Diocesan Youth Conference (DYC)

DYC 2024: "Into the House of Nazareth"

"There he made his home in a town called Nazareth" ~ Matthew 2:23
A weekend of exploring the Holy Family of St. Joseph, Our Lady, and Jesus, and how they can show us what family and home truly mean.

We're so excited for DYC 2024 happening here at the Pastoral Centre for all youth Gr. 7-12 on
May 24th - 26th 2024!


Fr. Caesarius Marple, OSB                                               Sr. Rose Catherine, OP                                                        Sr. John Peter, OP



Email or Phone Lisa Findlay for any questions you may have!
Email: lfindlay@pgdiocese.bc.ca
Phone: 250-964-4424 (2109)

Lisa Findlay

The Diocesan Youth Conference is the youth largest annual event in the Diocese of Prince George.

This weekend conference spans from Friday night to Sunday afternoon typically at the end of April or the beginning of May each year.

It’s primary goal is to reveal the fullness of the Catholic Faith to the Gr. 7-12 young men and women who attend, and for those who truly desire to deepen their faith.

The weekend is immersed in the sacramental life of the Church - there’s Mass, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament; the beautiful prayers of the Church such as the Divine Mercy and the Rosary; the stories of the saints, not to mention fellowship and activities, all to encourage young people to enter in, let Jesus in, and to be brave when it comes to discerning His call.

We bring in Catholic speakers to give engaging talks on the theme each year, but always through the lens of the Kergyma - the Gospel message. Young Adults from the Diocese give their time as volunteers to lead youth through small groups and activities. Some of our priests come in to hear Confession, to celebrate Mass, and to hang out for the weekend. And each year a talented group of musicians come together to form the DYC worship band, who lead the youth through praise and worship throughout the weekend.

DYC always aims to be completely Catholic, and to never be afraid to introduce our young people to the profound beauty, truth and goodness of the Catholic Church, the Bride of Jesus Christ. We want our youth to encounter Jesus at each DYC, and to leave feeling renewed in their faith, enough to strive to be constant in their daily prayer life, and to have the courage to be open to wherever Jesus seeks to call them.

This is what youth have said about past DYC's

  • Adoration was when I felt like I got closer to God and I just loved spending that time with Him - (Gr. 8 ) 
  • Adoration was when I felt closest to God” - (Gr. 10)
  • Renewing my faith at DYC was the best thing ever. No words… it was incredible” - (Gr. 10 ) 
  • My favourite thing about DYC was Adoration and Praise and Worship because it felt so good and I opened up a lot of things to Jesus - (Gr. 7) 
  • After DYC, I’ve recommitted and put Him at the centre of my life - (Gr. 10 )
  • He’s asking me to keep listening to what plan He has for me - (Gr. 11)
  • I felt Him say ‘trust me more’ - (Gr. 12) 
  • I felt God say to me “You are loved”  - (Gr. 9 )