Wednesday Weekly – 14May14

Wednesday Weekly May 14, 2014 Print Version


1.      Saint Mary Magdalene Church, Hagwilget

Saint Mary Magdalene Church in Hagwilget (close to New Hazelton) was reopened earlier this year. Now the community would like to obtain hymn books for its church. It would be much appreciated if any parish could spare some copies of the Catholic Book of Worship (any version); if several parishes gave a few copies each, the requested 25 copies could be easily assembled. Books can be sent to the Diocesan Centre. Please call (250) 964-4424 if you are able to help. Thank you!

2.      Distance Education courses for Adult Faith Formation

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins:

St. Francis Xavier University offers distance education courses for adults seeking faith formation for personal and professional development: Diploma in Ministry; Certificate in Lay Ministry; Certificate in Spirituality; and Diploma in Intellectual Disability Studies.  For information please contact Continuing & Distance Education, StFX University, toll free 1-877-867-5562, or or visit our website:


3.      Directions in Aboriginal Ministry 2014

Please post the attached flyer & registration form on parish bulletin boards. Please also circulate the attached letter of invitation and announcement to those serving First Nations Communities in your local area.

Directions in Aboriginal Ministry Flyer

Registration Form Directions in Aboriginal Ministry

Participant Invitation Letter

Announcement for Directions in Aboriginal Ministry Program


4.      Our Lady of Pentecost Summer Institute

Please post the attached poster, make the brochure available and put the following notice in parish bulletins:

“Go forth in the power of The Name” will be the theme of the sixth annual Our Lady of Pentecost Summer Institute in Kelowna. Featured speakers will be Franciscan priest Fr. Pierre Ducharme of Edmonton and seminarian Sylvester Ibekwe.  This year the Institute will be held at St.Charles Garnier Parish from August 10-15. It is sponsored by the Nelson Diocese Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service Committee, and is endorsed by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services of BC.

Our Lady of Pentecost Summer Institute Poster

Wednesday Weekly – 7May14

Wednesday Weekly May 7, 2014 Print Version

1.      Northern Catholic News Deadline – May 16th, 2014

The Northern Catholic News is looking for articles from our parishes and schools to publish in its Summer edition. Did your parish or school celebrate a special occasion or event? Did someone in your organization receive special recognition? Please let us know about it!  Did you have a guest speaker that would be of interest to other parishioners? Our readers would love to hear about it! Contact Mary-Anne Lewis Jamin at or 250-964-4424 extension 234 with your stories and pictures. The deadline for this edition is May 16th, 2014.


2.      DYC – Message from Eunice Hii, Youth and Young Adult Ministry Coordinator

Please share the following message from Eunice:

The 19th annual Diocesan Youth Conference was an incredible weekend!

 A big THANK YOU to all those who participated especially our amazing volunteers and chaperones. It was truly a momentous weekend for our diocese especially closing on Divine Mercy Sunday along with the canonization of two saints. I ask that you continue to pray for all the youth who attended and committed themselves to Christ. May our young be drawn ever more deeply into a personal encounter with Jesus!

There are so many people who made this past weekend possible. Thank you to all our speakers who came to be with us! In no particular order, I have to mention some names here: A giant thank you to Tracy Connelly, who at home with 7 kids, still found the time to call up hundreds of people to invite them to the conference. A heartfelt thank you to Sharlene Irving, who organized a massive prayer warrior team across our diocese. It was so evident that all your prayers were heard. Also, thank you to Teresa Phillippe, who processed all your registrations and more! Thank you Margaret Smith for your generous spirit in preparing all the food for our participants. Thank you Jatinder, Ron and Glen for making sure the Diocesan Centre was ready to go! Thank you to the Matte family for your generosity in providing many Lighthouse goodies for the young people. Thank you Bishop Jensen and all priests who came to hear confessions and celebrate Mass. Thank you Fr. Jack Michalchuk & John Connelly for guiding the major decisions towards this weekend. There are many more I would like to thank here including all the youth coordinators throughout our diocese and especially our volunteer crew, but there simply is not enough space to mention you all. You know who you are. I’m praying for you all.

Praise God for such a dynamic conference. See you at the 20th annual DYC!!! Saints John Paul II and John XXIII, pray for us!

This is just the beginning!

In Christ,  Eunice


3.      Young Adult Summer Events

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins:

Summer is often a time where we grow away from our faith and relationship in Jesus, but let’s make sure that that doesn’t happen this summer! Join us for a bible study either in Theology of the Body/the Old Testament starting this JUNE. Those not in Prince George, are welcome to join us via skype. We will also host a young women’s study with the book ‘How to Find your Soulmate without losing your soul.’ For details about either book study, please contact our Diocesan Youth Coordinator, Eunice Hii, at or join ‘Catholic Young Adults – Diocese of Prince George’ on Facebook.

4.      World day of Prayer for Vocations – May 11th, 2014

The following is a message from Fr. Terry Brock, Vocations Director:

This coming Sunday is “World Day of Prayer for Vocations.” There are three items to hand out to your parishioners to commemorate this day.

1. Bishop Jensen’s letter
Message from Most Reverend Stephen Jensen, Bishop of Prince George

2. The new Vocations prayer:

Heavenly Father, bless Your Church with an abundance of holy and zealous Priests, Brothers and Sisters.
Open the hearts of the young, that they may discern Your will for them.
Give them the desire to offer themselves to serve You in others and establish Your reign in all hearts.
Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen

3. The Vocations Suggestion card.

Suggestion – Our practice at Sacred Heart Parish in Terrace will be as follows: We will assign greeters to distribute the new vocations prayer card “before” mass as parishioners enter the Church. At the prayer of intersession the prayer will be prayed by the assembly. At the end of mass, the commentator will announce that the Bishop’s letter and the vocations suggestion card are inserted in the parish bulletin. The commentator will read out the contents of the Vocations suggestion card and briefly explain what to do with it.

Thank you for your efforts to promote priestly vocations in our diocese.


5.      Vocations Poster Winner

Congratulations to Gibson Dugdale, Grade 5 from Nukko Lake Elementary in Prince George.  Due to lack of entries, no 2nd, 3rd or most original idea will be awarded this year.


6.      Week for Life and the Family, May 11-18, 2014

Please find attached for your information the message by the CCCB President, Archbishop Paul-André Durocher, for the National Week for Life and the Family, May 11-18, 2014.  All parishes should have received a package of prayer cards with the new diocesan prayer for families on the back. Please distribute the prayer card to parishioners at the May 18th Mass.

 Message for National Week for Life and the Family

7.      Divorce and Beyond

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins in the Central Region:

Catholic Divorce Ministry, is  a parish-based self-help program for newly divorced/separated people based on the premise that sharing, thoughts, feelings and experiences with others in the same situation is one of the most helpful ways to move beyond the pain of divorce.  The Catholic Church has a rich treasury of people, Scripture, tradition, and pastoral ministry on which it can draw to serve its members whose marriages end in divorce.  CDM strives to lay open this wealth and make known Christ’s abundant love so that all who suffer from separation and divorce might experience healing, reconciliation, and new life. If you are interested in participating in the program please contact Tony at  or phone at 250-612-0397 or  Father Pier Pandolfo at the Sacred Heart Parish, 250-564-5225.




Wednesday Weekly – 29Apr14

Wednesday Weekly April 29, 2014 Print Version

1.      Annual Retreat and Workshop for Parish/School Secretaries and Bookkeepers

The Diocesan Annual Retreat and Administrative Workshop for parish and school secretaries/bookkeepers will take place on Thursday, May 1st and Friday, May 2nd at the Domano Renewal Centre. Access to the Diocesan Centre may be limited during this time.


2.      Welcome to Sr. Renee Richie, OP and Sr. Maurine Barzantni, OP

We are very pleased to welcome Sr. Renee Richie, OP and Sr. Maurine Barzantni, OP to the Diocese of Prince George. The sisters belong to the Adrian Dominican congregation and have been appointed as Pastoral Assistants serving in Fort St. James and area. Please see the attached for more information about their past ministries.

Adrian Dominican Sisters Maurine and Renee


3.      St. Andrew’s Parish, Fraser Lake

St. Andrew’s Parish in Fraser Lake are looking for about a dozen of the old, blue Glory & Praise hymn books, last printed in 1984 by North American Liturgy Resources. If your parish has any extra copies that they could donate, please contact St. Andrew’s Parish, c/o Therese Stafford at 250-699-6575 or Thank you!


4.      Linnea Good – Performance in Prince George May 4th

Please put the following notice in Central Region parish bulletins:

Linnea Good is coming to Prince George to perform in concert on Sunday, May 4th at 7 pm at the Knox United Church, and all are invited to attend.  Linnea is a hit across the country with her songs of faith, which joyously cross denominational boundaries. Tickets: $20 Adults, $15 Seniors, $10 Youth/Students, $5 Children (6 -12) $40 Family of 4, children 5 and under free. Tickets available through Knox United Church, phone 250-564-7822. The website provides more details.






Wednesday Weekly – 23Apr14

Wednesday Weekly April 23, 2014 Print Version

1.      Diocesan Centre Updates

Please note the following:

  • Lynn Monteith, Accountant will be working limited hours for the next few weeks. If you need to reach her during this time, please email her at and she will respond as soon as she is able. Thank you!
  • The Diocesan Annual Retreat and Administration Workshop for parish and school secretaries/bookkeepers will take place on May 1st and May 2nd at the Domano Renewal Centre. In order to facilitate bulletin preparations in our parishes, the Wednesday Weekly will go out on TUESDAY next week.  Please ensure any announcements are submitted to Lisa Weber ( before Tuesday, April 29th at noon.


2.      Pews

College Heights Baptist Church in Prince George is in the process of removing their oak pews with seating for approximately 250 and replacing them with chairs. They are willing to donate the pews to another church (shipping not included). If any parish would like to know more, please contact Chris Bowler at (250) 649-6474.


3.      40 Days for Life Closing Celebration – May 3rd

Please place the following notice in bulletins in Prince George:

There will be a short program on May 3rd beginning at 1pm in the Sacred Heart School Gym.  Please accept our Thank You to everyone for your Prayers, Fasting and Commitment to this campaign.  TWO babies lives were saved in Prince George (that we know of) during this 40 Days & many hearts touched. Our campaign was part of an international campaign with over 20 countries & 253 cities participating – globally over 631 babies lives were saved!  Come celebrate this amazing achievement with us!  Everyone Welcome!  Contact:  Tony Donovan at or (778) 349-4412 for more information.


4.      Employment Opportunities – CIS

Attached is a list of employment postings for CIS. Please post and put the following notice in parish bulletins:

Our Catholic Schools continue to thrive and grow.  Catholic Independent Schools of Prince George has a number of teaching positions available for the 2014-15 school year. Postings can be found on their website at Closing date for all positions listed is May 7, 2014 at noon.

CISPG Available Teaching Positions May 2014

5.      Monthly Day of Adoration

Please put the following notice in Central Region parish bulletins:

Emmanuel Hermitage invites you to a Personal Date with Jesus on May 13th in the Domano Chapel (at the Domano Renewal Centre, 6500 Southridge Ave.). Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. and the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for a day of silent prayer and adoration. We will pray especially for the people and needs of our Diocese, the universal Church, and the world. In particular we will pray for the protection of all human life, for vocations, and for the intentions of those participating in the day. Please mark your calendar on the second Tuesday of each month for Personal Dates with Jesus days.


6.      Special Presentation

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins:

The Domano Renewal Centre is pleased to welcome Bishop Gerry back to Prince George.  Everyone is invited to attend a special open presentation by him.  The evening’s topic is entitled “The New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Faith is Addressed to All” taken from the exhortation of Pope Francis entitled “The Joy of the Gospel.”  This event will be held at the Diocesan Library on Thursday, June 12, 2014 at 7:00 pm.  Fee by donation.  Please contact the Domano Renewal Centre (250) 964-4475 to register.


7.      May at a Glance

Please see the attached May’s At a Glance newsletter with details of upcoming programs at the Domano Renewal Centre. This month we offer a variety of workshops and retreats; why not try one?  If you have any questions regarding our programs or to register, please contact us at or by calling 250-964-4475.

 May at a Glance


8.      May 8th – National March for Life

Please make available to parishioners the attached message from the Catholic Organization for Life and Family (COLF) for the annual National March for Life, to be held in Ottawa on May 8, 2014. The message invites us to reflect on the fact that for decades, abortion “rights” proponents have fed Canadians the lie that access to abortion is good for women. The message is also found on the COLF website at and the diocese website.

 COLF MarchforLife2014


9.      Human life: a precious gift from God

Please make the attached COLF statement available to your parishioners: Do we want a country where physical, psychological, social and spiritual pain and suffering are relieved through a system of national palliative care or where some citizens are licensed to kill the most vulnerable, the sick, the suffering, the “burdensome”? The Catholic Organization for Life and Family (COLF) encourages parishioners throughout Canada to make their voices heard. Do we support Conservative MP Steven Fletcher’s two private member’s bills which would modify the Criminal Code of Canada to exempt “physician-assisted death” from prosecution or do we speak out in support of NDP MP Charles Angus’ Motion 456, which proposes the development of a “Pan-Canadian Palliative and End-of-life Care Strategy”?

COLF National Palliative Care System


10.  Camp Morice 2014

Please post the attached summer employment opportunity and put the following notice in parish bulletins:

Come experience the most beautiful and amazing place in northern BC! Camp Morice offers a variety of camps for both family and young people alike. You will find friendship and enjoy lots of games and other outdoor activities such as swimming and campfire. There is an adventure waiting for everyone! Come for an amazing week of faith filled fun that will last a lifetime. Are you ready for your great adventure?

  • July 6th -9th: Leadership Training  (for those 15 and up)
  • July 13th -18th: Teen Camp (completed gr. 7 to completed gr. 12)
  • July 20st -25th: Tween Camp #1 (completed gr.4 to completed gr.6)
  • July 27th – August 1st: Cana Camp #1 (For all families)
  • August 3rd -8th: Cana Camp #2 (For all families)
  • August 10th -August 15th: Kids Camp (completed gr.1 to completed gr.3)
  • August 17th -22nd: Tween Camp #2 (completed gr.4 to completed gr.6)
  • August 22nd -24th: Young Adults’ Retreat (for those 19 and up)
  • August 24th -29th: Teen Camp (completed gr. 7 to completed gr. 12)

 For more information and to register, please visit

Camp Morice Summer Employment Opportunity


Wednesday Weekly – 16Apr14

Wednesday Weekly April 16, 2014 Print Version 

1.      DYC 2014 – Catching Fire

Please update your bulletin and announcement for DYC with the following text for this Sunday as they’ll reach many more over the Easter Masses. Thank you!

Bulletin announcement:


The 19th annual Diocesan Youth Conference is less than 1 week away!! This is your LAST chance to register for this weekend conference happening April 25-27. DYC is open to all youth gr.7-12. Registration is $50 for a 3-day packed weekend of fun, inspiring talks, awesome praise & worship, and time with new friends. Don’t miss out! Register today. You can register online by checking out our diocesan website.

 Announcement at all Masses:

The 19th annual Diocesan Youth Conference is less than 1 week away!! This is your LAST chance to register for this weekend conference happening April 25-27. DYC is open to all youth grades7-12. Registration is $50 for a 3-day packed weekend of fun, inspiring talks, awesome praise & worship, and time with new friends. Don’t miss out – Register today! You can register online by checking out our diocesan website.


2.      Good Friday – Young Adult Event

Please place the following notice in bulletins in the Central Region:

Young Adults are invited to watch the Passion of Christ following Good Friday services, Friday April 18th at 6pm in the Diocesan Centre youth office.


3.      Payroll Services

Please try to submit your timesheets to Payroll by Thursday this week.  Thanks!


4.      Attention Pastors: Marriage Forms & Priest Login Portal

The revised Marriage Forms are now on the Diocesan website, go to “Our Diocese” and click on “Priest Login Portal”. To login you will need the password given to you at the Council of Priests meeting (contact Lisa Weber or Mary-Anne Lewis Jamin if necessary). Please print off new forms each time they are required in order to ensure the most up to date form is used. Once completed, do not email forms to the Diocese but continue to send them via mail. If you have begun interviews with a couple using the old forms, these will be processed, but effective June 2014 the old forms will no longer be in use. With the exception of Form 1, the numbering of the forms has been changed; refer to the files labeled “Instructions” or “Check List” for the correct form number. If you have any comments or concerns regarding the revised forms, please contact Mary-Anne Lewis Jamin (250-964-4424 ext. 234 or  Thank you.


5.      St. Mary’s School Employment Opportunity

St. Mary’s School in Prince George is seeking a Temporary Full-Time Grade 5 Teacher commencing May 2014 and a Temporary Full-Time Grade Three Teacher commencing April 28, 2014. Please see the attached ads for further information.

Temporary Full-Time Grade Five Teacher April 2014

Temporary Full-Time Grade Three Teacher April 2014


6.      Canonization of Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII

Tracy Connelly from Immaculata Parish in Burns Lake would like to share the artwork they developed to help celebrate the upcoming canonizations of Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII on April 27th.  The posters can be ordered at Staples in Prince George. The posters are 2 feet x 3 feet, but can be requested in other sizes; a copy of the posters are attached. The large posters are $20 each and delivery is free throughout the diocese. Delivery takes 2-4 days depending on your location. To order, call 250-614-4270, choose the print shop, and reference the “2 popes posters”. In Burns Lake, the posters are being used to make a bulletin board display mingled with children’s drawings of these two great Saints. Thank you Immaculata!

2 Popes posters


7.      Philippines Joint CCCB-CCODP campaign

The joint appeal by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) and the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CCODP) for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines has now raised $11,991, 932 as of March 31, 2014. The joint appeal was launched November 12, 2013. In addition to the contributions by dioceses, the Government of Canada announced April 3 it will provide CCODP with $2 million in matching contributions to help up to 6,840 people in the Samar province of the Philippines. In a second news release the same day, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced that individual Canadians contributed over $85 million in eligible donations which the Government of Canada will match through its Typhoon Haiyan Relief Fund.  Thanks to all who supported this campaign.


Wednesday Weekly – 9Apr2014

Wednesday Weekly April 9th, 2014 Print Version

1.      DYC 2014 – Catching Fire

Please place the following notice in bulletins AND make the following announcement after Masses this Sunday:

Bulletin announcement:


This 3-day youth conference is open to all youth grades 7-12 and is happening April 25-27 in Prince George. Join us for a packed weekend of dynamic talks, workshops, games all culminating in a closing Mass together. There will also be adoration, amazing praise & worship, and a coffeehouse featuring artists from across our diocese as part of an evening celebration. This year, our theme is ʻCatching Fireʼ based on the scripture passage of the Road to Emmaus. We hope young people will leave on fire for our Lord. Be sure to register today either online or by mailing in a registration form. Further information and a copy of the registration form can be found online at

 Announcement at all Masses:

 It’s not too late to register for our 19th annual Diocesan Youth Conference. Come for a packed weekend of dynamic talks, inspiring praise, and activities. Registration is $50 and includes all meals, a fancy t-shirt, and a priceless weekend of great fun. This 3 day conference is open to all young people from grades 7-12 and is happening April 25-27. You can register online at our diocesan website (or by picking up forms from your local youth minister)*.

 *(if applicable)

 2.      St. Vincent de Paul National Convention

Please place the following announcement in bulletins (may follow Easter Season as your space allows):

You are invited to the 43rd National Society of St. Vincent de Paul Annual General Assembly June 11th – 15th.  Come join us for an opportunity to learn and grow with other Vincentians across Canada. Workshops, tours and so much more. For more information & registration please go to Hope to see you there!


DYC 2014

19TH ANNUAL DYC: CATCHING FIRE is happening April 25-27.
REGISTRATION is still open!

DYC is our annual Diocesan Youth Conference. It is a packed weekend of dynamic talks, workshops, games all culminating in a closing Mass together. There will also be adoration, amazing praise & worship, and a coffeehouse featuring artists from across our diocese as part of an evening celebration. This year, our theme is ʻCatching Fireʼ based on the the scripture passage of the Road to Emmaus. We hope young people will leave on fire for our Lord.

Keynote Speaker, Ken Yasinski: Ken is the founder of FacetoFace Ministries. Speaking since 1999, he has become one of Canadaʼs most sought after Catholic speakers giving over 150 presentations a year. Through his gift of communicating, his audience is captivated by the love of Christ and His Church. Ken has spoken for conferences, rallies, parish missions, schools, and retreats to youth and adults across Canada and internationally. At the core of every message Ken challenges people to realize their full potential in life: to become a saint. Ken also produces talks through Lighthouse Catholic Media.

Want more details? See the DYC 2014 Brochure:  DYC 2014 Catching Fire

Registration Info:

To register, please sign up at the DYC Registration Table at the Diocesan Centre at 6:00 pm tonight!

For travellers, participants will be offered accommodation with homestays. Secure your place at this dynamic conference by registering today!

Any Questions?  Contact Teresa Phillippe at (250) 964-4424 ext. 242 or at or at for more information.

Registration Form for DYC 2014 Travellers -Print Version

Registration Form for DYC 2014 Prince George Residents – Print Version


Schedule: (May be subject to change)

Friday April 25, 2014

6:00       Registration
7:00        Praise & Worship/Opening Skit
7:45        Opening Keynote
8:45        Facilitated discussion/closing
9:30        Host Family pick-up.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

9:00      Praise & Worship/Morning opening notes
9:30      Morning 20 minute keynote
10:00    Break
10:15     Presentation from Office of Evangelization & Catechetics
11:25     Workshops
12:15     Lunch
1:10       Keynote
2:00      Confession available/ activities outside
4:00      Break
4:15       Activities/games
5:00      Supper
6:30      Evening keynote followed by Adoration
8:30      Evening celebration
11:00     Host Family Pick-up

DIVINE MERCY Sunday, April 27, 2014

9:00      Praise & worship/ Celebration of Saints
9:30      Closing Keynote
10:15     Facilitated Group discussions
10:45    Break
11:45    Mass
1:00      END!

DYC 2014 poster

Wednesday Weekly – 2Apr14

Wednesday Weekly April 2, 2014 Print Version

1.      DYC 2014 – Catching Fire

Please place the following notice in bulletins AND make the following announcement after Masses this Sunday:

Bulletin announcement:


 This 3-day youth conference is open to all youth grades7-12 and is happening April 25-27. Join us for a packed weekend of dynamic talks, workshops, games all culminating in a closing Mass together. There will also be adoration, amazing praise & worship, and a coffeehouse featuring artists from across our diocese as part of an evening celebration. This year, our theme is ʻCatching Fireʼ based on the scripture passage of the Road to Emmaus. We hope young people will leave on fire for our Lord. Early-bird registration has been extended until April 8. Be sure to register today either online or by mailing in a registration form. Further information and a copy of the registration form can be found online at

Announcement at all Masses:

Have you registered for our 19th Annual Diocesan Youth Conference, Catching Fire??

Early-bird registration is only $35 and ends this Tuesday, April 8 so be sure to sign up fast. After April 8, registration fees go up to the regular conference price of $50. This 3 day conference is open to all young people grades 7-12. You can register online at our diocesan website (or by picking up forms from your local youth minister)*.   *(if applicable)


2.      April Summit & Last Summit of the School Year!

Parishes in the Central region are asked to place the following notice in Parish bulletins:

Young Adults: Join us for our last Summit, evening of adoration, of the school year on Friday, April 11th, 7:30 pm at Sacred Heart Cathedral following the regular Stations of the Cross. All are welcome. We will have a testimony, praise & worship, time of adoration, and snacks to follow.

3.      Confirmation/First Holy Communion Schedule

Please find attached the 2014 Confirmation/First Holy Communion Schedule. Please contact Lisa Weber at (250-964-5644 extension 235 or if there are any concerns.


4.      Northern Catholic News

The Spring edition of the Northern Catholic News is available now for pick up by parishes at the Diocesan Centre.  It will also be made available at Sacred Heart Cathedral in the lower church following the Chrism Mass/priest meetings next week for out of town parishes to pick up.  This will greatly reduce our shipping costs.


5.      2014 Vocations Contest

Please see the attached poster and information sheet on the 2014 Vocations Contest. Last year’s winning poster created by Eden Viveiros can be found on the diocesan website.

 Vocations Contest 2014


6.      Whatsoever You Do

Please place the following reminder in bulletins:

A Diocesan Summit is being held on April 26, 2014 at 9 am in conjunction with the Diocesan Youth Conference. The title of the half-day event is “Whatsoever you do…” – a reference to Our Lord’s parable in Matthew 25 about the need to see each person as His brother or sister. There will be an interactive presentation; and organizations and individuals involved with Pro-Life, Social Justice, International Development and Natural Family Planning will be setting up information tables so that we can be inspired, network, and grow together as a Diocesan family of faith. There is no cost. All are welcome.  If your group would like share what you are doing with others, please contact Teresa Phillippe in the Office of Evangelization & Catechesis at 250-964-4424 or to book a table.


7.      Accounting Employment Opportunity – Diocesan Centre

Please put the following job posting in the parish bulletins for the next two weeks:

The Diocesan Centre has a part time (20 hours per week) Accounting position available.

The applicant must have:

•     strong bookkeeping skills and experience

•     experience with Sage AccPac or other accounting programs

•     working knowledge of Microsoft Office

Salary will be based on qualifications and experience. Benefit package included. Please submit your resume by April 23, 2014 by e-mail to or by fax to (250)964-2101.  We thank all applicants for their interest however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

8.     Share Lent Collection

Attached is a message from Most Rev. Paul-André Durocher, President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, regarding the Share Lent collection. If possible, please insert this message in parish bulletins this weekend.

Share Lent Message

40 Days for Life

40 Days for Life

40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life campaign with a vision to access God’s power through prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil to end abortion.

Campaigns will be taking place in two communities in the Diocese from March 5 to April 13: Prince George and Terrace.
To view the vigil schedule, location and to get the latest updates, please contact the local organizer or visit their website for each community:

For more information about 40 Days for Life, please see their website at:

Prince George Campaign Update:

Prince George’s first 40 Days for Life officially started March 5 at 12:00am!  There were 14 people in attendance to brave the -18 degree cold. We had a surprise visit from Bishop Jensen!  Father Pier and Bishop Jensen led us in prayer and gave us a great start to 40 Days for Life!  The campaign is from March 5 – April 13th.  We are holding the Vigil from 6am to 11pm each day.  We have many spaces filled but we could use a lot more participants!  It’s lonely out there at times! Let’s all show Prince George that we have respect for all life.

God bless you all and keep us in your prayers, Tony Donovan

Prayer Vigil:

40 Days 2 40 Days 1

Joe Haddock was our first volunteer for the Vigil.  He stood for 3 hours in -23 degree weather!  Very impressive Joe!
