Wednesday Weekly – 14Jan15

Wednesday Weekly January 14, 2015 Print Version

1.      Building a Joy-filled Marriage

Please post the attached poster and place the following information in parish bulletins:

Engaged couples are invited to participate in a marriage preparation weekend to be held Saturday, March 21 and Sunday, March 22, 2015, 9:00 am to 5 pm daily at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Prince George. The weekend will be an interactive experience which explores the role of faith, communication, and intimacy, equipping couples with the tools needed to build a joy-filled marriage. The program will meet the requirements of marriage preparation in our diocese. Cost is $135 per couple which includes the seminar workbook and materials, two lunches, and refreshments. To register and for further information: email Norman Hebert at or phone Norman Hebert or Teresa Phillippe at 250-964-4424 in the Office of Evangelization & Catechesis. A program information package will be sent to couples following registration.

Joy-filled Marriage poster


2.     CCCB Ritual Lectionary

Please find attached a brochure which the English Sector Commission for Liturgy and the Sacraments has asked to be shared with parishes. It provides information on the content and necessity of the Lectionary: Ritual Masses, Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, Votive Masses, Masses for the Dead, as well as on its importance for every church and chapel. Specifically, parishes are reminded of the following canonical, liturgical and copyright norms:

  • As indicated in the Decree published in the Lectionary: Ritual Masses, Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, Votive Masses, Masses for the Dead, this is the only Lectionary now authorized for use in Canada for these celebrations.
  • Readings at Mass are not to be from photocopies or missalettes, but from the Book of Gospels and the Lectionary, “which are intended for the proclamation of the Word of God and hence receive special veneration, are to be in a liturgical action truly signs and symbols of higher realities and hence should be truly worthy, dignified, and beautiful” (General Instruction of the Roman Missal, n. 349).
  • It is a breach of copyright law and of the CCCB copyright agreement to make unauthorized copies of any part of the Lectionary or the booklet Sacred Scripture Readings for a Funeral Liturgy, unless the necessary permissions have been arranged with CCCB Publications. Requests for such permissions are to be emailed to the Copyright Office at

If parishes wish to order additional copies of the ritual Lectionary or the Sacred Scripture Readings, please contact the Teresa Phillippe, Office of Evangelization and Catechesis at (250)964-4424 extension 242 or

CCCB Lectionary Brochure


3.     Developing a Safe Parish & Community Policy Deadline

This is a reminder to all parishes that the deadline to submit the annual Screening Requirements Report (Form 5) to the Chancery is January 15, 2015. All current employees and volunteers of the parish must be listed on this report; a signed Pledge or a Criminal Record Check and a signed Pledge must be either on file in the Chancery for each person listed or attached to the form. Form 5 is found on the Developing a Safe Parish & Community Policy. Please refer to pages 6, 7 and 8 of the Policy to determine the level of risk for each ministry. If you have any questions please contact Mary-Anne Lewis Jamin at 250-964-4424 ext. 234. Thank you to those who have already submitted their reports.


4.     WCCRE Conference 2015 – Save the Date!

Schools and parishes are asked to post the attached poster and share the information with catechists and religious educators. The Western Conference of Catholic Religious Educators seeks to ensure the opportunity of ongoing catechesis for all. This forum is designed to facilitate personal growth in faith and knowledge through the exchange of ideas and resources. The Conference will be held November 5-7, 2015 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. For further information and to register, visit the WCCRE website at:

Save the Date 2015 WCCRE


5.     Appeal Update

20150113 appeal update

Wednesday Weekly – 7Jan15

Wednesday Weekly January 7, 2015 Print Version

1.     The Year for Consecrated Life

Please place the following information in parish bulletins:

In light of the Year for Consecrated Life and in recognition of their dedicated ministry to our diocese, all parishioners are invited to a special celebration in honor of our religious women and men. A Mass will be held on Monday, February 2nd, 2015 at 7:00 pm at Sacred Heart Cathedral followed by a reception in the lower church. All are welcome to attend.


2.     Schedule of Collections 2015-2016

For those parishes who are ordering Collection envelope packages, the schedule for 2016 collections is attached. The 2015 schedule is also included for reference.

Collections 2015 2016


3.     Domano Renewal Centre

Parishes are asked to please post the attached Domano Renewal Centre’s January to June Calendar. The program brochure is being printed and will be distributed to parishes next week.

DRC Jan to June 2015 Calendar


4.     Returning to Spirit

Please post the attached poster and place the following information in parish bulletins:

The Aboriginal Returning to Spirit Workshop is scheduled for January 26-30th, 2015. This workshop is designed for Aboriginal people who continue to experience the legacy of residential schools. The workshop benefits survivors, families of survivors, and anyone who wants to move beyond healing to reconciliation and discover the spirit of who they are. This five-day session will be held at the Domano Renewal Centre in Prince George. Please call 250-964-4475 for registration. Please note the date for the Non-Aboriginal Returning to Spirit Workshop has been changed. It will now be held from March 16-20, 2015.

 RTS Save the Date 2015


5.     Okanagan Live – In, February 20-22, 2015

 Parishes are asked to put the following notice in bulletins during January and February:

The Okanagan Winter Live-In weekend will be held at Immaculata Regional High School in Kelowna B.C. the weekend of February 20-22, 2015. The Live-In is an experience of God’s love through Jesus and the Live-In faith community. Past participants are asked to consider deepening your faith by being part of the back-up community: in serving others, we serve Jesus. If you would like more information or would like to register please contact Darlene Heaney at 250-542-8690 or



6.     Message for the 2015 World Day of Migrants and Refugees


The 2015 World Day of Migrants and Refugees will be celebrated on Sunday, January 18. The 2015 message from Pope Francis with the theme “Church without frontiers, Mother to all” is attached.


7.     Week of Christian Unity – January 18-25, 2015

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be celebrated around the world, January 18-25, 2015. Drafted by a writing team in Brazil, and using the theme “Give me a drink” (John 4.7), the materials for the 2015 Week of Prayer invite a prayerful reflection on the meaning of water and sharing with “the other”. In a letter last month to the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, Pope Francis wrote:


Spiritual ecumenism, which reaches a high point in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, lives and develops through countless channels, which truly only the Lord sees, but which we, too, often have the joy of knowing: it is a worldwide network of prayerful moments which, at parish and international levels, spread the oxygen of the authentic ecumenical spirit through the body of the Church; a network of acts, which see us united and working together in so many works of charity; and it is also a sharing of prayer, of meditation and other texts which circulate on the web and can contribute to raising awareness, respect and mutual esteem.


For further information and online Canadian resources, please refer to the Canadian Council of Churches website at:


8.     Payroll Reminders

  • WCB Reminder – the 4th quarter report of payments the parish or school has made to individuals and to contractors who are not registered with WCB are due. This includes replacement ministry personnel. Please send to Payroll Services by January 15th if you have not already done so.
  • T4-A’s – We must issue T4-A’s to an individual if the total of all payments to the individual in the 2014 calendar year was more than $500. This includes anyone who considers themselves self-employed, has the payment made in their personal name and is not registered with WorkSafeBC. Payments include but are not limited to lump-sum payments, retiring allowances, fees or other amounts for services. The most common type of payment would be honorariums for presenters and payments for services such as cleaning, snow removal, gardening, organist and other miscellaneous activities. Please provide Payroll Services with the name, address, social insurance number and total amount paid in 2014 so that a T4-A slip can be produced. This information must be provided to Payroll Services by February 5th as T4-A slips must be sent out by February 28th.

If you have any questions, please call Lynn Monteith at 250 964-5646 or e-mail at:



9.     Appeal Update

To be eligible for a 2014 donation receipt, donations must have been received by the parish on or before December 31, 2014 but did not have to be deposited in the bank in December. Any cheques must be dated for 2014. Please separate any Appeal donations that were received in 2014 and send them immediately to the Finance office labelled “2014 Donations”.  Thank you!


Income tax receipts for donations made in the 2014 calendar year will be issued in February 2015 except for those donations made by using CanadaHelps. They issue receipts for all donations made through their website.

 20140107 appeal update

Wednesday Weekly – 23Dec14

Wednesday Weekly – December 23, 2014 Print Version


1.     Christmas Message from Bishop Jensen

Please share the attached Christmas message from Bishop Jensen with parishioners. Merry Christmas everyone!

Bishop Jensen Christmas Message



2.     January Month at a Glance

The January At a Glance newsletter for the Domano Renewal Centre is attached. Events can also be viewed on the Diocesan Calendar found on the Diocese website at:


The Domano Renewal Centre staff have been busy preparing the 2015 brochure and it will be available in all parishes in early January. Make spiritual growth one of your new year’s resolutions. The Domano Renewal Centre has many opportunities for reflection and instruction in 2015. Pick one that fits your schedule. If you have any questions or would like to register for a program, please contact them at or by calling 250-964-4475 when they re-open January 5th, 2015.

January 2015 At a Glance 


3.     Safe Parish & Community Policy Deadline

This is a reminder to all parishes that the deadline to submit the annual Screening Requirements Report (Form 5) to the Chancery is January 15, 2015. All current employees and volunteers of the parish must be listed on this report; a signed Pledge or a Criminal Record Check and a signed Pledge must be either on file in the Chancery for each person listed or attached to the form. Form 5 is found on the Developing a Safe Parish & Community Policy page of the Diocesan Website Please refer to Form 4 to determine the level of risk for each ministry. If you have any questions please contact Mary-Anne Lewis Jamin at 250-964-4424 ext. 234. Thank you to those who have already submitted their reports.



4.     2014 Tax Receiptable Donations – Reminders

To be eligible for a 2014 donation receipt, donations must be received by the parish on or before December 31, 2014 but do not have to be deposited in the bank in December. Any cheques must be dated for 2014. Please separate any Appeal donations that were received in 2014 and send them as soon as possible to the Finance office labelled “2014 Donations”. Thank you!


5.     Monthly Day of Adoration – January 13th, 2015

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins in the Central Region:

Emmanuel Hermitage invites you to a Personal Date with Jesus on January 13th in the Domano Chapel (at the Domano Renewal Centre, 6500 Southridge Ave). Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. and the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for a day of silent prayer and adoration. We will pray especially for the people and needs of our Diocese, the universal Church, and the world. In particular we will pray for the protection of all human life, for vocations, and for the intentions of those participating in the day. Please mark your calendar on the second Tuesday of each month for Personal Dates with Jesus days.


6.     National Dementia Strategy (C-356)

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins commencing in January:

Archbishop Paul-André Durocher, president of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, is urging support for a national dementia strategy. Parliament will debate a private member’s bill, C-356, An Act for a National Dementia Strategy early in 2015. This is timely given January is Alzheimer’s Month in Canada. Alzheimer’s and related dementia diseases already afflict 750,000 Canadians, with each patient often having three or four active caregivers; in another generation it is estimated 1.4 million Canadians will suffer from dementia, at a cost of $293 billion for our healthcare system. C-356 calls for increasing funding for research, promoting earlier diagnosis and intervention, strengthening the integration of primary, home and community care, enhancing skills and training of the dementia workforce, and improving support for caregivers. Please contact your local Member of Parliament in the next few months to show your support. You can also contact the prime minister, writing Office of the Prime Minister, 80 Wellington St., Ottawa, ON, K1A 0A2 or email, at , and the Health Minister at Honourable Rona Ambrose, Minister of Health, Ottawa, ON, K1a 0A6, or by email at Letters are postage free. The online petition can be found at:


7.     Pope John Paul II Day – April 2nd


Bill C-266, recognizing Saint John Paul II as a champion of human dignity and freedom, has now become Canadian law. The new Act designates April 2 annually as “Pope John Paul II Day”. The bill was introduced by Conservative MP Wladyslaw Lizon. Lizon spoke of how John Paul II stood for religious tolerance, freedom and encouraged interreligious dialogue. “Pope John Paul II proved that nothing is impossible and stood up for populations who were oppressed by totalitarian regimes,” Lizon said. The day will allow “all Canadians the opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the man who took a strong stand on human rights and opened the dialogue between other faiths to promote freedom of religion and speech across the globe. These are values that we as Canadians share.” The complete English and French texts of the Act are provided at


8.     Annual Diocesan Appeal Update


20141223 Appeal Update

Wednesday Weekly – 17Dec14

Wednesday Weekly December 17, 2014 Print Version


1.     Vocations Weekend – February 20-22, 2015

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins until February:

Christ the King Seminary Live-In February 20-22, 2015: A Vocation Live-In is an opportunity for young men to spend a weekend at the seminary. It provides a chance to meet other young men searching for God’s will. During the weekend there are times for community prayer, daily Mass and rosary, sports, discussion groups, a tour of the seminary and monastery property and a talent show. Participants also learn the way the monks pray and work. The next Vocation Live-in for the Seminary is February 20-22, 2015. Please contact Fr. Terry Brock, our Diocesan Vocation’s Director, at 250-635-2313 if you are interested in attending the live-in.


2.    Pastoral Centre Christmas Schedule

The Pastoral Centre will be closed for the holidays from noon on December 24th to January 2nd. We will reopen at 8:30 am on Monday, January 5th, 2015. Merry Christmas!


3.     Christmas Message from CCCB

Please find attached the Christmas Message from Most Rev. Paul-André Durocher, President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.

CCCB Message – Christmas 2014


4.     World Day of Peace – Message from Pope Francis

Please find attached a message from the Holy Father, Pope Francis for the World Day of Peace, January 1, 2015, entitled “No Longer Slaves, But Brothers And Sisters”.

A note from the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace provides details about why the theme is relevant today:  Many people think that slavery is a thing of the past. In fact, this social plague remains all too real in today’s world. Last year’s Message for January 1st was dedicated to brotherhood – being children of God gives all human beings equal dignity as brothers and sisters. Slavery deals a murderous blow to this fundamental fraternity, and so to peace as well. Peace can only exist when each human being recognizes every other person as a brother or sister with the same dignity.

World Day of Peace Message


5.     Annual Diocesan Appeal Update

20141217 Appeal Update


Wednesday Weekly – 10Dec14

Wednesday Weekly December 10th, 2014 Print Version

1.   Prince George Pro Life Society- Empty Manger

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins in the Central Region:

On Sunday, December 14th and December 21st from 4:00-5:00 pm, the Prince George Pro Life Society will be hosting an “Empty Manger” caroling event. As we begin the third Sunday of Advent awaiting the coming of our Lord’s birth, it is a good time to reflect on the connection between our Blessed Mother and her perfect love for her Son and our own imperfections as mothers and fathers. We can easily show people the beauty of life and hope through song. Singing Christmas carols outside the hospital with an “empty manger” to represent the coming of our Lord and all those babies yet to be born is a beautiful connection to choosing life. For further information about this event, contact Tony Donovan at 778-349-4412 or or see the website:


2.     New CCCB publication, The Missionary Dynamic of the Parish Today

There is a new resource by the CCCB Episcopal Commission for Doctrine, titled The Missionary Dynamic of the Parish Today. While intended primarily for pastors and all those who work in parishes, the Commission also hopes it may serve as an additional resource in the ongoing renewal of parishes across the country. The text notes our current Canadian context, including the various challenges faced by parishes across the country, and proposes that the response to which all our parishes are called is a new effort in evangelization, characterized by renewed missionary, catechetical, and pastoral activity. Please note the PDF format is to be used for consultation only. Any additional printed copies are to be ordered from CCCB Publications. Parishes can contact Teresa Phillippe at the Diocese of Prince George Pastoral Centre 250-964-4424 or to order.


3.     The Vocation And Mission Of The Family In The Church And Contemporary World

In preparation for the General Synod of Bishops on the Family, scheduled for October 4th to 25th, 2015, the General Secretariat of the Office for the Synod released the publication of its preparatory document, known by its Latin name, the ‘Lineamenta’. It is available on the Vatican website at:

4.     Annual Diocesan Appeal Update

20141210 Appeal Update

Wednesday Weekly – 3Dec14

Wednesday Weekly December 3, 2014 Print Version


1.     Northern Catholic News


The winter edition of the Northern Catholic News will be ready for distribution by the afternoon of Friday, December 5th. Out of town parishes are asked to please contact Esperanza Vezina, Receptionist at 250-964-4424 in advance if they are able to pick up on their materials on or after this date. Any material for parishes outside of Prince George that cannot be picked up will be sent out by Greyhound.


2.     Confirmation 2015


It is anticipated the Confirmation schedule will be lighter this year due to the change in Confirmation age. Pastors are reminded that they are to contact the Bishop directly to organize a date if their parishes have candidates eligible for Confirmation. Thank you.


3.     The Year for Consecrated Life


The Year of Consecrated Life began on November 29, 2014 with a Prayer Vigil in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major, Rome, and will end on February 2, 2016, with the celebration of the World Day for Consecrated Life. The opening of the Year marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of Perfectae Caritatis, the Second Vatican Council Decree on the Adaptation and Renewal of Religious Life, promulgated on October 28, 1965. The Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life has released a logo and theme for the Year, together with a letter to consecrated men and women, entitled “Rejoice”.


The logo, theme and explanation of the logo are available on the Congregation’s website at:


The message from the Congregation is available on its website at


4.     Annual Diocesan Appeal Update

20141203 Appeal Update

Wednesday Weekly – 26Nov14

Wednesday Weekly November 26, 2014 Print Version


1.     Young Adult Ministry Update

November SUMMIT – To celebrate the end of young adult faith studies, a November Summit night of adoration, praise & worship and testimony will be held on Sunday, November 30th at 7:30 PM at Sacred Heart Cathedral. The evening begins with a potluck dinner at 6:00 PM in the basement of the Sacred Heart Cathedral. All are welcome!


Christmas Coffeehouse Fundraiser – The Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry and the John Paul II Club at UNBC are jointly hosting a coffeehouse fundraiser to help support the 25 young adults travelling to the RISE UP Conference. Book your calendars for Sunday, December 7th at 7:00 PM at Art Space, 1685 3rd Avenue, Prince George. Rise Up is an annual joy-filled and dynamic young adult conference sponsored by Catholic Christian Outreach. This year RISE UP will be held from December 28-January 1 in Calgary, Alberta. Spaces are still available on the Diocesan bus to the conference. Don’t miss out! Contact Eunice Hii at for details.


2.     Domano Renewal Centre

The December At a Glance newsletter for the Domano Renewal Centre is attached. Events can also be viewed on the Diocesan Calendar found on the Diocese website at:

Advent is a time when we recall the Son of God becoming man for us, and we prepare ourselves for his second coming in glory. The Domano Renewal Centre has several offerings to help let go of the fast-paced world we live in and to reflect and recharge. Pick one that fits your schedule. Of course, all are invited to come by on December 10 to the annual open house: stop in for a visit and enjoy a hot beverage, treats and great company!

 December 2014 at a Glance


3.     Giving Tuesday – December 2, 2014

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins:

In response to the consumerism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping in the United States and now in Canada, Giving Tuesday was launched three years ago as a global day of giving to encourage the support of non-profits and charities. Whether through monetary donations, volunteering, helping someone in need or initiating a random act of kindness, Giving Tuesday is a concrete way to respond to the Gospel: “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40).



4.     Monthly Day of Adoration – December 9th, 2014

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins in the Central Region:

Emmanuel Hermitage invites you to a Personal Date with Jesus on December 9th in the Domano Chapel (at the Domano Renewal Centre, 6500 Southridge Ave). Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. and the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for a day of silent prayer and adoration. We will pray especially for the people and needs of our Diocese, the universal Church, and the world. In particular we will pray for the protection of all human life, for vocations, and for the intentions of those participating in the day. Please mark your calendar on the second Tuesday of each month for Personal Dates with Jesus days.


5.     Human Rights Day Pro-Life Vigil – December 10th, 2014

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins in the Central Region:

The United Nations General Assembly declared December 10th as International Human Rights Day to help promote and protect Human Rights for all peoples and all nations. In recognition of the most basic human right, the right to life, the Pro Life Society of Prince George will be holding a vigil for all unborn people at the University Hospital of Northern British Columbia on December 10th from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. The Pro Life Society invites everyone to come and stand for two hours of prayer and witness as we fight for the humanity of everyone’s right to life. Contact Tony Donovan at 778-349-4412 for further information.


6.     Foundations Of Faith Community Nursing

Please share the attached poster with those who may be interested:

The Health Ministries Network in Bellingham, Washington is offering a Foundations in Faith Community Nursing/Health Ministry course in Spring 2015. The course is open to both registered nurses and lay people. Those who are not Registered Nurses but have an interest in caring for the mind, body and spirit, can attend this training to become a Health Minister. RNs that do not have a faith or spiritual community will learn how to develop their nursing practice to include care of a client’s spiritual needs in any setting. The course involves two classroom sessions combined with a 6-week course including online classes, self-study, discussions, readings and projects. Further information can be found on the attached Foundations of Faith Community Nursing Program.

 Foundations in Faith Health Ministry Course


7.     Annual Diocesan Appeal Update

20141126 Appeal Update



Wednesday Weekly – 19Nov14

Wednesday Weekly – November 19th, 2014 Print Version


1.     2015 World Meeting of Families

The first World Meeting of Families was initiated by Saint Pope John Paul II in 1994 to help strengthen the sacred bonds of the family unit across the globe. Every three years since then, families from all over the world are invited by the Holy Father to attend this global gathering. Families share thoughts, dialogue and prayers, working together to grow as individuals and family units. This week Pope Francis formally announced his intention to attend the World Meeting of Families scheduled to be held September 22-27, 2015 in Philadelphia, USA (see attached press release). Further details about the conference and registration information can be found on the 2015 World Meeting of Families website at

WMOF Press release November 2014


2.    Annual Diocesan Appeal Update

20141119 Appeal Update


Wednesday Weekly – 12Nov14

Wednesday Weekly – November 12, 2014 Print Version


1.     Official Receipts For Income Tax Purposes

It will soon be time to send out official donation receipts to donors and parents. For information on what details must appear on a charitable donation receipt please see the CRA website at:

Please note the CRA website address that must appear on the receipt has changed. The correct address is: If parishes have any questions about updating this information in Parish Friendly, please contact Jennifer Foster at (250)564-5225. Any other questions about receipts can be directed to Lynn Monteith.


2.     Parish Friendly Version 7

All Parishes should have received the attached brochure from Sitescapers regarding the Parish Friendly Version 7 upgrade. Parishes are requested to order the upgrade prior December 31st, 2014 at a cost of $349.00 plus GST. Any parishes still using Versions 3, 4 or 5, are also requested to order Version 7 prior to December 31st. For these parishes, the Diocese will refund to the parish the difference between the new license and upgrade cost ($899.00 less $349.00) if it is ordered prior to December 31st. To receive the refund, a copy of the receipt is to be forwarded to Lynn Monteith. Any questions regarding installing Version 7 are to be directed to Jennifer Foster at Sacred Heart Cathedral (250)564-5225 or Thank you.

 Parish Friendly Brochure


3.     Day of Prayer in Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples

Please find attached the 2014 Message for the Day of Prayer in Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples. This day of prayer is celebrated on December 12, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas. This year and next, in the context of the pastoral challenges for the family and its needs and role in evangelization, the members of the Canadian Catholic Aboriginal Council wish to honour elders who helped them develop their own faith. Parishes are asked to share this message with parishioners.

 2014 National Day of Prayer message


4.     Annual Diocesan Appeal Update

Parishes are kindly reminded to ensure all Appeal pledge cards are submitted to the Diocesan Accounting Office so they have the most up to date information before the second mailing. Thank you!

20141112 Appeal Update

Wednesday Weekly – 5Nov14

Wednesday Weekly November 5, 2014 Print Version


1.    Norms for Parish Finance and Pastoral Councils

On October 28th, 2014 Bishop Jensen issued two decrees that define the scope and responsibilities of the Parish Finance and Parish Pastoral Councils. Each parish is to have a Parish Finance Council and a Parish Pastoral Council in place within six months of this decree. The Norms are attached and are also available on the diocese website at:

Norms for Parish Pastoral Councils October 2014

Norms for Parish Finance Councils October 2014


2.     Northern Catholic News

The Northern Catholic News is looking for articles from our parishes and schools to publish in its upcoming Winter edition. Did your parish or school celebrate a special occasion or event? Please let us know about it! Did you have a guest speaker or presentation that would be of interest to other parishioners? Please let us hear about it! Contact Mary-Anne Lewis Jamin at or 250-964-4424 extension 234 with your stories and pictures. The deadline for this edition is Monday, November 17, 2014.


3.    A Night with Therese

Parishes are asked to post the following notice in parish bulletins:

A visiting priest from Louisiana, Fr. Basil Burns PhD, will present an evening of lessons from the spirituality of St. Therese of Lisieux. It will take place at Christ Our Savior Parish, Prince George on Tuesday, November18th from 7:00-8:30 pm. Co-sponsored by the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis, this event is open to all ages. Please take advantage of this gifted speaker from the land of crawfish and jambalaya who will also be teaching at the November Lay Formation Program. Mark your calendars and help spread the word!


4.    Men’s Retreat – Negotiating the Male Journey, November 21-23

Please continue to place the notice for the Men’s Retreat in parish bulletins for the next two weeks:

Men, mark your calendars for the upcoming retreat with Archbishop Emeritus Sylvain Lavoie, OMI to be held November 21-23rd at the Domano Renewal Centre. Topics covered include Men at Prayer, Men Fully Alive, Living a Holistic Spirituality, Doing Soul Work, and Reconciliation & Moving Forward.   The retreat will offer quiet time for prayer and reflection as well as one-on-one sharing, fellowship and relaxation. Participants can expect to come away renewed, with the greater ability to be fully alive in our society and Church today. For further information and to register, contact the Domano Renewal Centre at 250-964-4475 or at


5.    Employment Opportunity – Domano Renewal Centre

Please place the following job opportunity in parish bulletins (deadline date for applications added):

The Domano Renewal Centre is seeking a part-time Secretary/Receptionist. This role requires a person comfortable with change, the ability to multi-task and interact well with clients and guests. Proficient computer skills are required in Microsoft Office (Outlook, Excel, Word & Publisher). Areas of responsibility include receptionist/secretary, bookkeeping, scheduling and group bookings. The position is for 4 hours per day, 5 days a week with some flexibility for evenings and weekends. Expected start date is November 24th. Deadline for applications is November 15th, 2014. For more information and to apply, contact Sr. Irene Baker, 250-964-4475 or email:


6.     RETURNING TO SPIRIT – Aboriginal Workshop November 17-21, 2014

Parishes are asked to post the following notice in parish bulletins:

An Aboriginal Returning to Spirit (RTS) workshop is being held November 17- 21 at the Domano Renewal Centre, Prince George. Each workshop is unique and cutting edge in its approach to healing and reconciliation. The workshop is designed for Aboriginal people who continue to experience the legacy of residential schools. The workshop benefits survivors, families of survivors, and anyone who wants to move beyond healing to reconciliation and discover the spirit of who they are. Please call the Domano Renewal Centre at 250-964-4475 to register. More information on RTS can be found at


7.     CIS Employment Opportunities

Parishes are asked to place the following notice in parish bulletins:

Three teaching positions are currently available with CISPG: a 1.0 FTE Grade 3 maternity leave at Sacred Heart School, Prince George; a 1.0 FTE Grade 2 limited duration at Notre Dame School, Dawson Creek; and a 1.0 FTE Grade 4 limited duration also at Notre Dame School. Please advise any qualified teachers that may be interested in these opportunities. To view the postings and to submit an application, candidates should visit the CISPG website at: We look forward to hearing from you!


8.    Camp Morice Annual General Meeting

Please post the attached notice in parish bulletins:

Everyone is welcome to attend the Camp Morice Society Annual General Meeting being held Friday, November 14th at 7 pm in the Sacred Heart Cathedral basement. If you are unable to attend the meeting but would like to be involved with the Society, please contact Fr. Pier Pandolfo at or Nadine Encinas, Office Manager at

9.     Restorative Justice

The Week of Restorative Justice takes place Sunday, November 16 through Sunday, November 23, 2014. Restorative Justice proposes non-violence, making amends for harm done, and restoring harmony and peace by facing squarely the effects of crime for the victims, communities and offenders. It seeks a way forward to a restored peace for all. Bishop Gary Gordon writes “Restorative Justice is multifaceted in its application and dynamism but fundamentally has its origins in a principal that unity is greater than conflict.” “This principal, drawn from the Gospel, reminds us that Christ has made all things one in Himself: heaven and earth, God and man, time and eternity, flesh and spirit, person and society. Christ is our peace (Eph 2:14).” (Evangelii Gaudium 229). Attached are Homiletic Notes for Sundays November 16th and 23rd, 2014 provided as a resource from The Church Council on Justice and Corrections. Further information can be obtained from their website at:

 Homiletic Resource

10.     A Church in Dialogue: Towards the Restoration of Unity Among Christians

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council’s Decree on Ecumenism, Unitatis Redintegratio in November 2014, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has published, “A Church in Dialogue: Towards the Restoration of Unity Among Christians”. This publication provides an in-depth presentation of the Church’s commitment to ecumenical dialogue and complements the August 2014 publication, “A Church in Dialogue: Catholic Ecumenical Commitment”. The most recent document can be found as a downloadable PDF on the CCCB website at Both documents also can be ordered by telephone (1-800-769-1147) or online at

The document will be officially launched Sunday, November 9, at St. James Anglican Cathedral, Toronto. The celebration, involving a prayer service and lectures, will start at 7:00 pm (Eastern Time) and is being coordinated by the Anglican-Roman Catholic dialogue (ARC) and the Anglican – Roman Catholic Bishops’ dialogue (ARC-B). Salt + Light will cover the event with live streaming and rebroadcasting on its television network.


11.     Annual Diocesan Appeal Update

20141105 Appeal Update