Wednesday Weekly – 20Nov13

Wednesday Weekly November 20, 2013 Print Version

1.      Synod on the Family

The attached preparatory document for next year’s Synod of Bishops on the Family was sent to Pastors and Pastoral Life Directors last week. The synod’s theme is “The pastoral challenges to the Family in the context of Evangelization” and it will run from October 5-19, 2014. The document gives an overview of Church teaching on the family and spells out the many challenges facing the family in today’s society.  The document also includes a questionnaire with questions on family issues which is to be shared as widely as possible so that input from local sources can be received. Pastors and Pastoral Life Directors are reminded that responses gathered from their local community are to be returned to Fr. Richard Beaudette by email: or by mail to the Diocesan Centre by the deadline date of December 13, 2013.  Thank you.

Preparatory Document

For more information about the preparatory document see the link:


2.      Rainbows for all Children – change in contact information

The email address for Rainbows has changed. It is now  Please update your Diocesan Directory and other records.


3.      School Employment Opportunity

Immaculate Conception School in Prince George is seeking a Temporary Part-Time Music Teacher for January 20th, 2014. The deadline for applications is December 6, 2013. Please see the attached ad for further information.

 Music Teacher November 2013


4.     The Bible in French

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins:

 The Canadian edition of La Bible, Traduction officielle liturgique, will be available by the end of this November. The new translation was published in France with a special soft cover version for Canada issued by CCCB Publications. Translation work involved 70 exegetes, biblical scholars and linguists, working in collaboration with the world’s French-language Episcopal Conferences, including the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. The Bible liturgique has been approved by the Bishops of all French-speaking countries, including Canada, and received the recognition of the Holy See. Follow the links at for more information or to purchase a copy.


5.      Appeal Update

Appeal Update

Wednesday Weekly – 13Nov13

Wednesday Weekly November 13, 2013 Print Version

1.      Special Collection for the Phillippines:

Attached is a letter from Archbishop Paul-Andre Durocher, President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, regarding the recent tragedy in the Phillippines. Parishes are encouraged to submit any donations collected directly to Development and Peace so they are received prior to the deadline.  If you wish to send your donation through the diocese please contact Catherine Cosh by email at by noon on Monday, December 2nd.

Please insert the attached letter and/or print the following notice in parish bulletins:

Pope Francis invites all to pray publicly and privately for the many who have lost their lives or have been affected by this tragedy and to come to their assistance. The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has joined with the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace to prepare a first response and a plan of continuing aid for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan.  Parishioners are encouraged to donate prior to December 9, 2013 in support of this campaign.  The Government of Canada has pledged a matching contribution of all funds raised by this date.  Mailed donations to the campaign should be sent to Development and Peace, 1425 Rene-Levesque Blvd West, 3rd Floor, Montreal, QC H3G 1T7. Additionally, donations can be made by phone to 1-888-664-3387 or online at

CCCB Letter – Philippines


2.      Music Ministers – Message from Susan Campbell

Parishes are asked to please forward the following message from Susan Campbell to your music ministers:

Some parishes are planning to use new eucharistic acclamations in the new year and have asked me if other parishes are doing the same. If you plan on learning a new setting, please contact me before December 6th by phone:(250)964-4424 ext 239 or email: smcampbell I will compile the results and let the other parishes know what is happening in the diocese. Thank you.


3.     Natural Family Planning

The diocese is pleased to announce a new natural family planning contact in Prince George. Asia Wilson is a licensed Fertility Care Practitioner who uses the Creighton Model System. She joins Cathy and Bill Vandenberg who teach the Billings Ovulation Method in Terrace.  Contact information for both methods is available on the Diocesan website under “Links”.

Please post the following notice in parish bulletins in the Central Region:

Creighton Model Fertility Care System Introductory Session

Would you like to learn how to monitor your fertility in a natural way in order to achieve or postpone pregnancy? Are you struggling with infertility?  Are you looking for concrete solutions to health problems such as endometriosis, PCOS, miscarriage, hormonal imbalances, PMS, abnormal bleeding, irregular cycles, post partum depression/blues and more? This (FREE!) session is for you!

In full accord with the Church’s teaching on marriage and sexuality, the Creighton Model Fertility Care System allows couples to gain knowledge about their fertility and find solutions to potential health problems.  There will be an Introductory Session held on Nov 29th at 7:00pm in the basement of Sacred Heart Cathedral, Prince George.  The session will be led by Asia Wilson, a licensed Fertility Care Practitioner and Ryan Wilson, a third year medical student.  For more information about Creighton, please go to or contact Asia at or by phone at 250-596-5270. Please RSVP directly to Asia.


4.      Knights of Columbus – Culture of Life Contest

Please post the attached poster from the Knights of Columbus on parish and school bulletin boards and put the attached announcement in parish bulletins.

Culture of Life Contest Bulletin Announcement

Culture of Life Contest Poster


5.      Co-Directors, Evangelization and Catechesis

 The following email addresses have been created for our new Co-Directors.  Please update your records:

John Connelly                   

Fr. Jack Michalchuk       


6.      Appeal Update

Parishes are kindly reminded to ensure all Appeal pledge cards are submitted to the Diocesan Accounting Office so they have the most up to date information before the second mailing.  Thank you!

Appeal 20131113


Wednesday Weekly – 6Nov13

Wednesday Weekly November 6, 2013 Print Version

1.      Farewell for Susan Campbell:

Please put the following 3 messages in parish bulletins:

Announcement Diocesan Pastoral Centre

After 18 years of service at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre in Prince George, Susan Campbell, has resigned from her position as Director effective December 31, 2013. Susan has been instrumental in building many programs integral to the Diocese such as Lay Formation and Returning to Spirit.  We wish her well in her sabbatical and in the new directions this leave may take her.


Farewell Celebration for Susan Campbell

A farewell celebration in honor of Susan Campbell will take place at St. Mary’s Parish in Prince George on Monday, December 2, 2013, beginning with Mass at 7 p.m. and followed by a reception. Please join us in thanking Susan for her ministry among us over these past 18 years.


Farewell Message from Susan Campbell

I take this opportunity to thank the people of this diocese for their support over the years. It has been a very rich experience and I leave grateful for it all. Thank you to all I have had the privilege to work with and serve. Several people have asked what my future plans are: I will complete my position with the diocese at the end of December and January 1st I will be moving to Quebec City to begin a year of French immersion studies. I wish the new co-directors, Fr. Jack Michalchuk and John Connelly every success as they move into a new ministry.


2.      Celebrating the Year of Faith

This special year of grace ends this month on the solemnity of Christ the King, Sunday, November 24. To mark the closing, parishioners from across the diocese are invited to pray Vespers (Evening Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours) for the memorial of Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary at 7:00 pm on Thursday, November 21.


Parishioners in the city of Prince George will gather at Sacred Heart Cathedral. In all other locations, the prayers will be offered in the parish church.  Lisa Weber will distribute a pdf of the prayer booklet to all parishes prior to the service.


3.     Short-term priest replacements

 Pastors are reminded that the permission of the Bishop is necessary when inviting a priest from outside the Diocese of Prince George to minister in your parish. Occasions for such invitations may include vacation replacement, sacramental celebrations such as marriages and baptisms, parish missions and workshops, visiting friend or former pastor, etc. The attached form must be completed by the priest’s Bishop or Religious Superior and returned to the Chancery beforehand. (This form will be posted on the Diocesan website in the New Year, but for now please make copies of the attached pdf.)


Pastors are also reminded of the information shared at the recent Council of Priests meeting regarding changes in the BC Vital Statistics Department which affects the length of time needed to obtain a certificate to solemnize a marriage. When a priest from outside the Province of BC has been invited to celebrate a wedding in your parish, please contact Lisa Weber in the Bishop’s Office at least three months prior to the wedding to allow time to obtain the necessary licence.

 Authorization for Pastoral Ministry Form 1


4.      Adult Faith Formation – Distance Education

St. Francis Xavier University offers distance education courses for adults seeking faith formation for personal and professional development: Diploma in Ministry; Certificate in Lay Ministry; Certificate in Spirituality; and the award-winning Diploma in Intellectual Disability Studies.  For information please contact Continuing & Distance Education, StFX University by phone: 1-877-867-5562, email:; or visit their website at:


5.    Appeal Update

20131106 Appeal Update

Wednesday Weekly – 30Oct13

Wednesday Weekly October 30, 2013 Print Version

1.      New Directors of Evangelization and Catechesis

Bishop Stephen Jensen is pleased to announce that Fr. Jack Michalchuk and Mr. John Connelly have been appointed Co-Directors of the new diocesan Office of Evangelization and Catechesis. They begin their service in November.

John Connelly has been involved with full-time evangelization, communications and pastoral ministry since 1986. Fr. Michalchuk, ordained in 2001, has been involved in campus ministry and served as a pastor and member of a diocesan retreat team for several years.

The new directors are already both well-known for their work in giving parish missions locally. We look forward to their increased contribution to the mission of the Church in our diocese.


2.      Notes on the Liturgy – “On Posture at Mass”

Please find attached the document, “Notes on the Liturgy – On Posture at Mass”.  Bishop Stephen Jensen asks that it be made available to parishioners.  Thank you.

Notes on the Liturgy – October 2013


3.      Northern Catholic News

The Northern Catholic News is looking for articles from our parishes and schools to publish in its Winter edition. Did your parish or school celebrate a special occasion or event? Please let us know about it! Did you have a guest speaker or presentation that would be of interest to other parishioners? Please let us hear about it! Contact Mary-Anne Lewis Jamin at or 250-964-4424 extension 234 with your stories and pictures. The deadline for this edition is November 15, 2013.


4.      Ordos Update

The Ordo(s) should be mailed directly to parishes from CCCB Publications this week. The invoice will be sent to each parish by Lisa Weber. Please pay CCCB directly.  Contact Lisa if you have any questions. Please note that there is an error in the date given in the 2014 CCCB English-language Ordo for the 2015 Collection for the Pope’s Pastoral Works (page 416). It should read May 17, 2015, not May 10.


5.      Domano Renewal Centre – November Calendar

 The November At a Glance newsletter for the Domano Renewal Centre is attached.  Events can also be viewed on the Diocesan Calendar found on the Diocese website at:

DRC – November at a Glance


6.       Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide

In response to the recent decisions by the BC Court of Appeal in the Carter case, as well as by the Supreme Court of Canada in the Rasouli case, the Catholic Organization for Life and Family has issued a news release, entitled “Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide — We have reached a crossroad: let us choose life!”  A copy of the document is attached.  For more online links related to this topic, visit the Diocesan website under the “What’s New” tab.

COLF News Release We are at a crossroad


7.      Appeal Update

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the Annual Diocesan Appeal – Building Together in Faith.  Remember that you can give your gift in various ways—cash, cheque, postdated cheques, electronic funds transfer from your bank account or online through Canada Helps.  Some parishioners have elected to make anonymous donations through Canada Helps. The donation will be identified as “unaffiliated” unless the donor specifically identifies their parish.  Also, anonymous donors will not be removed from our mailing list.  If you have made an anonymous donation and do not wish to receive any future mailings, please contact your local parish to have your name removed from the Appeal mailing list.  Again, we truly thank you as your gift really does make a difference in the lives of others throughout our diocese.

20131030 Appeal Update


New Co-Directors for Office of Evangelization and Catechesis


Bishop Stephen Jensen is pleased to announce that Fr. Jack Michalchuk and Mr. John Connelly have been appointed Co-directors of the new diocesan Office of Evangelization and Catechesis. They begin their service in November.   John Connelly has been involved with full-time evangelization, communications and pastoral ministry since 1986. Fr. Michalchuk, ordained in 2001, has been involved in campus ministry and served as a pastor and member of a diocesan retreat team for several years.   The new directors are already both well-known for their work in giving parish missions locally. We look forward to their increased contribution to the mission of the Church in our diocese.

Wednesday Weekly – 23Oct13

Wednesday Weekly October 23, 2013 Print Version


1.    Rev. Tom Magusin, OMI

We pray for the repose of the soul of Father Tom Magusin, OMI, who died in Dawson Creek on Sunday, October 20th at the age of 85 years.  Tom served for many years in Prince George as a Frontier Apostle. After his ordination in 1980, he served in various parishes in the Diocese: St. Mary’s and Sacred Heart in Prince George as well as Notre Dame in Dawson Creek and Christ the King in Kitimat. A prayer service for Father Magusin will be held on Sunday, October 27th at 8:00 pm and the Funeral Mass will take place on Monday, October 28th at 10:00 am at Notre Dame Parish, Dawson Creek.


2.      Monthly Day of Adoration – November

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins in the Central Region:

Emmanuel Hermitage invites you to a Personal Date with Jesus on November 12th in the Domano Chapel (at the Domano Renewal Centre, 6500 Southridge Ave.). Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. and the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for a day of silent prayer and adoration. We will pray especially for the people and needs of our Diocese, the universal Church, and the world. In particular we will pray for vocations and for the intentions of those participating in the day. Please mark your calendar on the second Tuesday of each month for Personal Dates with Jesus days.

3.     Presentation on Sacred Heart Cathedral Architecture

Please put the attached poster on parish bulletin boards and the following notice in parish bulletins in the Central Region:

Trelle Morrow, Architect will present Raise High: Modern Architecture in the design of Sacred Heart Cathedral at the Bob Harkins (downtown) Branch of the Prince George Public Library on Thursday, November 7th, from 7 – 8:30pm. This event is free and is the first presentation in this season’s series of heritage talks sponsored by the Heritage Commission.


4.     Online Private Refugee Sponsorship Workshop

A series of webinars on topics related to refugee sponsorship is being offered this fall.  The next session will be held Monday, October 28th from 4 – 6:30 pm PST on Family Violence: What Refugee Sponsors Should Know. Presenters will share information about violence in the family and its legal, sponsorship and familiar repercussions; as well as address questions around when and how sponsors should intervene; the involvement of police and other related questions.  For more information on this and other webinars, see their website at: or to register, enter the link:


5.     Appeal Update

20131023 Appeal Update

Wednesday Weekly – 16Oct13

Wednesday Weekly October 16, 2013 Print Version

1.    REACH Retreats for Youth

Previously, information about the REACH Retreat at Christ Our Saviour in Prince George from October 25 – 27 had been distributed. We are now pleased to announce an additional retreat has been scheduled for Sacred Heart Parish, Terrace from November 8 – 10.  Please post the attached poster and registration forms at your parish. An updated notice for parish bulletins is provided below:

REACH Retreats

Two retreats are scheduled in our Diocese: Oct. 25-27 at Christ Our Saviour Parish, Prince George for Youth Grades 6-12 and Nov. 8-10 at Sacred Heart Parish, Terrace for Youth Grades 8-12. Hosted by the REACH Catholic Youth Ministry Team from Helena, Montana, the retreat will be a great opportunity to come journey and challenge yourself further in your faith while building fellowship within your greater Catholic community. For more information check out their website

Terrace REACH Retreat Poster

Terrace REACH Retreat reg form

Prince George parishes are also asked to place the following request in bulletins:

Host Families Needed:

The REACH Youth Ministry team will be holding retreats in Prince George and Terrace in both parishes and schools. We are seeking host families in Prince George who can accommodate up to 6 team members from October 29 – November 4 before they head out to Terrace. If you are interested in hosting a group of stellar young people for any or all of these dates, please contact Youth & Young Adult Ministry Coordinator, Eunice Hii at or at 250-964-4424 extension 240. Thank you!


2.     Young Adult Events

 Please put the following notice in parish bulletins in the Central Region:

Calling all young adults

Join us for not one, but TWO upcoming events:

  • Theology on Tap: Visiting priest, Fr. Mark Miller, will lead a discussion about ethics. Grab a bite, a pint and join us for some great discussion Friday, October 25 at 7pm at the College Heights Pub.
  • Summit is a monthly evening of Eucharistic adoration, fellowship followed by snacks. This month’s Summit will be hosted at Immaculate Conception Saturday, November 2 at 7pm. There will a testimony from one of UNBC’s own, reflection from Fr. Chris Lynch, and food to follow.


3.     Development & Peace

 Parishes are asked to place the following notice in their bulletins, if they have not already done so.

During the Annual General Meeting of Development and Peace for the Diocese in September, the members elected a new Diocesan chair, Annie Kearns and vice chair, Catherine Nolin. Both are very involved in social justice and will bring much vitality to Development and Peace.  Congratulations to both and thank you for your commitment.


4.     Anointing of the Sick

Prince George parishes please note that the Mass and Anointing of the Sick scheduled for Wednesday, November 6th at St. Mary’s Parish has been cancelled due to a conflict with a large local senior citizens event. It will be rescheduled for the new year.


5.     Couples for Christ, Gift of Life Conference with Christopher West

Couples for Christ and the Archdiocese of Vancouver invites parishioners to join the “Let Me Love You” Conference to be held Saturday, November 9, 2013 from 8 am to 4 pm at Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Surrey.  The conference commences with Holy Mass celebrated by Most Rev. J. Michael Miller, CSB followed with a presentation by Christopher West, author, speaker and teacher of John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. Tickets are $30 each plus $12 for Workbook (can be shared). For more information or for registration forms, please contact the CFC Office at (604)270-9463 or



Wednesday Weekly – 9Oct13

Wednesday Weekly October 9, 2013 Print Version

1.     Appeal News

A financial update from the Appeal is provided below. Please place the following notice in parish bulletins:

A heartfelt and sincere thank you to all who responded to the Appeal during Commitment Weekend.  While this weekend marks the end of the active, promotional phase of the appeal, this year’s appeal continues until August 31, 2014. This gives contributors the opportunity to fulfill their pledges over a period of time rather than all at once. It is also an opportunity for those who were not able to contribute in September/October, or for those who might wish to make a further contribution later in the year. About mid-November, there will be a second letter sent from the appeal office to all members on our list who did not respond to the first invitation to participate in the appeal.  If you have not made a pledge yet, but are planning to, please contact your parish (even if you cannot fulfill it immediately) and the information will be sent into the appeal office and we will not send a second letter to you.

20131009 Appeal Update

 2.    Diocesan Study Days

Thank you to all who attended Diocesan Study Days.  Please contact Susan Campbell at (250)964-4424 or at if you would like a copy of Bishop Brian Dunns’s PowerPoint presentation on Evangelization.


 3.    WCB

 Please report your 3rd quarter WorkSafeBC (WCB) payments made to individuals and to contractors who are not registered with WCB to Payroll Services by October 15, 2013.


4.    Organ for Sale

The Immaculata Parish in Burns Lake has a Two Deck Electone Organ for sale; asking price $100.00 or obo. For more details, please phone the parish office at (250)692-3568. Photos can be emailed to those who are interested.


5.     Vocation Live-In

Please place the following notice in parish bulletins. Posters and registration forms were distributed during Diocesan Study Days. 

On the weekend of November 15-17, there will be a Vocation Live-In for young men Grades 10 and up who may be interested in the priesthood or the consecrated life, at the Seminary of Christ the King, Mission, BC. For more information call 604.826.8715 or Fr. Terry Brock at 250-635-2313.


6.    Development and Peace

During the Annual General Meeting of Development and Peace in September, the members elected a new chair, Annie Kearns and vice chair, Catherine Nolin. Both are very involved in social justice and will bring much vitality to Development and Peace.  Congratulations to both and thank you for your commitment.


7.     Defensora

 Please put the attached poster on parish bulletin boards and the following notice in parish bulletins in the Central Region:

Prince George Development and Peace, along with the UNBC Geography Program, Guatemala Research Group and Department of First Nations Studies, presents a free screening of Defensora, a film which captures the voice and spirit of a community working together to reclaim their ancestral lands and to seek justice in Canada for crimes committed by Canadian mining companies in Guatemala.  The screening takes place on Monday, October 28 at 7 p.m. in the Canfor Theatre (6-213) at UNBC. Donations will be accepted at the door.

 Defensora Poster


8.    A Voice for Justice

The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace launched its 2013 fall education and action campaign, entitled “A voice for justice”. The campaign is in solidarity with the concerns of the Church and its Bishops in the Global South over international mining operations, many of which involve Canadian mining interests. Background information on the campaign is available on the Development and Peace website at:

 9.    Resources for 2014 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Resources for the 2014 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity can now be ordered from the Canadian Council of Churches (CCC), using the attached form or by emailing Resources may also be freely downloaded online; but a donation to help support its work and mission would be greatly appreciated. The resources were drafted by a Canadian Writing Committee under the chairmanship of Most Rev. Donald Bolen, Bishop of Saskatoon.

CCC WeekofPrayer Order Form

Wednesday Weekly – 2Oct13

Wednesday Weekly October 2, 2013 Print Version

1.     Appeal News

A financial update from the Appeal and a message from Fr. Richard is provided below. Parish priests have been provided blank pledge cards for Commitment Weekend.


Appeal Update 2Oct13

 2.     Pregnancy Loss Memorial Service

Please put the attached poster on parish bulletin boards and the following notice in parish bulletins in the Central Region:

The Prince George Crisis Pregnancy Centre invites you to a Pregnancy Loss Memorial Service: “Exploring the journey from loss to hope” to be held Saturday, October 12th, 2013, 2 pm at the Salvation Army Community Church, 777 Ospika Blvd, Prince George. This will be a non-denominational memorial service, supporting anyone who has experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, termination, or adoption placement.

 3. Prince George Pregnancy Crisis Centre

 Please place the following notice in Prince George parish bulletins:

The next training sessions for men and women who may be interested in volunteering at the Prince George Pregnancy Crisis Centre will be held Thursday and Friday evenings and all day Saturday on the following two weeks: (October 24th, 25th,  26th) and (October 31st, November 1st and 2nd).  Pre-registration is required by October 18th.  For more information please call the Centre at 250-562-4464.

 Pregnancy Loss Memorial Service

4.  MaterCare International

From September 18-22, 2013, MaterCare International, hosted an international conference to bring together leading medical experts and religious leaders to discuss maternal health in Rome. To read more on resources and coverage regarding this event including Pope Francis’ address, please see their website at:

5.  50th Anniversary of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy

CCCB Publications has released several new resources in light of the 50th Anniversary of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. Please review the attached promotional brochure or visit their website at for further information.

CCCB Sacrosanctum Concilium Resources

Wednesday Weekly – 25Sep13

Wednesday Weekly September 25, 2013 Print Version


1.     Appeal News

An Appeal financial update and message from Fr. Richard is attached.  Appeal Tip:  Parish offices can process online donations for parishioners by using the CanadaHelps link located on the diocese website.   Click the “Donate Now through CanadaHelps” button and follow the steps. A credit card number and email address are required.  The donor may need to be reminded that CanadaHelps produces the income tax receipt, not the Appeal office.

Annual Diocesan Appeal Update


2.     Ordos

We will be placing an order for the Ordo next week. Listed below is the number of copies each parish ordered last year. If there are any changes to your order, please contact Lisa Weber before Wednesday, October 2, 2013. Thank you.

 PARISHES                              OTHER

Burns Lake – 1                           Chancery – 1
Chetwynd/Tumbler – 2          Pastoral Centre – 4
Dawson Creek – 4                     Prison Ministry  – 1
Fort St. James – 1                     Sr. Maria – 1
Fort St. John – 6                       Sr. Gerarda Slanina – 1
Fraser Lake – 1                         Dominican Sisters  – 1
Houston – 2                                Domano Renewal Centre  – 2
Kitimat – 2                                  Fr. Andy – 1
Mackenzie – 1
McBride – 2
New Hazelton – 2
PG, Cathedral – 6
PG, Christ Our Savior – 4
PG, Imm. Conception – 3
PG, St. Mary’s – 6
Prince Rupert – 3
Smithers – 4
St. Theresa’s Missions – 2
Terrace – 4
Vanderhoof – 1


3.    Religious Education Trust

The Religious Education Trust provides funding to support and encourage initiatives for religious education in our diocese. The closing date for submission of applications for the next distribution of funds is October 1st, 2013.  A copy of the Application Form is attached. Forms can be sent to Lynn Monteith via email: or fax: (250)964-2101 or mailed to the address on the form.

 RET Application Form


4.    Anointing of the Sick

Please place the following notice in Prince George parish bulletins:

Bishop Jensen will celebrate Mass and Anointing of the Sick for all the city parishes at 2:00 pm Wednesday, November 6th at St. Mary’s Church. Everyone is welcome.


5.      Safe Parish Communities

A review of the Criminal Record Checks and Safe Parish Communities Pledges indicates there are a number of parishes in the Diocese that have not followed the required protocols. It may be that the documents have been obtained but not sent in to this office. If that is the case, parishes are asked to please send in all completed Criminal Record Checks and Safe Parish Communities Pledges as soon as possible to:

            Mary-Anne Lewis Jamin, Box 7000, Prince George, BC V2N 3Z2

Parishes are reminded that all employees (including priests and religious) and volunteers are required to undergo a Criminal Record Check and sign a Safe Parish Communities Pledge if they are categorized at a high risk or simply to sign a Safe Parish Communities Pledge if they are categorized as general risk. Information and Pledge forms can be found on the Diocesan website at If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mary-Anne Lewis Jamin at 250-964-4424 ext. 234 or

Instructions and Criminal Record Check Consent Forms (Please read WW – Safe Parish Communities Instructions first):

WW – Safe Parish Communities Instructions sept 25 2013

List of accepted ID sept2013

CRC Consent Form 2013 Scan

CRC Volunteer #1 letter    CRC Volunteer #2     CRC Volunteer #3

CRC Volunteer #4


6.     Silent Live-In Retreat for Women

Please place the following notice in parish bulletins:

The Sisters of the Child Jesus, North Vancouver, are holding a silent Live-In Retreat for women interested in discerning a call to Religious Life from 7:00 pm Friday, November 8, 2013 to 3:00 pm Sunday, November 10, 2013.  For further information or to register contact Sister Denece at (604) 985-4872 ( or Sister Linda at (604) 936-2875 (


7.      Ocean Falls and Bella Coola Reunion

Please place the following information in parish bulletins:

Former Pastor Jim Fagan is pleased to announce the celebration of the Centenary of St. Margaret’s Parish in Ocean Falls, and the 60th Anniversaries of St. Margaret’s School in Ocean Falls and Holy Name of Mary Parish in Bella Coola.  A tea will be held at the Star of the Sea School auditorium (15024-24th Ave., South Surrey) from 3-5 p.m. on Saturday, October 26, followed by Mass at the adjacent Good Shepherd Church at 5 p.m.  Former parishioners and friends from Ocean Falls and Bella Coola are invited to attend the tea, bringing photos, mementos and stories to share.  Please register for the St. Margaret’s Centenary by contacting Janice Boots at 604-535-7097.  Questions may be directed to Fr. Jim at