of all human life, for vocations, and for the intentions of those participating in the day. Please mark your calendar on the second Tuesday of each month for Personal Dates with Jesus days.


Northern Catholic News

The deadline for the next Northern Catholic News is the 15th of February –we look forward to receiving pictures and articles to liven up the spring edition of the Northern Catholic News. Please send to as soon as possible. Thank you!


Attention Former Frontier Apostles

The Frontier Apostolate, established by Bishop O’Grady in 1956, will celebrate the 60th Anniversary of its founding with a reunion of former Frontier Apostles on August 19-21, 2016 at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre. For more information contact



think fastThis is a Catholic youth event put together by Development and Peace that aims to educate youth about the causes of poverty and to learn how to spread the message of peace and justice. During the fast, students will not eat solid food for 24 hours and will only drink water, fruit juice, broth, or other liquids. There will be sessions, activities, games, and much more! When: Saturday February 20th at 10am until Sunday February 21st after 9am mass and pancake breakfast.

Where:               Immaculate Conception Parish

Bring:                 Minimum $10 donation

your health card and emergency contact information

an overnight bag

a sleeping bag and pillow

a reusable water bottle

Contact:         Deirdre O’Callaghan @ 250-613-1525 if you have any questions