Wednesday Weekly June 10, 2015 Print Version
1. Farewell Rev. Richard Beaudette, OMI
Please post the attached poster and share the following information in parish bulletins:
A farewell celebration will take place for Fr. Richard Beaudette, OMI who has faithfully served in the diocese for many years and will be leaving in August for Oblate ministry in Ottawa. The farewell will take place at the Domano Renewal Centre in Prince George on Monday, June 29, 2015, beginning with Mass at 7:00 p.m. in the Domano Chapel followed by a reception in Bethany House Dining Room. All are welcome! Please confirm your attendance by June 26, 2015 to Lisa Weber, Office of the Bishop at (250)964-5644 or
Beaudette Farewell
2. Northern Catholic News
The Summer edition of the Northern Catholic News will be available for pick up by parishes at the Diocese Pastoral Centre the afternoon of Friday, June 12. Out of town parishes are requested to please contact Teresa in Reception if you can pick up your package. This will help reduce shipping costs. Thank you!
3. Youth News
IGNITE 2015 posters and information cards will be distributed to parishes with the Northern Catholic News.
Please share the Ignite FAQ handout with youth. Ignite 2015 FAQ
Parishes are also invited to offer sponsorship to youth interested in attending.
Ignite 2015 Parish Sponsorship Letter
Parishes and schools are requested to place the following notices in bulletins until August:
IGNITE 2015 BC is happening! This year, IGNITE is being offered in BC for the first time at Camp Morice. IGNITE is a week-long camp geared towards inspiring high school youth to become saints. Come for an amazing week filled with new friends, the sacraments, dynamic talks, music, fun, and more! To register, sign up at or email for more info.
Young Adults
IGNITE BC is searching for young adult leaders. To apply head on over to
WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016 is taking place in Krakow, Poland in July 2016. The Diocese of Prince George will be taking a diocesan-wide group and joining with the Archdiocese of Vancouver to attend this amazing event. Information sessions will take place in September, but if you are interested in learning more or in registering, email today!
4. Employment Opportunity – Office of the Bishop
Lisa Weber will be leaving her position as Secretary, Office of the Bishop to return to the field of human resources at a local sawmill company. We thank Lisa for her service and wish her God’s blessings in her new job. Parishes are asked to post the attached employment opportunity and place the information in bulletins.
Ad for Ex. Assistant Bishop
5. Employment Opportunity – CISPG
Please circulate the following employment opportunity and place the following notice in bulletins:
Immaculate Conception School, Prince George has an opening for a full time EDUCATION ASSISTANT (EA) for the 2015-2016 school year. Preferred qualifications include relevant certification for working in an elementary school setting, and strong experience working with children with special needs. Apply in writing to the Principal, Immaculate Conception School, 3285 Cathedral Avenue, Prince George V2N 5R2 or email to
6. Immaculata School, Fort St. John Reunion
Please put the following notice in parish bulletins:
Did you attend Immaculata Catholic School in Fort St. John? Meet up with your former teachers and classmates at The Reunion, Saturday, September 5, 2015, Immaculata Centre, Fort St. John, BC. The hall is reserved, the caterer booked…all we need is YOU (and your parents, siblings, friends)! Sisters St. Blais and Helen Marie, CSJ’s and other teachers including Mr. Hardwick, Miss Kavanagh and Miss Miller have confirmed their attendance. We will need 100 people to attend to help cover overhead costs. Cost is $50 per person and registration is required by June 30, 2015. To forward any pictures from school and RSVP contact Sally Richards Emory at or 250-785-8406. Hope to see you there!
7. GSTV Videos in Preparation for Environment Encyclical
“Cultivating and Caring for Creation,” is a new on-line series of twelve videos and study guides created in anticipation of Pope Francis’ coming encyclical, “Praised Be,” on the environment. Produced by (GSTV), a participant in (RCTV), the series is narrated by Bishop Donald Bolen, chair of Justice and Peace, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) and includes content from several Canadian Catholic eco justice leaders.
“One simple thing that we can do is attend to the prophetic voices in our communities who are looking to the environment and its needs, who have engaged in rigorous study, who have, over the long haul, expressed deep concerns about environmental changes, and who show us some of the small steps which can be taken in our area, in our parishes, which help us to live in a new way in relation to the environment,” says Bolen. “I believe these programs are helpful in many ways, providing a context where it is clear that Pope Francis is teaching in continuity with his predecessors. The series is also an excellent expression of our various church communities working together to present a pastoral message to students and parishioners.”
GSTV Poster 2015