Wednesday Weekly – 13Aug14

Wednesday Weekly August 13, 2014 Print Version

  1. Diocese of Prince George – Change to Mailing Address Effective September 1, 2014

 The Diocese of Prince George mailing address has changed. As of September 1st, our new address will be:

           6500 Southridge Avenue, Prince George, BC V2N 5P9

Please update your contact information for any departments or organizations that use the Bag 7000 address (Domano Renewal Centre, Catholic Independent Schools, Shepherd’s Corner, etc.). Any mail that is addressed to our previous address will be redirected for a period of time.


  1. CIS Employment Opportunity – Continuing Full-Time Primary Teacher

Notre Dame School in Dawson Creek is seeking a Continuing Full-Time Primary Teacher commencing September 1, 2014. Please see the attached ad for further information. The posting for the limited Duration Teaching position at Notre Dame School also remains open.

Continuing 1 FTE Primary Teacher Sept 2014


  1. Prayers for the Middle East

Attached is a statement issued by the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue and posted by the Vatican News website yesterday regarding the situation in the Middle East. Parishes are asked to please insert this letter in parish bulletins and/or print the following message from Archbishop Paul-André Durocher, President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. Further information will be placed on the diocesan website.

How can we respond to the situation in the Middle East?

All of us, together with Pope Francis, are following with deep concern the dramatic news reports coming from Iraq, Gaza and Syria. Defenseless populations, including our Christian brothers and sisters, flee from their homes, in urgent need for protection, food, shelter and medical assistance. In solidarity with their sufferings, and in communion with the whole Church, let us, in the words of the Holy Father, “raise up with one voice a ceaseless prayer, imploring the Holy Spirit to send the gift of peace” to the Middle East.

Each parish in the diocese is invited for the coming weeks to include in the prayers of the faithful the following intention: That the Holy Spirit inspire Canadians and the international community to protect all those affected or threatened by violence in the Middle East, to be with them in solidarity and concern, and to offer them assistance and aid.

You are also encouraged to join with Christians and others in urging your Member of Parliament to encourage the Government of Canada to do even more for the Middle East — by providing Canadian emergency and reconstruction assistance, by making it easier for our country to accept refugees, by participating in international efforts to foster justice and peace in the region, and by insisting on respect for freedom of conscience and religion, as well as respect for the rights of minorities.

Three Canadian Catholic agencies are fundraising for the suffering people of the Middle East. These are the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace, CNEWA Canada, and Aid to the Church in Need – Canada. Catholics are encouraged if possible to support all three agencies in their work.

Further information on the situation in the Middle East is regularly provided by Caritas Internationalis, which is the Church’s international network of over 160 national Catholic charities, serving all poor people, of all faiths, all over the world. Up-to-date reports on the Middle East are provided on its website at


  1. Northern Catholic News Deadline – Monday, August 18th

The Northern Catholic News is looking for articles from our Diocese to publish in its next edition. Did your parish or school celebrate a special occasion? Did someone in your organization receive special recognition? We would love to hear from you! Contact Mary-Anne Lewis Jamin at or 250-964-4424 extension 234 with your stories and pictures. The deadline for the fall edition is August 18, 2014.