Employment Opportunity

Diocesan Shield Transparent BackgroundDiocese of Prince George

The Office of Evangelization and Catechesis



The Office of Evangelization and Catechesis (OEC) is seeking for a full-time assistant to the Directors in the implementation and administration of programs and projects. This administrative support position requires a creative team player who can work independently. Flexibility regarding hours will also be necessary from time to time.

Principal duties will include:


  • Assisting in the organization of conferences, retreats, parish missions and seminars for the OEC and Youth and Young Adult Ministry coordinator
  • Assisting parishes and other diocesan organizations in ordering catechetical texts and other materials
  • Overseeing registration and logistics for the Lay Formation Program
  • Providing effective communication of the OEC programs across the range of media
  • Providing assistance to the Directors in developing and managing the office budget


Applicants should send a resume and cover letter to:


Very Rev. Rectorino M. Tolentino, Jr.

Vicar General/Moderator of the Curia

6500 Southridge Avenue

Prince George, B.C.

V2N 5P9

Wednesday Weekly 14Oct15

Appeal Updates:

 Reminder: If there are still any Appeal envelopes for parishioners in your church foyers, please remember to mail them, and send your receipt to the Appeal office for postage reimbursement.

Commitment Sunday is October 25, 2015. More information will be sent next week.


Diocesan Formation Days –

The Face of Mercy: Held in the four Deaneries of the Diocese of Prince George throughout September and October.

The session for the Central Deanery will take place on October 22-23 at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre. Our keynote speaker, Father Basil Burns, PhD., is a gifted presenter who came to the Diocese to assist in theological formation and faith development. He will explore the meaning of the upcoming Jubilee Year of Mercy. Priests, religious, Parish and School Council members, parishioners especially those in parish leadership, and Catholic School principals, teachers and staff are all invited to these days that are designed to be an experience of prayer and interactive learning that will help us respond to our vocation to be disciples. A special invitation is extended to young adults and to anyone from the other three deaneries who have not yet been able to participate.

Thursday, October 22, 2015 @ 7-8:30 PM

Friday, October 23, 2015 beginning with Mass @ 8 AM followed by refreshments.

Sessions from 8:45 AM – 3:30 PM

No registration fee.

Please bring your own lunch.


Consultation on Suicide: This is our opportunity to influence a decision that will impact everyone in Canada. Please take part in the federal government’s assisted suicide consultation process. The consultation panel’s “Issue Book” questionnaire asks for your views on important issues relating to physician-assisted dying: http://www.ep-ce.ca/issue-book. The deadline is November 17. The panel will propose legislative options on “doctor-assisted dying” this fall, leaving only a few months before Parliament must draft a new law to replace the one struck down by the Supreme Court of Canada. Share your personal experiences with the panel and let it know your concerns about doctor-assisted suicide.


Grief to Grace: Applications are now being accepted for the next Grief to Grace program to be held in Kelowna, November 19-22, 2015. Grief to Grace – Reclaiming the Gift of Human Dignity is a spiritual journey for anyone who has suffered degradation or violation through sexual/psychological abuse, rape, incest, physical or emotional abuse and neglect or other forms of traumatic violation in childhood, adolescence or as an adult. To register or for more information call 250-878-7603 or e-mail g2gkelowna@gmail.com or www.grieftograce.org



Save the date for DYC 2016: April 29 – May 1, 2016 in Prince George—More information to come.

Formation for all Youth Minister, Teachers and Parents:

The need for greater formation in our large, spread out diocese has been heard. We will be travelling across the diocese so that you don’t have to! We are incredibly blessed to have the Director of the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Archdiocese of Vancouver, spend five days with us. Clay Imoo is the father of three and a die-hard Canuck fan. He has been serving the Archdiocese of Vancouver for 13 years, prior to this he has youth ministry experience in a parish setting. Clay will offer sessions for all youth ministers, catechists, teachers and parents. These sessions will focus on tangible tools needed to teach our young people to walk as disciples of Jesus in the fullness of the Catholic faith. Here is a rough outline of dates:

  • Thursday, October 15 – Evening, time TBA – Terrace (Sacred Heart Parish)
  • Saturday, October 17 – 10 – 12 PM – Prince George (Sacred Heart Parish)
  • Sunday, October 18 – 4 – 7 PM – Dawson Creek (Notre Dame Parish)

For more information, please email Eunice at youth@pgdiocese.bc.ca


World Youth Day 2016 in Krawkow, Poland: All those 18+ are invited to join us as we head to WYD in Poland. We will be partnering with the Archdiocese of Vancouver. The anticipated total cost for the trip is $3800 (including taxes). Those interested can email ehii@pgdiocese.bc.ca. A deposit of $1000 is due by October 31, 2015 to secure your spot.

Faith Studies – All young adults in Prince George are invited to join a weekly small-group faith study. This 6-week study focuses in on the foundations of what it means to be a Catholic. These faith studies will begin the week of October 13, (this week) These groups will be setup according to the schedules of those who would like to participate. Email Eunice at ehii@pgdiocese.bc.ca if you are interested in joining a group.


Vocations Retreats – Seminary of Christ the King

The next Vocation Live-ins for the College and High School Seminary are:

  • November 13-15, 2015
  • February 12-14, 2016
  • April 8-10, 2016

If you would like to attend, please contact:

College Seminary Live In:
Father Matthew Gerlich, OSB
Tel: 604-826-8715
Email: rector.majors@yahoo.ca.

Wednesday Weekly 07OCT15

Appeal Updates: The appeal office is trying its best to provide a smooth process for all parishes for this year’s Appeal. Instructions for each Appeal week have been sent to the parishes with the key points to cover. Commitment Sunday will take a different approach this year. Please do not use the instructions from previous years. You will receive a short DVD and information to encourage the parishioners to see the value that the Appeal has on our Diocese and its projects. Meanwhile please give the Annual Diocesan Appeal the promotion and attention it deserves.       Together with your collaboration and with the formation of a new committee for the Appeal, let us do our best to raise an awareness of the Appeal`s importance in the life of our Diocese.

Reminder: If there are still any Appeal envelopes for parishioners in your church foyers, please remember to mail them, and send your receipt to the Appeal office for postage reimbursement.


Winter Driving DIF: Please share this information with Diocesan Employees and those who have cars insured by the DIF. Note the required dates for winter tire installation, which is October 1, 2015. It is each person’s responsibility to take the measures that will ensure safety and maximize the insurance coverage provided for each driver.

Please see link with maps showing which roads require winter tires can be found on the ministry’s web page at:


Grief to Grace: Applications are now being accepted for the next Grief to Grace program to be held in Kelowna November 19 – 22, 2015. Grief to Grace – Reclaiming the Gift of Human Dignity – is a spiritual journey for anyone who has suffered degradation or violation through sexual/psychological abuse, rape, incest, physical or emotional abuse and neglect or other forms of traumatic violation in childhood, adolescence, or as an adult.

 To register or for more information call 250-878-7603 or e-mail g2gkelowna@gmail.com or www.grieftograce.org.


Finanace Department—WCB 3nd Quarter Report –Deadline Wednesday October 14, 2015–Parishes and Schools are asked to report to Diocesan Payroll Services any WorkSafeBC (WCB) payments for the third quarter July 1, 2015 to September 30, 2015. Payments include those made to individuals (including replacement ministry personnel) and to contractors who are not registered with WCB.  If you have not done so already, also report your first and second quarter payments. Thank you.


Book of the Gospels: Readings at Mass are taken from the Book of Gospels or the Lectionary, “which are intended for the proclamation of the Word of God and hence receive special veneration, are to be in a liturgical action truly signs and symbols of higher realities and hence should be truly worthy, dignified, and beautiful” (General Instruction of the Roman Missal, n. 349).

The Pastoral Centre is ordering the smaller format Book of the Gospels for parishes in the diocese at a 20% discounted rate. Each book will cost $160.00 (the regular price is $200.00).

Please see website for details. https://esubmitit.sjpg.com/cccb/index.aspx?component=ProductDetails&id=182-327

If your parish wishes to order a copy or copies of the text through the diocese please contact the Teresa Phillippe, Reception at (250)964-4424 or teresa@pgdiocese.bc.ca before October 15, 2015.



Save the date for DYC 2016: April 29-May 1 in Prince George—More information to come.

Formation for all Youth Minister, Teachers and Parents:

With such a large, geographically-spread diocese, we have heard the need for greater formation in the diocese. We are incredibly blessed to have the Director of the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Archdiocese of Vancouver, spend five days with us.

Clay Imoo is the father of three and a die-hard Canuck fan. He has been serving the Archdiocese of Vancouver for 13 years, prior to this he has youth ministry experience in a parish setting.

Clay will be offering sessions for all youth ministers, catechists, teachers and parents. These sessions will focus on tangible tools needed to teach our young people to walk as disciples of Jesus in the fullness of the Catholic faith.

We will be travelling across the diocese so that you don’t have to!

Here is a rough outline of dates:

  • Thursday, October 15 – Evening, time TBA – Terrace (Sacred Heart Parish)
  • Saturday, October 17 – 10 – 12 PM – Prince George (Sacred Heart Parish)
  • Sunday, October 18 – 4 – 7 PM – Dawson Creek (Notre Dame Parish)

For more information, please email Eunice at youth@pgdiocese.bc.ca

World Youth Day 2016 in Krawkow, Poland: All those 18+ are invited to join us as we head to WYD in Poland. We will be partnering with the Archdiocese of Vancouver. Total cost for the trip is anticipated to be $3800 (including taxes). Those interested can email ehii@pgdiocese.bc.ca. A deposit of $1000 is due by October 31, 2015 to secure your spot.

Faith Studies – All young adults in Prince George are invited to join a weekly small-group faith study. This 6-week study focuses in on the foundations of what it means to be a Catholic. These faith studies will begin the week of October 13, (the week after Thanksgiving) These groups will be setup according to the schedules of those who would like to participate.

Email Eunice at ehii@pgdiocese.bc.ca if you are interested in joining a group.


Development and Peace : Climate change is an issue of justice!

The poor and vulnerable in the Global South suffer the most from the impacts of climate change, yet they are the ones who contribute the least to the carbon emissions that are warming the planet.

Did you know that Canada has carbon emissions that are 150 times higher per capita than Ethiopia, (one of the countries in the world that suffers the most from drought conditions exacerbated by climate change)?

Pope Francis reminds us of our responsibility to act on this in his encyclical Laudato Si: “The pace of consumption, waste and environmental change has so stretched the planet’s capacity that our contemporary lifestyle, unsustainable as it is, can only precipitate catastrophes, such as those which even now periodically occur in different areas of the world. The effects of this imbalance can only be reduced by our decisive action, here and now.”

Take part in Development and Peace’s campaign Create a Climate of Change to do your part! Learn more at https://www.devp.org/en/articles/create-climate-change and stay tuned for announcements within your own parish in the coming weeks.

Prince George D & P update: At the Development and Peace Fall meeting the election results are as follows:

  • Catherine Nolin remains as Chair of Development and Peace for the Diocese of PG
  • New Co-Vice Chairperson is Kate Schenk. Kate is a parishioner and the Gr. 7 teacher at Immaculate Conception Parish and School. Kate will work with Annie Kearns as co-Vice Chairs for the two-year term.

Congratulations and thank you to those who serve.


Women’s Retreat–“We hold a treasure in earthen vessels” (2 Cor.4:7).

 By using clay in this silent retreat, we will ponder the treasure we each hold within ourselves and begin to appreciate the treasure we are to God.

**Please Note: It is important to register for this retreat by October 13 in order to provide sufficient materials.

Friday, October 16

6:00 pm—beginning with light supper to

Sunday, October 18 after lunch.

 Location: Domano Renewal Centre Emmaus House

Fee: Live-in: $175.00 Commuter: $110.00

Facilitator: Elizabeth Poilievre, FCJ

 Please register by using one of the following ways:

On-line: www.domanorenewalcentre.org

By email: drc@pgdiocese.bc.ca

By phone: (250) 964-4475


All registration deposits are non-refundable and are applied to the total cost of the program. If the program is cancelled you will receive your deposit.

Participants requesting a cancellation must do so 48 hours prior to the start of the scheduled event. Cancellation without 48 hours notice will not be eligible for a refund.


Monthly Day of Adoration

Please put the following notice in Central Region parish bulletins:

 Emmanuel Hermitage invites you to a Personal Date with Jesus on October 13, 2015 in the Domano Chapel, 6500 Southridge Ave. Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. and the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for a day of silent prayer and adoration. We will pray for the people and needs of our Diocese, the universal Church, and the world. In particular we will pray for the protection of all human life, for vocations, and for the intentions of those participating in the day. Please mark your calendar on the second Tuesday of each month for Personal Dates with Jesus days.

Wednesday Weekly 30SEP15

Diocesan Annual AppeaL Update for Sept 29, 2015

Employment Opportunities

DRC October at a Glance 2015

Religious Education Trust: Please submit applications to Lynn Monteith by October 5, 2015

Finanace Department—Payroll: The Diocese has approved the purchase of a new payroll program. The new program is more user friendly and automates more of the payroll process. It will be installed later this fall. The biggest change for employees will be receiving their pay advices and T-4’s electronically.  The payroll department will work with each parish and school during the transition. Full details will be communicated in the coming weeks.

Book of the Gospels: Readings at Mass are taken from the Book of Gospels or the Lectionary, “which are intended for the proclamation of the Word of God and hence receive special veneration, are to be in a liturgical action truly signs and symbols of higher realities and hence should be truly worthy, dignified, and beautiful” (General Instruction of the Roman Missal, n. 349).

The Pastoral Centre is ordering the smaller format Book of the Gospels for parishes in the diocese at a 20% discounted rate. Each book will cost $160.00 (the regular price is $200.00). Please see website for details. https://esubmitit.sjpg.com/cccb/index.aspx?component=ProductDetails&id=182-327

If your parish wishes to order a copy or copies of the text through the diocese please contact the Teresa Phillippe, Reception at (250)964-4424 or teresa@pgdiocese.bc.ca before October 15, 2015.

Ordo:  The Office of the Bishop will be ordering the Ordo for parishes and diocesan ministries. Listed below are the number of copies each parish or ministry ordered in the past. If there are any changes to your order, please contact Teresa before October 3, 2015. Thank you.


Sabacan Family

It is with sadness we announce that Romulo Sabacan, father of Reverend Vener Sabacan pastor of Church of the Resurrection, Fort St. John passed away on Thursday, September 26. As we pray for the repose of his soul, we also offer our condolences and prayerful support to Fr. Vener and his family. The Mass of Christian burial will be on Saturday, October 3, 2015 at 7:00 AM in the Philippines. Fr. Vener left on Sunday for the Philippines to assist with the wake and the funeral.

Tucker Family

Alan Tucker, husband of Bina Tucker, Secretary and Bookkeeper at St. Joseph’s School, Smithers also passed Thursday, September 26.  We send our prayers to Bina for the repose of the soul of Alan and the consolation of the family.

May the souls of Romulo and Alan, and of all the faithful departed, rest in peace.  Amen.


Our Response to Refugee Crisis in Syria: The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace, the Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) and Aid to the Church in Need are launching for the first time a joint appeal to the generosity of Canadian Catholics and all Canadians, showing the magnitude of this tragic crisis. Canadians can show their solidarity by contributing to this appeal for humanitarian aid and/or to sponsorship programs in their dioceses. We hope to launch a special collection in the Diocese in the coming weeks. Please watch for details and see the links on our website.



World Youth Day 2016 in Krawkow, Poland: All those 18+ are invited to join us as we head to WYD in Poland. We will be partnering with the Archdiocese of Vancouver. Total cost for the trip is anticipated to be $3800 (including taxes). Those interested can email ehii@pgdiocese.bc.ca. A deposit of $1000 is due by October 31, 2015 to secure your spot.

Youth ministry & Catechist training: From October 15-19 this year, we are privileged to have Clay Imoo, the Director of the Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry with us. Clay brings almost 13 years of experience from his role as director as well as many more years of youth ministry experience to our diocese. Along with our youth & young adult coordinator, Eunice, Clay will be offering regional training time across our diocese during these dates. (October 15-16 – Terrace/ October 17-18 – Prince George/ October 18-19 – Dawson Creek) Please email Eunice if you are interested in joining these.

Save the date for DYC 2016: happening April 29-May 1 in Prince George.


Women’s Retreat

“We hold a treasure in earthen vessels” (2 Cor.4:7).

 By using clay in this silent retreat, we will ponder the treasure we each hold within ourselves and begin to appreciate the treasure we are to God.

**Please Note: It is important to register for this retreat by October 13 in order to provide sufficient materials.

Friday, October 16–6:00 pm—beginning with light supper to Sunday, October 18 after lunch.

Location: Domano Renewal Centre Emmaus House

Fee: Live-in: $175.00 Commuter: $110.00

Facilitator: Elizabeth Poilievre, FCJ


On-line: www.domanorenewalcentre.org

By email: drc@pgdiocese.bc.ca

By phone: (250) 964-4475

All registration deposits are non-refundable and are applied to the total cost of the program. If the program is cancelled you will receive your deposit.

Participants requesting a cancellation must do so 48 hours prior to the start of the scheduled event. Cancellation without 48 hours notice will not be eligible for a refund.


Monthly Day of Adoration

Please put the following notice in Central Region parish bulletins:

Emmanuel Hermitage invites you to a Personal Date with Jesus on October 13, 2015 in the Domano Chapel, 6500 Southridge Ave. Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. and the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for a day of silent prayer and adoration. We will pray for the people and needs of our Diocese, the universal Church, and the world. In particular we will pray for the protection of all human life, for vocations, and for the intentions of those participating in the day. Please mark your calendar on the second Tuesday of each month for Personal Dates with Jesus days.

Wednesday Weekly-23SEP15

Religious Education Trust Fund: Please submit any applications to Lynn Monteith by October 5, 2015.


Diocesan Insurance Fund (DIF) and Payroll: The Pastoral Centre will be sending out Account Balance Statements for the Payroll Services and Diocesan Insurance Fund Accounts in early October. If you are unsure of the amount you owe, you may wait to make payment until you receive these statements.If you have any further questions, please contact Catherine.


Development and Peace – Workshop Poster: Want to learn more about Development and Peace <https://www.facebook.com/devpeace> in northern BC? Responding to the call of Pope Francis to take urgent action on curbing climate change, D & P has launched a new campaign: Create a Climate of Change! This campaign calls on all Canadian Catholics and people of good faith to take concrete action to help reduce climate change, which is having the most devastating impacts on the poor and vulnerable in the Global South. Come learn how you can be a part of this campaign, make it a success, and learn more about D & P. We are joining parishes from across our Diocese at a Fall workshop and retreat on the evening of Friday, October 2 and all day Saturday, October 3 at Camp Morice <https://www.facebook.com/CampMorice>. We encourage YOUTH to join us to learn about Development and Peace and how youth are critical to creating a climate of change!  Free accommodation, food, and workshop! Contact Catherine Nolin Hanlon (nolin@unbc.ca) or Annie Kearns (anniemarykearns@yahoo.ca).


Development and Peace – Our Response to Refugee Crisis in Syria: The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace, the Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) and Aid to the Church in Need are launching for the first time a joint appeal to the generosity of Canadian Catholics and all Canadians, showing the magnitude of this tragic crisis. Canadians can show their solidarity by contributing to this appeal for humanitarian aid and/or to sponsorship programs in their dioceses. We hope to launch a special collection in the Diocese in the coming weeks. Please watch for details and see here for more details: https://www.devp.org/en/emergencies/syria


World Youth Day 2016 in Krawkow, Poland: All those 18+ are invited to join us as we head to WYD in Poland. We will be partnering with the Archdiocese of Vancouver. Total cost for the trip is anticipated to be $3800 (including taxes). Those interested can email ehii@pgdiocese.bc.ca. A deposit of $1000 is due by October 31, 2015 to secure your spot.


Youth Faith Studies – All young adults in Prince George are invited to join a weekly small-group faith study. This 6-week study focuses in on the foundations of what it means to be a Catholic.


Youth ministry & Catechist training: From October 15-19 this year, we are privileged to have Clay Imoo, the Director of the Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry with us. Clay brings almost 13 years of experience from his role as director as well as many more years of youth ministry experience to our diocese. Along with our youth & young adult coordinator, Eunice, Clay will be offering regional training time across our diocese during these dates. (October 15-16 – Terrace/ October 17-18 – Prince George/ October 18-19 – Dawson Creek) Please email Eunice if you are interested in joining these.


Save the date for DYC 2016: happening April 29-May 1 in Prince George.


Women’s Retreat

“We hold a treasure in earthen vessels” (2 Cor.4:7).

 By using clay in this silent retreat, we will ponder the treasure we each hold within ourselves and begin to appreciate the treasure we are to God.

**Please Note: It is important to register for this retreat by October 13 in order to provide sufficient materials.

DATE: Friday, October 16 – 6:00 pm—beginning with light supper to Sunday, October 18 after lunch.

LOCATION:  Domano Renewal Centre Emmaus House

FEE:  Live-in: $175.00 Commuter: $110.00

FACILITATOR:  Elizabeth Poilievre, FCJ


Please register by using one of the following ways:

On-line: www.domanorenewalcentre.org

By email: drc@pgdiocese.bc.ca

By phone: (250) 964-4475

All registration deposits are non-refundable and are applied to the total cost of the program. If the program is cancelled you will receive your deposit.

Participants requesting a cancellation must do so 48 hours prior to the start of the scheduled event. Cancellation without 48 hours notice will not be eligible for a refund.


Monthly Day of Adoration

Emmanuel Hermitage invites you to a Personal Date with Jesus on October 13, 2015 in the Domano Chapel, 6500 Southridge Ave. Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. and the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for a day of silent prayer and adoration. We will pray for the people and needs of our Diocese, the universal Church, and the world. In particular we will pray for the protection of all human life, for vocations, and for the intentions of those participating in the day. Please mark your calendar on the second Tuesday of each month for Personal Dates with Jesus days.

Wednesday Weekly- 16SEP15




2015 Collection for Needs of the Church in Canada – Please see attached


2015 Federal Election Guide – Please see attached


What can Individuals and Parishes do to Assist Refugees?

The Catholic Refugee Sponsors’ Council brings together personnel from a number of diocesan and other Catholic offices involved in refugee sponsorship to assist in providing coordination, advocacy and information for Catholic refugee sponsoring organizations. Its website is https://catholicrefugeesponsors.wordpress.com/.

Several Catholic agencies are involved in directly assisting Syrian and other refugees and displaced persons.

Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace, http://www.devp.org/

Aid to the Church in Need – Canada, http://www.acn-aed-ca.org/

CNEWA Canada, http://www.cnewa.ca/home.aspx?ID=26&pagetypeID=12&sitecode=CA

Canadian Jesuits International, http://www.canadianjesuitsinternational.ca/project-theme/refugees/


Youth Ministry

We are lucky to have Clay Imoo, Director of Young and Young Adult Ministry for the Archdiocese of Vancouver joining us October 15-19 for youth leaders training throughout the diocese. Clay has 13 years of experience in his current role and many more years of youth ministry experience prior to this. We will be spending time traveling throughout the diocese during this time to offer training to those involved in catechesis & youth ministry. If you have ideas, suggestions, or date requests for your parish & deanery, please contact Eunice at youth@pgdiocese.bc.ca.


WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016 – If anyone 18+ is interested in joining the Prince George diocesan group to WYD Poland, please email youth@pgdiocese.bc.ca. We will have regional information sessions throughout September and October. Stay tuned!


 Monthly Day of Adoration

Emmanuel Hermitage invites you to a Personal Date with Jesus on October 13, 2015 in the Domano Chapel, 6500 Southridge Ave. Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. and the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for a day of silent prayer and adoration. We will pray for the people and needs of our Diocese, the universal Church, and the world. In particular we will pray for the protection of all human life, for vocations, and for the intentions of those participating in the day. Please mark your calendar on the second Tuesday of each month for Personal Dates with Jesus days.

Wednesday Weekly – 09SEP15



Youth Ministry

We are lucky to have Clay Imoo, Director of Young and Young Adult Ministry for the Archdiocese of Vancouver joining us October 15-19 for youth leaders training throughout the diocese. Clay has 13 years of experience in his current role and many more years of youth ministry experience prior to this. We will be spending time travelling throughout the diocese during this time to offer training to those involved in catechesis & youth ministry. If you have ideas, suggestions, or date requests for your parish & deanery, please contact Eunice at youth@pgdiocese.bc.ca.


Young Adults

Kick off your school year by joining us for our fall retreat. We are excited to have Eric Chow, western Regional Director with Catholic Christian Outreach, join us all the way from Vancouver as our guest speaker this year. There will be hiking, meals, fellowship, and worship. Cost will be $40 to cover meals for the weekend and we will be carpooling out to the camp. Register HERE or JOIN ‘Catholic Young Adults – Prince George Diocese’ on Facebook for updates



If anyone 18+ is interested in joining the Prince George diocesan group to WYD Poland, please email youth@pgdiocese.bc.ca. We will have regional information sessions throughout September and October. Stay tuned!


Camp Morice Society

The board of the Camp Morice Society would like to invite everyone to their AGM on Sunday, September 27th 2015. It will be held in the basement of Sacred Heart Cathedral at 12:30 PM following the 11:00 AM Mass. Everyone is welcome.


Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat in Cache Creek,  September 30 to October 2 

Rachel’s Vineyard is a ministry to help those who are suffering from the pain caused by abortion. We know an abortion affects many more than just the mother and father involved.  Siblings, grandparents, friends, health care workers, pregnancy crisis counsellors, etc. all can be traumatized by abortion.  Rachel’s Vineyard also recognizes and helps with grief caused by other unresolved pregnancy losses.

It is NOT too late to sign up for the retreat.  It will not be too late a week or a few a days ahead of time.  It can be a very scary thing to commit to; we understand.

For more information visit: facebook.com/rvkamloops

or call Nancy at 250-267-5081 or email rvkamloops@yahoo.ca.


International Eucharistic Congress Conference and Tour (please add to your parish bulletin for the whole month of August)

The 51st International Eucharistic Congress will be held January 24-31, 2016.  It will take place in Cebu City, Philippines.  Fr. Rector Tolentino is organizing a group of parishioners in the diocese for those who are interested attending the Eucharistic Congress.  The trip to the Philippines will include Eucharistic Congress and tour of few islands in the region.

For those interested, please contact Fr. Rector at 1-250-964-4424 or e-mail vicargeneral@pgdiocese.bc.ca.  For more information about the 51st International Eucharistic Congress please visit the official website of the congress: http://iec2016.ph/


Monthly Day of Adoration October


Emmanuel Hermitage invites you to a Personal Date with Jesus on October 13, 2015 in the Domano Chapel, 6500 Southridge Ave. Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. and the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for a day of silent prayer and adoration. We will pray for the people and needs of our Diocese, the universal Church, and the world. In particular we will pray for the protection of all human life, for vocations, and for the intentions of those participating in the day. Please mark your calendar on the second Tuesday of each month for Personal Dates with Jesus days.


Vocations Retreats – Seminary of Christ the King

Our next Vocation Live-ins for the College and High School Seminary are:

  • November 13-15, 2015
  • February 12-14, 2016
  • April 8-10, 2016

If you would like to attend, please contact:   College Seminary Live In:
Father Matthew Gerlich, OSB
Tel: 604-826-8715
Email: rector.majors@yahoo.ca.

2015 World Meeting of Families

World Meeting of Families 2015The first World Meeting of Families was initiated by Saint Pope John Paul II in 1994 to help strengthen the sacred bonds of the family unit across the globe. Every three years since then, families from all over the world are invited by the Holy Father to attend this global gathering.

The World Meeting of Families scheduled to be held September 22-27, 2015 in Philadelphia, USA. The theme is “Love Is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive,” emphasizing the impact of the love and life of families on our society. Further details about the conference and registration information can be found on the 2015 World Meeting of Families website at www.worldmeeting2015.org.

The Pontifical Council for the Family with the Archdiocese of Philadelphia has published a catechesis entitled “Love Is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive – A preparatory catechesis for the World Meeting of Families”. The resource has been developed to assist in preparing dioceses throughout the world and to serve as a guide for the World Meeting itself. The booklet is available in several languages including English and French. It can be ordered in print or electronic formats in Canada on the website www.amazon.ca, from local bookstores, by email at inquiry@lightningsource.com, or by visiting the website https://www1.lightningsource.com/contactUs.aspx.

Also, in preparation for the event, Salt + Light TV has produced a series of videos witnessing to how family life and the lives of the Blesseds and Saints are inter-related, with special importance for the Church as well as for today’s families. Each presentation is approximately five minutes long, and provides a short biography on the life of each Saint or Blessed as well as a testimony to their journey of faith.

Salt + Light Series titles:

Blessed Pope Paul VI: The Pilgrim Pope

Saint John XXIII: Pope of Innocence and Goodness

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati: Man of the Beatitudes

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha: Mohawk Mystic of North America

Saint Gianna Beretta Molla: Lover of Life

The Benedicts: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives

Father Michael McGivney: A Man of the People

The Light Family: The Bigger Picture

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha: Flower of Fortitude

The Bolger Family: A Love Never Lost

St. Marie of the Incarnation – Woman of Faith

The Emersons: Be Not Afraid!

Fernando Camou: Por el Amor de mis Padres (in Spanish)

2016 International Eucharistic Congress

IEC 2016

A Eucharistic Congress is an international gathering of people aimed at promoting an awareness of the central place of the Eucharist in the life and mission of the Catholic Church. The Roman Ritual De Sacra Communione et de Cultu Mysterii Eucharistici extra Missam defines the Congress as “a pause for commitment and prayer to which a particular Church invites the universal Church”. During this time “the celebration of the Eucharist becomes the center and vortex of all forms of piety, of theological and pastoral reflections, of social commitment”.

The 51st International Eucharistic Congress will be held January 24-31, 2016.

It will take place in Cebu City, Philippines.

Fr. Rector Tolentino is organizing a group of parishioners in the diocese who are interested attending the Eucharistic Congress.  The trip to the Philippines will include Eucharistic Congress and tour of few islands in the region.

For those interested, please contact Fr. Rector at 1-250-964-4424 or e-mail vicargeneral@pgdiocese.bc.ca.