Wednesday Weekly – 26Mar14

Wednesday Weekly March 26, 2014 Print Version

1.      DYC 2014 – Catching Fire

Please place the following notice in bulletins AND make the following announcement after Masses this Sunday:

Bulletin announcement:

The 19th Annual Diocesan Youth Conference or DYC is coming up fast! This 3-day youth conference is happening April 25-27 this year and is open for the first time to all youth in grades7-12. Join us for a packed weekend of dynamic talks, workshops, games all culminating in a closing Mass together. There will also be adoration, amazing praise & worship, and a coffeehouse featuring artists from across our diocese as part of an evening celebration. This year, our theme is ʻCatching Fireʼ based on the scripture passage of the Road to Emmaus. We hope young people will leave on fire for our Lord. Early-bird registration has been extended until April 8. Be sure to register today either online or by mailing in a registration form. Further information and a copy of the registration form can be found online at

Announcement at all Masses:

The 19th Annual Diocesan Youth Conference or DYC is coming up fast. This 3-day youth conference is happening April 25-27 this year and is open for the first time to all youth from grades7-12. Join us for a packed weekend of dynamic talks, workshops, games all culminating in a closing Mass together. There will also be adoration, amazing praise & worship, and a coffeehouse featuring artists from across our diocese as part of an evening celebration. This year, our theme is ʻCatching Fireʼ based on the scripture passage of the Road to Emmaus. We hope young people will leave on fire for our Lord. Early-bird registration has been extended until April 8. Be sure to register today. All information can be found in your bulletins or on the diocesan website.


2.      Chrism Mass

Please place the attached notice in parish bulletins in Prince George.

The Mass of Chrism will be celebrated at 7 pm on Monday, April 7th at Sacred Heart Cathedral.  In this diocesan celebration, the Holy Oils and Chrism used in the Sacraments are blessed and consecrated and the priests renew their commitment to serve the Church. A reception will follow and you are invited to bring a plate of snacks to share (please put on the table in the lower hall before Mass).


3.      Domano Renewal Centre – April at a Glance

The April At a Glance newsletter for the Domano Renewal Centre is attached.  All Domano Renewal Centre events can be viewed on the Diocesan Calendar found on the Diocese website at:

 April at a Glance

4.      National Catholic Mission 2014 -The Gift of Forgiveness

Parishes are asked to post the attached poster and place the following notice in bulletins:

The National Catholic Mission 2014, “The Gift of Forgiveness,” will be broadcast on VISIONTV on Monday, April 14 (Part 1) and Tuesday, April 15 (Part 2) at 3 pm and repeated at 7 pm. This year’s Mission looks at how the hurts and cruelties we inevitably experience during the first half of our lives may be a source of the anger and resentment we feel in our later years. It will offer a pathway to help us rediscover a compassionate heart. It will feature Father Ron Rolheiser, OMI, Sr. Melannie Svoboda SND, Paula D’Arcy, Tom and Barb Zanzig each of whom have faced personal challenges that could have left them embittered. Please join in to hear how they overcame these trials.

Mission 2014 Gift of Forgiveness


5.      National Week for Life and the Family

For parish information:

The 2014 National Week for Life and the Family will be May 12-18, 2014. The theme is “Families united in the joy of the Lord”.  A limited number of prayers cards will be distributed to priests following the Chrism Mass. Both the poster and prayer card use the same artwork as last year. Parishes are welcome to print any additional copies they may need by freely downloading the artwork which is available on the CCCB website. The English language materials were prepared by the Diocese of Hamilton and include possible events and activities as well as prayers of the faithful. They are also obtained from the CCCB website at:


Wednesday Weekly – 19Mar14

Wednesday Weekly March 19, 2014 Print Version

1.      DYC 2014, Catching Fire

Schools and Parishes are asked to place the following information in parish bulletins:

The 19TH ANNUAL DYC: CATCHING FIRE is happening April 25-27 and REGISTRATION is now open! DYC is a weekend diocesan youth conference for Grades 7-12 held at the Diocesan Center in Prince George. For travellers, participants will be offered accommodation with homestays. Secure your place at this dynamic conference by registering today. EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION ends April 1, 2014 and costs $35/participant. After April 1, registration costs $50.


2.      Billets needed for DYC

Please repeat the following notice in parish bulletins in the city of Prince George each weekend up to and including April 20th:

Billets are needed for youth participating in the Annual Diocesan Youth Conference, April 25-27. If you are able to welcome two or more young people into your home for that weekend, please contact Teresa Phillippe at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre (250-964-4424 ext. 242 or


3.      Easter Schedules

Parish secretaries are asked to forward their parish Easter (Triduum) schedule to Lisa Weber at This information will be placed on the Diocesan website.


4.      Monthly Day of Adoration

Please put the following notice in Central Region parish bulletins:

Emmanuel Hermitage invites you to a Personal Date with Jesus on April 8 in the Domano Chapel (at the Domano Renewal Centre, 6500 Southridge Ave.). Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. and the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for a day of silent prayer and adoration. We will pray especially for the people and needs of our Diocese, the universal Church, and the world. In particular we will pray for the protection of all human life, for vocations, and for the intentions of those participating in the day. Please mark your calendar on the second Tuesday of each month for Personal Dates with Jesus days.


5.      Chrism Mass

Please post the attached poster in parishes.

The Mass of Chrism will be celebrated at 7 pm on Monday, April 7th at Sacred Heart Cathedral.  In this diocesan celebration, the Holy Oils and Chrism used in the Sacraments are blessed and consecrated and the priests renew their commitment to serve the Church.

Parishes are invited to send two representatives to accompany their pastor to the Mass of Chrism and to a dinner beforehand at 5:00 pm in Sacred Heart Cathedral’s lower hall. Please contact Jennifer Foster, the Cathedral secretary, before April 4th by telephone at (250)564-5225 or by email at to confirm your parish’s attendees.

6.      Library Resources at the Diocesan Centre

Please place the following information in parish bulletins:

Parishioners are welcome to stop by the Diocesan Resource Centre to check out the audio tapes, books, and DVDs that are available for loan or as reference.  One example is the Catholicism series by Fr. Robert Barron – parishioners can access the DVD series, Faith Clips, Book, prayer card and Study Guide to enhance their knowledge of our great faith.  Out of town parishioners can see what’s available on the diocesan website under the “Resource Catalog” link and the resource can be sent to your parish. For further information on our resources, please contact Teresa Philippe at (250)964-4424 extension 242 or at


7.      Annual Diocesan Appeal Update

Parishes are invited to place the following update from Fr. Richard in bulletins as space allows:

We have just passed the halfway mark in our Appeal year, and there is good news and not so great news.  To date the statistics are:

Pledges:                                    $405,414
Less Rebates:                            $  16,283
Diocesan Goal to Date:            $389,131
Goal Shortage:                            $10,869

The good news is that 8 parishes out of 20 have surpassed their goals and will receive rebates of $16,283. Congratulations to the members of those parishes and thank you for your quick and generous response to the invitation to participate in the mission of the Diocese through the Appeal. Five out of the eight parishes who have surpassed their goals are among the smallest parishes in the Diocese, some of which also receive assistance from the Appeal and Catholic Missions in Canada.

Of the 12 remaining parishes who have not yet met their goals, the total percentage pledged ranges from 36.4% to 96.9%.  A sincere thank you to all who have contributed so generously so far. Your support of the Appeal is vital in your parish. The challenge now is for others in these parishes to respond as well. Those parishes that do not reach their goal are relying on the smaller parishes to subsidize them as the contingency amount in the goals is used to make up the shortfall.

All parishioners are urged to participate in the Annual Diocesan Appeal. If you have not yet responded, please take the time now to prayerfully consider your response to the invitation to share some of your blessings with your sisters and brothers throughout the Diocese.  Thank you!

20140319 Appeal Update

Smithers 100 Years Jubilee

This year, St. Joseph’s Parish, Smithers is celebrating its 100 Years Jubilee with the theme:


St. Joseph’s Parish
Smithers, B.C.
100 Years Jubilee

Celebrating God’s Faithful Blessings
yesterday, today and forever

Fr. Rector and the Anniversary Committee invite all from our diocesan faith community to come and celebrate this special year. Please click on the Calendar of Events link below to view the activities scheduled. All are welcome to attend a jubilee event, to celebrate Mass or to visit at any time. St. Joseph’s is located at 4023 First Avenue, Smithers.  If possible, please contact the parish office in advance at (250) 847-2012 or at to let them know you will be attending.

Calendar of Events 100 Years Jubilee

Smithers St Joseph 100 Anniversary

Remain With Us, Lord: Reflections on the Mass in the Christian Life

What is the meaning of the Mass in my daily life?Remain with us Lord

How does the Mass strengthen me to accept the challenges and give thanks for the gifts that God places in my life?

How do I transmit to others the joy of my personal encounter with Jesus Christ in the Mass?


“Remain with Us, Lord” is an inspirational collection of personal stories and theological reflections on the importance of the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass in our spiritual lives as Christians and the peace and happiness we draw from it to live our lives close to Jesus Christ and to bring him to others. Filmed in the United States and Ireland, the video was produced by Midwest Theological Forum and is available on DVD or digital download.


For more information visit


Wednesday Weekly – 12Mar14

Wednesday Weekly March 12, 2014 Print Version

1.      DYC 2014, Catching Fire

Schools and Parishes are asked to post the attached poster and place the following information in parish bulletins:

The 19TH ANNUAL DYC: CATCHING FIRE is happening April 25-27 and REGISTRATION is now open! DYC is a weekend diocesan youth conference for Grades 7-12 held at the Diocesan Center in Prince George. For travellers, participants will be offered accommodation with homestays. Secure your place at this dynamic conference by registering today. EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION ends April 1, 2014 and costs $35/participant. After April 1, registration costs $50.

     DYC 2014 poster

2.      Employment Opportunity – CISPG

Sacred Heart School in Prince George is seeking a Temporary Part-Time French Teacher commencing May 1, 2014. The deadline for applications is March 28th, 2014. Please see the attached ad for further information.

Temporary 40 French Teacher March 2014


3.      Religious Education Trust

The Religious Education Trust provides funding to support and encourage initiatives for religious education in our diocese. The closing date for submission of applications for the next distribution of funds is April 7, 2014.  A copy of the Application Form is attached. Forms can be sent to Lynn Monteith via email: or fax: (250)964-2101 or mailed to the address on the form.

RET Application – Oct-11


4.      Chrism Mass, April 7, 2014

The Mass of Chrism will be celebrated at 7 pm on Monday, April 7th at Sacred Heart Cathedral.  In this diocesan celebration, the Holy Oils and Chrism used in the Sacraments are blessed and consecrated and the priests renew their commitment to serve the Church.

Parishes are invited to send two representatives to accompany their pastor to the Mass of Chrism and to a dinner beforehand at 5:00 pm in Sacred Heart cathedral’s lower hall. Please contact Jennifer Foster, the cathedral secretary, before April 4th by telephone at (250)564-5225 or by email at to confirm your parish’s attendees.


5.      Chrism Mass Oils Set Confirmation

To help with planning for the Chrism Mass, all parishes and missions are asked to look over the list on the following page to confirm their sets of oils for this year. Please contact Jennifer at Sacred Heart Cathedral ( or (250)564-5225) by March 28th to confirm or indicate required changes. Thanks!


Set of Three Bottles

St. Anthony’s – Houston


St. Theresa’s Missions – Takla


St. Joseph’s – Smithers  


St. Cecilia Mission – Tache


St. Mary’s & Mission – New Hazelton


St. Joseph & Mission – Vanderhoof

1 + 1 Oil of Sick

Our Lady of the Snows – Fort St. James


Immaculata – Burns Lake


St. Andrew’s & Missions – Fraser Lake


St. Patrick’s – McBride


St. Peter’s – Mackenzie


Our Lady of Peace & Missions – Chetwynd


Notre Dame – Dawson Creek


Resurrection – Fort St. John


Annunciation – Prince Rupert


Sacred Heart – Terrace

Will bring own Container

Christ the King – Kitimat

Will bring own Container

Christ Our Saviour – Prince George


Immaculate Conception – Prince George


St. Mary’s – Prince George

Will bring own Container

Wednesday Weekly – 5Mar14

Wednesday Weekly March 5, 2014 Print Version

1.      40 Days for Life, March 5 – April 13, 2014

40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life campaign with a vision to access God’s power through prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil to end abortion. Campaigns will be taking place in two communities in the Diocese: Prince George and Terrace.  To view the vigil schedule, location and to get the latest updates, please contact the local organizer or visit their website:

PG: Tony Donovan,;

Terrace: Ryan Gillam;;

 Please add to parish bulletins in the Central Region:

Prince George 40 Days for Life Campaign Update
Prince George’s first 40 Days for Life officially started March 5 at 12:00am!  There were 14 people in attendance to brave the -18 degree cold. We had a surprise visit from Bishop Jensen!  Father Pier and Bishop Jensen led us in prayer and gave us a great start to 40 Days for Life!  The campaign is from March 5 – April 13th.  We are holding the Vigil from 6am to 11pm each day.  We have many spaces filled but we could use a lot more participants!  It’s lonely out there at times! Let’s all show Prince George that we have respect for all life.
God bless you all and keep us in your prayers, Tony Donovan
P.S.  Joe Haddock was our first volunteer for the Vigil.  He stood for 3 hours in -23 degree weather!  Very impressive Joe.


2.      Diocesan Summit, April 26, 2014 – Whatsoever You Do…

A Diocesan Summit is being held on April 26, 2014 in conjunction with the Diocesan Youth Conference for all involved in efforts to defend life and promote the development of every person. The title of the half-day event is “Whatsoever you do…” – a reference to Our Lord’s parable in Matthew 25 about the need to see each person as His brother or sister. Invitations from the Bishop have been mailed to diocesan organizations who may wish to set up a table at the Conference.  Parishes are asked to post the attached poster and invitation and place the information in parish bulletins.  Thank you!

Diocesan Summit Poster

Diocesan Summit Invitation


3.      Chrism Mass, April 7, 2014

 Please mark your calendar: the Mass of Chrism will take place on Monday, April 7th, 7pm at Sacred Heart Cathedral.  More information will be sent to parishes next week.




Wednesday Weekly – 26Feb14

Wednesday Weekly February 26, 2014 Print Version

1.      Seminary Live-In for Men, April 4-6, 2014:

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins:

The next Vocation “Live-in” for Men will take place April 4-6, 2014 at the Seminary of Christ the King, Mission, BC.  A Vocation Live-In is an opportunity for young men ages Grade 10 and up to meet other young men searching for God’s will. During the weekend there are times for community prayer, daily mass and rosary, sports, discussion groups, and a tour of the seminary. For more information, call Fr. Terry Brock at 250-635-2313.


2.      World Day of Prayer 2014

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins in the Central Region:

A World Day of Prayer interdenominational service will be held in Prince George at Sacred Heart Cathedral on Friday, March 7th at 7:00 pm. The origins of the World Day of Prayer date back to the 19th century when Christian women initiated a variety of activities in support of women’s involvement in mission at home and in other parts of the world. For 2014, a committee of Egyptian laywomen prayerfully chose the theme, “Streams in the Desert”. Water, as with many places in the world is a central theme of the future for Egypt.  For more information about the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada and further resources on the 2014 World Day of Prayer, please visit:

3.      Shepherd’s Corner News

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins in the Central Region:

Sr. Jude Van Baalen, OP has been appointed Coordinator of Shepherd’s Corner. We give thanks to Roseann Lalonde, who was the interim Coordinator following Sr. Jean Marie Lehtinen’s departure last year. Roseann is retiring from administration and will be missed by all.  Thank you to Sr. Jude for taking on this responsibility.

Shepherd’s Corner is always in need of more volunteers to help run the centre. Volunteers are a welcoming presence at the Corner to assure that the guests have a safe place to find a listening ear, someone to care and to journey with them for a few hours during the day. If you are interested in learning more about being a Shepherd’s Corner volunteer, you are invited to call 250-562-9330 or drop by 1204-2 Avenue between 10 am and 1 pm weekdays.  Thank you!


4.      Domano Renewal Centre Calendar – March

The March At a Glance newsletter for the Domano Renewal Centre is attached.  Check out their Lenten programs for March and April.  All Domano Renewal Centre events can be viewed on the Diocesan Calendar found on the Diocese website at:

 March at a Glance


5.      Lenten Message

Please find attached the Holy Father’s Message for Lent 2014 whose theme is “He became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich (cf. 2 Cor 8:9).  During the Lenten season, the Holy Father asks us to meditate especially on the richness of the “way” of poverty that Christ offers us as the only effective means to overcome the various forms of misery that afflict humanity: material, moral and spiritual.

Holy Father – Message for Lent 2014

Wednesday Weekly – 19Feb14

Wednesday Weekly February 19, 2014 Print Version

1.      St. Patrick’s Day Mass

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins in the Central Region from February 19th to March 5th:

The annual Mass to mark the Feast of St. Patrick will take place at Sacred Heart Cathedral on Monday, March 10th, beginning at 5:30 p.m. The celebrant will be Fr. Pier Pandolfo. All are welcome to this celebration with the Celtic community of Prince George. Don’t forget to wear your green!


2.      Employment Opportunity – CIS

Notre Dame School in Dawson Creek is seeking a Temporary Full-Time Grade 3 Teacher commencing April 28th, 2014. The deadline for applications is March 14th, 2014. Please see the attached ad for further information.

 Temporary Full-Time Grade Three Teacher Notre Dame School February 2014


3.      Employment Opportunity – St. Mary’s Parish, PG

Please put the following job opportunity in parish bulletins:

St. Mary’s Parish, Prince George is looking for a Pastoral Assistant. The position requires a practicing Roman Catholic with knowledge of the church and who is experienced in theology and catechesis. Responsibilities will include religious education programs and youth ministry coordination. This is a full-time position. Remuneration includes a benefit package. Interested applicants are asked to please submit a resume with cover letter: by email to; or by fax to 250-562-3540; or mail to St. Mary’s Parish, 1088 Gillett Street, Prince George, BC, V2M 2V3. Attention: Fr. Piotr Dudek, OMI. Posting open until position is filled.


4.      Monthly Day of Adoration

Please put the following message in parish bulletins in the Central Region:

Emmanuel Hermitage invites you to a Personal Date with Jesus on March 11 in the Domano Chapel. Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. and the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for a day of silent prayer and adoration. We will pray especially for the people and needs of our Diocese, the universal Church, and the world. In particular we will pray for the protection of all human life, for vocations, and for the intentions of those participating in the day. Please mark your calendar on the second Tuesday of each month for Personal Dates with Jesus days.


5.      Appeal Update

20140219 Appeal Update

Wednesday Weekly – 12Feb14

Wednesday Weekly January 12, 2014 Print Version

1.      Northern Catholic News – Deadline extended

The Northern Catholic News is looking for articles from our parishes and schools to publish in its Spring edition. Did your parish or school celebrate a special occasion or event? Please let us know about it!  Did you have a guest speaker that would be of interest to other parishioners? Our readers would love to hear about it! Contact Mary-Anne Lewis Jamin at or 250-964-4424 extension 234 with your stories and pictures. The deadline for this edition has been extended to February 18th, 2014.


2.      Way of the Cross

Last year, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) invited the Commissariat of the Holy Land in Canada to arrange a special text for the Stations of the Cross in conjunction with the Year of Faith. Since 2011, the CCCB has been encouraging Canadian dioceses to promote prayer for those living in the Holy Land, and proposing that celebrations of the Way of the Cross during Lent and on Good Friday include special prayers for peace in the Holy Land. To support this effort, The Way of the Cross – Way of Faith is being redistributed by the CCCB and is attached for use by parishes.

 Way of the Cross – Way of Faith


3.      Twenty-Ninth World Youth Day Message

The next world youth day will be held in Krakow in 2016. In preparation for this event, Pope Francis has asked youth to reflect on the Beatitudes found in the Gospel of Saint Matthew (5:1-12). In 2014, young people are asked to reflect on the first Beatitude: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 5:3). The Message from the Holy Father for the 29th World Youth Day is attached.

World Youth Day Message


Wednesday Weekly – 5Feb14

Wednesday Weekly February 5, 2014 Print Version

 1.      St. Mary Magdalene Mission Church, Hagwilget Nation

We are pleased to announce that St. Mary Magdalene Mission Church, New Hazelton, BC will be re-opened.  In order to celebrate this happy occasion, Mass will be held at the Church on Sunday, February 16th at 10:00 a.m. with Bishop Stephen Jensen presiding.  Parishes are asked to post the attached invitation, place the information in parish bulletins and join in if they are able.

Invitation Hagwilget


2.      Retirement – Simone Kwast

After 14 years of dedicated service at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Simone Kwast retired from her position as Secretary effective January 31, 2014. We wish her many blessings in this next chapter of her life.


3.      Statistical Report

Parishes are asked to please fill in the statistical information requested on the attached form and return it to Mary-Anne Lewis Jamin by February 28th. This information is needed for the Annual Rome Report. Contact Mary-Anne at (250)964-4424 extension 234 if you have any questions. Thank you.

Rome Report statistics request


4.      Prince George Crisis Pregnancy Centre

Parishes in the Central region as asked to place the following information in parish bulletins for the next three weekends (Feb 9/16/23):

Has God been whispering to you to do something important? Are you being called to a greater service? Some of the questions you may have been asking yourself: “How do I make a difference? How can I be active in my faith within the community? How can I serve with a greater purpose? Do you want to work with people who love God and hold a positive view of life? Are you ready to tackle a life changing challenge and grow in your faith and character?   Then step up and join the Board of Directors at the Prince George Crisis Pregnancy Centre. At this exciting time of new growth, we need you!  Please contact the Centre at (250) 562-4464 for more information.


5.      CCCB Cremisan Valley statement and letter

President Archbishop Paul-André Durocher has written to the Minister of Foreign Affairs concerning plans by the Government of Israel to route the country’s security wall through the Cremisan Valley. The President’s letter was also accompanied by a statement following the 2014 meeting of the Co-ordination of Episcopal Conferences in Support of the Church in the Holy Land. Both the letter and the statement requested that the Israeli Supreme Court consider the impact rerouting the security wall would have on 58 Christian families, as well as on the presence and pastoral work of a Salesian monastery and also on the educational activities of a Salesian convent. The Israeli Supreme Court has now placed an injunction on further construction work, while also asking the Israeli State Attorney to indicate why other optional routes were not considered. Further updates about the situation can be expected on the Patriarchate’s website:, under the section “Politics and Society”.


6.      CCCB Comment on the results of the questions in the Preparatory Document for the Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, “The pastoral challenges for the family in the context of evangelization”

As had been agreed in principle by the Permanent Council of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), and following the review and approval of the Conference’s Executive Committee, a synthesis has been prepared and sent to the Holy See of the responses of the Bishops and dioceses of Canada to the questions in the Preparatory Document for the Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, “The pastoral challenges for the family in the context of evangelization”.

 The extent of the consultations by the dioceses and their responses are clear evidence of the pastoral importance of this theme for this year’s Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. The consultations indicate not only the importance of marriage and family life for both the Church and our society, but also the Church’s deep appreciation for the generous witness and commitment of married couples and families, especially in today’s world of rapid social change and significant economic challenges. At the same time, the process has shown many Catholics are not deeply aware of the Church’s rich and positive teaching on marriage and family. This can result in a troubling gap between the Church’s doctrine and the thinking of a number of Catholics. There are also hopes the Church could be more effective in presenting its teaching, and might also review aspects of its discipline in certain areas.

This year’s Extraordinary Synod will involve a special meeting of the Presidents of the world’s Episcopal Conferences and of the Patriarchs and Major Archbishops of the Eastern Churches. The Holy Father has already indicated this will be followed next year by a meeting of the Synod’s Ordinary Assembly, which in effect will involve a greater number of Bishops from throughout the world in further reflection on these significant questions.

The Preparatory Document notes that the purpose of its questions is to allow “the particular Churches to participate actively in the preparation of the Extraordinary Synod.” Noting that “the time available is short,” the accompanying letter from the General Secretary of the Synod, Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri, had asked that Conferences of Bishops follow “the most brief and practical institutional process” in providing him a synthesis of responses no later than the end of this past January. In accordance with the preparations and practice for every meeting of the Synod of Bishops, the results of the CCCB synthesis of diocesan responses are sent directly to the Holy See and not made public. Instead, the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops will later this year publish the instrumentum laboris or “discussion document” for the Third Extraordinary Assembly, which will present a summary of major concerns and suggestions from around the world. Also to assist in this, the CCCB will be forwarding to the General Secretariat the complete responses that this Conference has received not only from Canadian dioceses and Bishops, but also from various other Canadian groups and individuals.