Feb 23
Nurturing Childrens Sp
feb23 bursary poster
2010-2011 Student Aide
Author Archives: diocese
Wednesday Weekly – Dec 1
December 1 – includes 1 attachment
Wednesday Weekly – Dec 8
Dec 8 – includes 2 attachments
Response to Sexual Abuse
Bishop Gerald Wiesner, O.M.I.
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Of recent times the media is reminding us that we are living through a time of weakness in our Church. It needs to be said that sexual abuse of minors, especially by clergy and religious, is inexcusable. It must be admitted that wrong has been done and many persons have been seriously wounded, in many instances for life. It must also be admitted that in some instances, secrecy prevailed and the abuse was allowed to continue. This too is wrong.
Fault on the part of the Church needs to be acknowledged and serious effort needs to be made to ensure that the abuse does not continue and that opportunities for victims to find healing be provided. Without announcing peoples’ faults to the world there is need for the Church to be transparent and to cooperate with civil authorities in these matters.
Since 1992 the Canadian Bishops have made constant and serious effort to eliminate this problem and provide proper methods of healing and prevention.
In our diocese we have faithfully followed the directives and have a proper committee in place to deal with issues as they surface.
I am truly sorry for the pain that these matters have caused and, in many instances, the continuing pain many experience through constant reminders. It is at a time like this that we need to renew our faith in the Risen Lord who has conquered all evil, and to renew our prayerful support for one another.
Sincerely in our Lord,
Gerald Wiesner, O.M.I.