Wednesday Weekly – 10Jun15

Wednesday Weekly June 10, 2015 Print Version

1.   Farewell Rev. Richard Beaudette, OMI

Please post the attached poster and share the following information in parish bulletins:

A farewell celebration will take place for Fr. Richard Beaudette, OMI who has faithfully served in the diocese for many years and will be leaving in August for Oblate ministry in Ottawa. The farewell will take place at the Domano Renewal Centre in Prince George on Monday, June 29, 2015, beginning with Mass at 7:00 p.m. in the Domano Chapel followed by a reception in Bethany House Dining Room. All are welcome! Please confirm your attendance by June 26, 2015 to Lisa Weber, Office of the Bishop at (250)964-5644 or

 Beaudette Farewell


2.   Northern Catholic News

The Summer edition of the Northern Catholic News will be available for pick up by parishes at the Diocese Pastoral Centre the afternoon of Friday, June 12. Out of town parishes are requested to please contact Teresa in Reception if you can pick up your package. This will help reduce shipping costs. Thank you!


3.   Youth News

IGNITE 2015 posters and information cards will be distributed to parishes with the Northern Catholic News.

Please share the Ignite FAQ handout with youth. Ignite 2015 FAQ

Parishes are also invited to offer sponsorship to youth interested in attending.
Ignite 2015 Parish Sponsorship Letter

Parishes and schools are requested to place the following notices in bulletins until August:


IGNITE 2015 BC is happening! This year, IGNITE is being offered in BC for the first time at Camp Morice. IGNITE is a week-long camp geared towards inspiring high school youth to become saints. Come for an amazing week filled with new friends, the sacraments, dynamic talks, music, fun, and more! To register, sign up at or email for more info.

Young Adults

IGNITE BC is searching for young adult leaders. To apply head on over to

WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016 is taking place in Krakow, Poland in July 2016. The Diocese of Prince George will be taking a diocesan-wide group and joining with the Archdiocese of Vancouver to attend this amazing event. Information sessions will take place in September, but if you are interested in learning more or in registering, email today!


4.     Employment Opportunity – Office of the Bishop

Lisa Weber will be leaving her position as Secretary, Office of the Bishop to return to the field of human resources at a local sawmill company. We thank Lisa for her service and wish her God’s blessings in her new job. Parishes are asked to post the attached employment opportunity and place the information in bulletins.

 Ad for Ex. Assistant Bishop


5.     Employment Opportunity – CISPG

Please circulate the following employment opportunity and place the following notice in bulletins:

Immaculate Conception School, Prince George has an opening for a full time EDUCATION ASSISTANT (EA) for the 2015-2016 school year. Preferred qualifications include relevant certification for working in an elementary school setting, and strong experience working with children with special needs. Apply in writing to the Principal, Immaculate Conception School, 3285 Cathedral Avenue, Prince George V2N 5R2 or email to


6.     Immaculata School, Fort St. John Reunion

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins:

Did you attend Immaculata Catholic School in Fort St. John? Meet up with your former teachers and classmates at The Reunion, Saturday, September 5, 2015, Immaculata Centre, Fort St. John, BC. The hall is reserved, the caterer booked…all we need is YOU (and your parents, siblings, friends)! Sisters St. Blais and Helen Marie, CSJ’s and other teachers including Mr. Hardwick, Miss Kavanagh and Miss Miller have confirmed their attendance. We will need 100 people to attend to help cover overhead costs. Cost is $50 per person and registration is required by June 30, 2015. To forward any pictures from school and RSVP contact Sally Richards Emory at or 250-785-8406. Hope to see you there!


7.     GSTV Videos in Preparation for Environment Encyclical

“Cultivating and Caring for Creation,” is a new on-line series of twelve videos and study guides created in anticipation of Pope Francis’ coming encyclical, “Praised Be,” on the environment. Produced by (GSTV), a participant in (RCTV), the series is narrated by Bishop Donald Bolen, chair of Justice and Peace, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) and includes content from several Canadian Catholic eco justice leaders.

“One simple thing that we can do is attend to the prophetic voices in our communities who are looking to the environment and its needs, who have engaged in rigorous study, who have, over the long haul, expressed deep concerns about environmental changes, and who show us some of the small steps which can be taken in our area, in our parishes, which help us to live in a new way in relation to the environment,” says Bolen. “I believe these programs are helpful in many ways, providing a context where it is clear that Pope Francis is teaching in continuity with his predecessors. The series is also an excellent expression of our various church communities working together to present a pastoral message to students and parishioners.”

GSTV Poster 2015

Wednesday Weekly – 3Jun15

Wednesday Weekly June 3, 2015 Print Version

1.     Welcome new archivist

We are pleased to announce the arrival of our new Diocesan Archivist, Richard Sinclair who began work at the Pastoral Centre on June 1, 2015. He comes to us from Sydney, BC but is not new to our part of the world, having lived in Prince George for 10 years previously. Richard’s work schedule is Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. His email is and phone is (250)964-4424 extension 243. Welcome Richard! It is good to have you here as part of our diocesan team.


2.     Condolences

It is with sorrow we advise that Terry Beaudette, brother of Rev. Richard Beaudette, OMI, passed away Thursday, May 28, 2015 at the age of 62. A Funeral Mass will be held Thursday, June 4, 2015 in Vegreville, Alberta. As we pray for the repose of his soul, we also offer our condolences and prayers to Fr. Richard and his family as they mourn the loss of Terry and their father Lawrence who passed away in March of this year.


3.     Save the date!

A farewell celebration will take place for Fr. Richard Beaudette, OMI who has faithfully served in this diocese for many years and will be leaving us in August for Oblate ministry in Ottawa. The farewell will take place at the Domano Renewal Centre in Prince George on Monday, June 29, 2015, beginning with Mass at 7:00 p.m. in the Domano Chapel followed by a reception in Bethany House Dining Room. All are welcome. Further details and a poster will be forwarded in next week’s Wednesday Weekly.


4.     Rose Prince Pilgrimage

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins each weekend in June:

The Annual Rose Prince Pilgrimage will be held July 3-5, 2015 at Lejac. Please join us in 2015 as we celebrate the 100th anniversary, or first Centenary, of Rose’s birth. Father Jack Michalchuk and John Connelly, Office of Catechesis and Evangelization will be the guest speakers. The weekend begins with opening prayer at 7 p.m. Friday and concludes with lunch at 1 p.m. Sunday. Along with presentations by Fr. Jack and John, there will be prayer services, a Healing Mass, the Living Rosary and a Candlelight Procession. Bishop Stephen Jensen will celebrate Mass at 10:30 a.m. Sunday. For more information contact Father Vincent James, OMI at St. Andrew’s Parish, Fraser Lake (250)699-6593 or see the schedule on the diocesan website.


5.     Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Please find attached a statement from Archbishop Gerard Pettipas, C.Ss.R., President of the corporation of Catholic Entities party to the Indian Residential Schools Settlement (CEPIRSS), which represents 17 dioceses and 37 religious institutes involved in managing and helping to operate the former Indian Residential Schools which were under the jurisdiction of the Government of Canada. We welcome the renewed efforts to heal and reconcile and on constructing a better future for Aboriginal People and better relations among all Canadians, both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal.

Entities’ Response to TRC Findings


6.     Cat Chat Vacation Bible School

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins until August:

The Cat Chat Vacation Bible School is an exciting Catholic summer program for children to explore and grow in their faith while building new friendships through games, music, crafts, snacks, and faith teaching. It is open to all children ages 4-11 (preschool to grade 6). This year the program will be offered at the end of the summer holidays at the Diocese of Prince George Pastoral Centre, 6500 Southridge Avenue, Prince George from August 31-September 4 from 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. each day! Our theme is Wilderness Adventure through the Sacraments!!! Registration forms are available on your church bulletin board; online registration will be available soon on the Sacred Heart Cathedral website. The cost is $50/first child, and $35/each additional child. Please drop off your registration and payment at the Sacred Heart Cathedral Office. We are also looking for youth and young adult volunteers. For more information, or if you are interested in volunteering, please contact the Sacred Heart Cathedral Office at 250-564-5225.


7.     Pure Witness Team!

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins periodically until August:

Have you ever thought of giving a year of your life in missionary service? Pure Witness Ministries engages teams of Catholic men and women, eighteen years of age and older and trains them as missionaries to proclaim the freedom, hope and joy that come from living pure lives for Christ, and to present the teachings of our Catholic faith to youth and families across Western Canada in dynamic ways that speak to this generation. Pure Witness missionaries experience a transformational year in their lives as they live out the three-fold mission of: Community Life, Faith Formation and Outreach. Discover all that you were created to be and be a part of the renewal of faith in our Church as we work together to love a generation back to Christ. For more information check out or email

Jubilee of Mercy

jubliee of mercyThe Bull of Indiction (Misericordiae Vultus, or “The Face of Mercy”) formally announcing a Holy Year was released by Pope Francis on April 11, 2015, in Rome.

In his announcement, Pope Francis said: “Dear Brothers and Sisters, I have often reflected upon how the Church can make its mission as a witness of mercy more apparent. It is a journey that begins with spiritual conversion. For this reason I have decided to proclaim an Extraordinary Jubilee which focuses on God’s mercy. It will be a Holy Year of Mercy. We wish to experience this inspired by the Word of the Lord: “Be merciful, just as your father is merciful” (cfr. Luke 6:36).

The Jubilee of Mercy will commence with the opening of the Holy Door in Saint Peter’s on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, 2015, and conclude on November 20, 2016, with the Solemnity of Christ the King. December 8, 2015, also marks the 50th anniversary of the closing of the Second Vatican Council.

The Archdiocese of Quebec has announced that the Holy Door of the Cathedral Basilica Notre-Dame de Québec will be open to pilgrims throughout the Jubilee of Mercy. There are seven Holy Doors in the world. Four are in Rome, in each of the papal basilicas; one in France at the Shrine of Saint John Vianney, the Curé of Ars; and one at the Shrine of Saint James in Compostela, Spain. The Holy Door in Quebec City, which first opened December 8, 2013, was a gift of the Holy See and is the only one outside Europe. All seven Holy Doors will be open throughout the Jubilee of Mercy.

Link to the Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy

The official website for the Jubilee:

Divine Mercy Sunday Homily by the Holy Father on the significance of the Jubilee of Mercy

Wednesday Weekly – 27May15

Wednesday Weekly May 27, 2015 Print Edition

1.     Bioethics Presentation

Please post the attached updated poster and put the following notice in parish bulletins:

Do you have questions regarding End of Life Issues? Withdrawal of treatment, prolonging life, pain and suffering and terminal sedation are just a few of the topics that will be addressed on Saturday, June 13th with Dr. Moira McQueen, LLB, MDiv, Phd. She will break open these issues as well as the controversial topics of Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide. Please join us for a Roman Catholic perspective from 8:30 am – 1:45 pm (break for lunch at 12:00 pm) at the Coast Inn of the North, Prince George.

Dr. McQueen is the keynote speaker of the 68th Annual Provincial Convention of the Catholic Women’s League and because of the importance of these topics in today’s society this talk has been opened up to the public. Advance payment and registration is required and the deadline is Friday June 5th. Don’t miss out on this once in a life time event!

Fee: $10.00 for presentation and $20.00 for the optional lunch. See poster for further details. Register at Sacred Heart Cathedral in person at 887 Patricia Boulevard, by phone (250)564-5225 or by email

 Dr Mcqueen Presentation Poster

2.     Northern Uganda Development Foundation

Please share the following information with all who may be interested; the dinner is this Saturday:

The 6th Annual Dinner and Auction for the Northern Uganda Development Foundation will be held at St. Mary’s Gym 1088 Gillett Street, Prince George on Saturday May 30th. Cocktails: 5:30 pm; Dinner 6:00 pm. Tickets are $40.00 each and include an authentic African Dinner. Tickets are available for purchase at Books and Company or Ave Maria.


3.     Monthly Day of Adoration

Please put the following notice in Central Region parish bulletins:

Emmanuel Hermitage invites you to a Personal Date with Jesus on June 9th in the Domano Chapel, 6500 Southridge Ave. Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. and the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for a day of silent prayer and adoration. We will pray for the people and needs of our Diocese, the universal Church, and the world. In particular we will pray for the protection of all human life, for vocations, and for the intentions of those participating in the day. Please mark your calendar on the second Tuesday of each month for Personal Dates with Jesus days.


4.     Domano Renewal Centre

The June At a Glance for the Domano Renewal Centre is attached. Please put the following notice in Central Region parish bulletins:

June at a Glance

“Anger Affects Everyone“ Workshop, Saturday, May 30th, 9:30 am—3:30 pm

Do you or someone you love have difficulty controlling his/her temper? Does this anger come out in unhealthy ways that could hurt others as well as yourself?   Anger is a powerful emotion that can lead to serious problems in relationships, home and work life if left unbridled. This workshop will begin with an overview of the topic including triggers, anger styles and anger management, more specifically for children and youth. The afternoon session will address more directly adult anger issues including common myths, assessment protocols, personality issues as well as evidence-based approaches to adult anger management. Come join us for an interesting and informative sharing.

Registration accepted until Friday May 29th:

By email:
By phone: (250) 964-4475
Location: Emmaus    Fee: $35.00 (Light lunch included)
Facilitators: Fr. John Garden (MEd Counselling); Dorothy Ryan CSJ (PhD Clinical Psychologist)


5.     CNEWA Middle East Campaign

Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) has launched an emergency Middle East campaign to aid Christians and refugees in the region. The campaign was issued at the end of April, but CNEWA Canada chose to focus at this time on the emergency fundraising campaign for the earthquake victims in Nepal which struck a few days after the CNEWA campaign was launched.

The appeal asks for support for families fleeing the barbaric violence perpetrated by ISIS and the unresolved Syrian civil war. Among the millions affected are the once vibrant Christian communities of Syria and Iraq, which may, for the first time in 2000 years, be forced from their homeland. CNEWA’s Middle East aid program includes emergency relief for refugees and displaced Syrian and Iraqi Christian families; support of youth initiatives, schools, health clinics and hospitals; helping people with special needs, elderly and vulnerable children; and the support of pastoral work of the church, such as the formation of seminarians and lay leaders in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Israel, Palestine and Gaza. Canadians interested in making donations to help CNEWA and its partners in the Middle East are invited to do so by visiting or to write a cheque to CNEWA Canada at 1247 Kilborn Place, Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 6K9 or by phone at 1-866-322-4441.


6.     World Meeting of Families 2015

In preparation for the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, September 22 to 27, 2015, Salt + Light TV has produced a series of videos on how family life and the lives of the Saints and Blesseds are inter-related and have special importance for the Church as well as for today’s families. Each presentation is approximately five minutes long, and provides a short biography on the life of each Saint or Blessed as well as a testimony to their journey of faith. To date, Salt + Light has completed 12 videos, some of which are available in four languages — English, French, Chinese and Spanish. The goal for these resources is to spread the word about the World Meeting of Families to a wide audience. Links to the videos can be found on the Diocese of Prince George website at: World Meeting of Families or on the CCCB website at:

Wednesday Weekly – 20May15

Wednesday Weekly May 20, 2015 Print Version

1.     Adrian Dominican Sisters – Prince George

The Diocese of Prince George bids a fond farewell to the Adrian Dominican sisters whose ministry in the city of Prince George will end in May. Sr. Kathy Nolan, OP and Sr. Jude Van Baalen, OP will be returning to the United States to serve in new areas of ministry with their congregation. Since her arrival in 2007, Sr. Jude has served as Pastoral Assistant for Sacred Heart Cathedral and St. Mary’s Parish, as Coordinator for Shepherd’s Corner and as Diocesan Spiritual Advisor for the Catholic Women’s League. For the past two years, Sr. Kathy has provided family counselling services at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre, at Catholic Independent Schools, and volunteered at Shepherd’s Corner. We are very grateful for their spirit-filled presence in the diocese and wish them many blessings in their new endeavors!


2.     Sr. Connie Harkin

Please place the following information in parish bulletins:

Notre Dame Parish in Dawson Creek will be celebrating Sr. Connie Harkin’s 50 year Anniversary as a member of the religious congregation of the School Sisters of Notre Dame School on May 31, 2015. The celebration will commence with Mass at 10:00 am followed by a Barbeque at the School Gymnasium. Parishioners from across the diocese are most welcome to join the Parish in celebrating this wonderful occasion with Sister Connie on her Golden Jubilee.


3.     Appeal Update

20150519 Appeal Update

Wednesday Weekly – 6May15

Wednesday Weekly May 6, 2015 Print Version

1.     51st International Eucharistic Conference

Please place the following information in school and parish bulletins:

Every four years, Catholic faithful from around the world gather together to reflect on and celebrate the great mystery of the Eucharist during the International Eucharistic Congress. Youth, families and organizations belonging to the Catholic community are invited to experience the fullness of the Eucharist and deepen their Catholic Faith through the Symposium and Congress taking place January 24-31, 2016 in Cebu, Philippines. International Eucharistic Congress 2016 is also looking for dedicated volunteers from around the world who are willing to help promote the presence of the Eucharist in their Roman Catholic community. Please see the Congress website for online registration, travel details, and further information at:


2.     Week for Life and the Family, May 10-17, 2015

The National Week for Life and the Family takes place May 10-17, 2015. The theme for this year is “We’re All Connected” and deals with assisted suicide. The resources were prepared by the Archdiocese of Vancouver. Parishes are asked to refer to the CCCB website for suggested resources, prayers of the faithful and other activities in support of this week.


3.     Vocations Weekend – Saints: Models of Discernment

Please ensure the discernment weekend notice is placed in parish bulletins this weekend and keep those attending in your prayers. Thank you!

God calls each and every one of us to be a saint, to become the man or woman he made us to be according to our own unique individuality like St. Francis of Assisi, St. Teresa of Avila or St. John Paul II. Vocational discernment is about discovering where God is calling you and then living out that call. Men and women 19 years and older are invited to attend a Vocation Discernment weekend from May 15-17 at Camp Morice facilitated by Fr. Terry Brock, Diocesan Vocations Director and Most Rev. Stephen Jensen. Cost is $50 for the weekend. To register, email your name, phone number and age to or call Sacred Heart Parish in Terrace at (250)635-2313. Hope to see you there!


4.     A BIG DYC Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who came and helped make DYC such a wonderful success!!! Countless young people came closer to His heart this past weekend. There are many to thank including our many priests and Bishop Jensen who came out to support the weekend. At the risk of leaving someone unmentioned, here are just a few of the people that really helped make this year’s DYC such a success: Sharlene Irving, Tracy Connelly, Shelley Caldwell, Sr. Maria, and Mike Labonte. Our planning team both here at the Diocese and those who volunteered their time – you know who you are! Thank you also to our dedicated volunteers who responded to every need this past weekend. Thank you especially to all parents who shuttled their kids all this way and to the youth who attended with open hearts—making our efforts worthwhile! Until next DYC…

A big thanks,

Eunice Hii
Youth and Young Adult Ministry Coordinator


5.     Rainbows Fundraiser – Lobster Kitchen Party

Please place the following information in parish and school bulletins in the Central Region:

A Lobster Kitchen Party will be held Saturday, May 23rd at the Knights of Columbus Community Centre in support of the Rainbows Program.  Rainbows is a peer support group for children, adolescents and adults who are grieving a death, divorce or other painful transition in their family. Tickets for the fundraiser are $45.00 and are available from Terry Fedorkiw by email or phone 250-562-3209.  Entertainment provided by Billy Wiseman and friends. For further information, see the Facebook Event Page “PG Lobster Kitchen Party”.


6.     Special Presentations at CWL Conference

Please post the attached poster and place the following notice in parish and school bulletins:

Join with members of the Catholic Women’s League on Saturday, June 13th from 8:30 am – 1:45 pm to hear keynote speaker, Dr. Moira McQueen, LLB, MDiv, Phd. Speaking on Bioethics and End of Life Issues, Euthanasia and Assisted Dying, Dr. McQueen will provide a Roman Catholic perspective along with guidance into the moral and ethical dilemmas that have arisen because of new developments in science and medicine. All are welcome but advance registration is required. Fee: $10.00 for presentations and $20.00 for optional lunch. See poster for further details. Register at Sacred Heart Cathedral in person at 887 Patricia Boulevard, by phone (250)564-5225 or by email

Dr. Moira McQueen Presentation poster


7.     March For Life

Please make available to parishioners the attached message from the Catholic Organization for Life and Family (COLF) for the annual National March for Life with the theme “Let life win!” On May 14th, the National March will be held in Ottawa. Also, on May 14th, the 8th annual March for Life will be held in Victoria at the BC Legislature. The recent Supreme Court decision to permit the killing of people through assisted suicide is certainly a good reason for all to march for life, especially those who are most vulnerable.

March for Life

Wednesday Weekly – 29Apr15

Wednesday Weekly April 29, 2015 Print Version

1.     Pastoral Assignments – Clarification

The recent announcement of new pastoral assignments included Fr. John Garden’s appointments to St. Patrick’s parish in McBride and a half time counselling position in the three Catholic schools in the city of Prince George.

Fr. Garden will also continue in a half time counselling position in a Prince George child and youth mental health agency.


2.     Employment Opportunity

Please circulate the following employment opportunity and place the following notice in bulletins:

Immaculate Conception School, Prince George is seeking a part time EDUCATION ASSISTANT (EA) effective immediately until the end of the current school year. Preferred qualifications include relevant certification for working in an elementary school setting, and strong experience working with children. Apply in writing to the Principal, Immaculate Conception School, 3285 Cathedral Avenue, Prince George V2N 5R2 or email to


3.     May At A Glance – Domano Renewal Centre

The May at a Glance newsletter for the Domano Renewal Centre is attached.

 May at a Glance 2015


4.     Monthly Day of Adoration

Please put the following notice in Central Region parish bulletins:

Emmanuel Hermitage invites you to a Personal Date with Jesus on May 12th in the Domano Chapel (at the Domano Renewal Centre, 6500 Southridge Ave.). Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. and the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for a day of silent prayer and adoration. We will pray especially for the people and needs of our Diocese, the universal Church, and the world. In particular we will pray for the protection of all human life, for vocations, and for the intentions of those participating in the day. Please mark your calendar on the second Tuesday of each month for Personal Dates with Jesus days.


5.     Special Collection for Nepal


The CCCB will participate with the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace in a joint campaign to raise funds for the victims of the earthquake in Nepal. The Government of Canada will match any contributions to assist Nepal which are collected by May 25, 2015. Parishes are encouraged to submit any donations collected directly to Development and Peace prior to the May 25 deadline (To be acceptable for CRA purposes, the postmark on the envelope needs to be stamped before the May 25 date and the envelope should be marked “EMERGENCY-NEPAL”.) If a parish needs to send a donation through our diocese please contact Catherine Cosh by email at by noon on Wednesday, May 20, 2015.


Please place the following notice in parish bulletins:

 A massive earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale struck Nepal on April 25, 2015. More than 4200 people are dead and more than 7500 are injured. In a joint campaign with the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, Development and Peace is coming to the aid of the earthquake’s victims through their Caritas partners in Nepal. The Canadian government will match, dollar for dollar, all of the donations made by Canadians to support the victims of the earthquake in Nepal until May 25, 2015. Parishioners are encouraged to donate prior to this date. Mailed donations to the campaign should be sent to Development and Peace, 1425 Rene-Levesque Blvd West, 3rd Floor, Montreal, QC H3G 1T7. Additionally, donations can be made by phone to 1-888-664-3387 or online at Thank you!



2015 Pastoral Appointments


Bishop Stephen Jensen announces the following pastoral appointments effective August 1, 2015.

Rev. Dominic Apaatah Immaculata, Burns Lake
Rev. Gilbert Bertrand, OMI* St. Mary’s, Prince George
Rev. Terence Brock Annunciation, Prince Rupert
Rev. Johmer Faderanga  St. Theresa’s Missions 
Rev. John Garden 


  • St. Patrick’s, McBride
  • .5 counselling in Catholic schools in Prince George
  • .5 counselling child and youth mental health agency
Rev. Jack Michalchuk Christ Our Saviour, Prince George/ Office of Evangelization and Catechesis
Rev. Xavier Royappan, SAC* Sacred Heart, Terrace
Rev. Miguel Rabino Saint Mary’s, New Hazelton
Rev. Rectorino Tolentino Jr. Vicar General




*upon presentation by his Religious Superior




Wednesday Weekly – 22Apr15

Wednesday Weekly April 22, 2015 Print Version

1.     World Day of Prayer for Vocations

The Message from Pope Francis for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations is attached. Please share the following message from Bishop Jensen in parish bulletins:

In the Gospel for “Good Shepherd Sunday”, Jesus tells us: “I know my own and my own know me.” In the language of Scripture, this knowing is more than information: the Good Shepherd’s knowledge of us is an invitation to a deep, life-giving relationship with him.

Since the call of the apostles, the Lord invites men to follow him as priests and be his collaborators (co-labourers). The Church reminds us to pray for those young men in our parishes who have vocations to the Priesthood. The Good Shepherd never fails to invite; we should pray that those he is calling may hear and answer.

A “Discernment Weekend” will be held at Camp Morice May 15 – 17 for men and women seeking to know the vocation God has in mind for them. Let us encourage and pray for them, especially those the Good Shepherd asks to know and serve him as priests.

Bishop Stephen Jensen

Message from Pope Francis for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations


 2.     Pastoral Appointments and Changes

Attached is an announcement from Bishop Jensen on pastoral assignments effective August 1, 2015.

2015 pastoral appointments

Effective August 1, 2015, the following Oblate of Mary Immaculate priests will be moving to new assignments outside our diocese: Frs. Richard Beaudette, OMI; Fr. Nestor Silva, OMI and Fr. Robert Smith, OMI. Our thanks go to them for their generosity in sharing their priestly ministry in the diocese.

 Fr. Roger Lavoie and Fr. Thomas Shymko will be retiring from active ministry effective August 1, 2015. We are very grateful to both priests for their many years of service.



3.     Northern Catholic News Deadline

The Northern Catholic News is looking for articles from our parishes and schools to publish in its Summer edition. Did your parish or school celebrate a special occasion or event for the Year of Consecrated Life? Did someone in your organization receive special recognition? Please let us know about it! Did you have an inspiring and informative guest speaker? Our readers would love to hear about it! Contact Mary-Anne Lewis Jamin at or 250-964-4424 extension 234 with your stories and pictures. The deadline for this edition is May 15th, 2015.


4.     Beatification of the Venerable Elisabeth Turgeon

The Papal Legate, His Eminence Angelo Cardinal Amato, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, will preside at the Beatification of Elisabeth Turgeon on April 26, 2015, in Saint-Robert-Bellarmin Church, Rimouski. It is the first time that such a ceremony will be celebrated in Quebec and a Canadian Diocese.

The principal charism of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Rosary (in French, the Les Sœurs de Notre-Dame du Saint-Rosaire) is Christian education, including catechetics, pastoral work, and ministry with children, youth and their parents. In addition to their presence in the Archdiocese of Rimouski and the Diocese of Gaspé, as well as elsewhere in Quebec, the Sisters have served on the Lower North Shore and in Newfoundland and Labrador (1972-1998) as well as Maine. They have done missionary work in Haiti (1970), the Dominican Republic (1974), and Africa (1970 -1993), and continue to have missions in Honduras, Peru, Guatemala and Nicaragua. They are now also in Lebanon. The Congregation today has a little more than 300 religious and about 460 associates.

This Beatification is a significant moment for the Church in Canada, not only as part of the Year of Consecrated Life, but also as one more reminder of how all the baptized are called to evangelize today, finding inspiration for proclaiming the Good News in the missionary examples of earlier generations of Canadians.

Further information on preparations for the Beatification is available on the Congregation’s website at: or the CCCB website at: Prayer cards are available for purchase from CCCB Publications.


5.     Appeal Update

20150422 Appeal Update

Wednesday Weekly – 15Apr15

Wednesday Weekly April 15, 2015 Print Version

1.     New Chancellor for the Diocese

Bishop Stephen Jensen announces that Ms. Mary-Anne Lewis Jamin has been appointed Chancellor of the Diocese of Prince George, effective April 22, 2015.

On behalf of the diocesan community, Bishop Jensen thanks Fr. Louis Kwena for his years of service as Chancellor.


2.   Youth and Young Adult Ministry Update

  • Have you registered for the 20th annual Diocesan Youth Conference taking place May 1-3 in Prince George? It is sure to be the biggest yet! Come on out for an amazing weekend of great worship, talks, and fellowship with hundreds of youth from across our diocese and beyond. You can register online at or head on over to for more info. We look forward to seeing you there!
  • We are also seeking practicing, Catholic young adults interested in volunteering as small group leaders and general volunteers. Email if you are interested!


3.     Saints: Models of Discernment

Parishes are requested to post the attached poster and distribute the attached Discernment Weekend flyers. Please place the following notice in bulletins:

God calls each and every one of us to be a saint, to become the man or woman he made us to be according to our own unique individuality like St. Francis of Assisi, St. Teresa of Avila or St. John Paul II. Vocational discernment is about discovering where God is calling you and then living out that call. Men and women 19 years and older are invited to attend a Vocation Discernment weekend from May 15-17 at Camp Morice facilitated by Fr. Terry Brock, Diocesan Vocations Director and Most Rev. Stephen Jensen. Cost is $50 for the weekend. To register, email your name, phone number and age to or call Sacred Heart Parish in Terrace at (250) 635-2313.

Vocation Discernment Poster

Discernment Weekend Flyers 2015



4.     First Nations Retreat – Living the 12 Steps in Everyday Life

Parishes are requested to post and distribute the attached poster. Please place the following notice in bulletins:


Addictions take many forms and affect all of us—our families and society. Living the 12 Steps in Every Day Life is a workshop/retreat for anyone interested in learning more about the healing power of the 12 Step program as a way of life. Most Reverend Sylvain Lavoie, OMI will lead the workshop/retreat using a blend of information, quiet time for reflection and prayer, and optional sharing and fellowship. There will also be time for music and laughter. Fee: $100.00. Registration is required. Please contact the Domano Renewal Centre at (250)964-4475 or to register or for further information.

First Nations Retreat Poster