Appeal Updates
Please continue to pray for the Annual Appeal and provide pledge cards. Annual Diocesan Appeal report and a letter from Fr. Rector the Appeal Chair – Oct 28, 2015
Accounting Clerk – Finance Office
The position ‘Accounting Clerk’ has been filled as of Wednesday, October 21. The successful applicant is Mr. Armand Rey Sadiwa. We congratulate Armand and welcome him to the Diocesan Pastoral Center as our newly hired Accounting Clerk at the Finance Office.
Monthly Day of Adoration
Emmanuel Hermitage invites you to a Personal Date with Jesus on November 10, 2015 in the Domano Chapel, 6500 Southridge Ave. Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. and the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for a day of silent prayer and adoration. We will pray for the people and needs of our Diocese, the universal Church, and the world. In particular we will pray for the protection of all human life, for vocations, and for the intentions of those participating in the day. Please mark your calendar on the second Tuesday of each month for Personal Dates with Jesus.
St. Vincent de Paul
There is an urgent need for volunteers every second Thursday for the Sandwich line at the Drop In Centre. They are open 7:30 to 8:00pm. We would need a commitment for 2 evenings a month. Please contact Joy at 250-564-4148 for further information.
Shepherd’s Corner need volunteers please consider volunteering
What is Shepherd’s Corner: It is a place that offers hospitality, a listening ear, and a welcome to people in our downtown core. We emphasize that everyone who comes through our door is to be honoured and treated with dignity and respect.
Where: 2nd and Dominion (1204-2nd Ave)
Hours: We are open Monday-Friday, 10am to 2 pm.
Commitment: We would welcome volunteers who could come for a few hours once a week or alternate weeks. Shifts could be for two or four hours depending on availability. We also need substitutes when our regular volunteers are unable to work.
Duties: Serve coffee, iced tea, welcome people and listen to people in an open, supportive and non-judgemental manner.
If Interested: Contact Father Rector
phone- 250 964-4424 Ext. 233
e-mail –
Feel free to drop in and visit. Thank you for your consideration.
Men’s Retreat
Friday, November 13, 6:00 PM–(beginning with a light supper)
Sunday, November 15–(finishing after lunch.)
“Let’s spend a special moment with the Lord.”
Are you strong and tough enough to stay with the Lord for a weekend?
Come and participate in a men’s sacred moment. This weekend is a unique opportunity for men to be away from the routines, worries, concerns and anxieties of daily life.
Staying in the presence of the Lord for a while helps re-awaken the sense of Christian identity and mission of the participants. Come and join Fr. Rector as he leads participants to a deeper self-examination and an evaluation of your personal response to the mission entrusted by Jesus Christ to all the baptized.
Location: Emmaus
Fee: Live-in: $175.00 Commuter: $110.00
Facilitator: Very Reverend Rectorino Tolentino, Jr. – Vicar General of the Diocese of PG
Grief to Grace
Applications are now being accepted for the next Grief to Grace program to be held in Kelowna, November 19-22, 2015. Grief to Grace – Reclaiming the Gift of Human Dignity is a spiritual journey for anyone who has suffered degradation or violation through sexual/psychological abuse, rape, incest, physical or emotional abuse and neglect or other forms of traumatic violation in childhood, adolescence or as an adult. To register or for more information call 250-878-7603 or e-mail or
Vocations Retreats – Seminary of Christ the King
The next Vocation Live-ins for the College and High School Seminary are:
- November 13-15, 2015
- February 12-14, 2016
- April 8-10, 2016
If you would like to attend, please contact:
College Seminary Live In
Father Matthew Gerlich, OSB
Tel: 604-826-8715
Scarboro Missions
Are you 21 or older? Do you feel called to help make the world a better place? Are you interested in gaining valuable cross-cultural experience that may lead you to exciting employment opportunities later in life? Consider applying for Scarboro Missions’ one-year mission program! The deadline for applications is February 22, 2016. To learn more, please check: , call 416-261-7135, ext 280. Toll –Free: 1-800-260-4815 or email A Discernment Retreat will take place on January 16-17 in Victoria.
Visiting a Church or an Oratory on All Souls Day
From the Handbook of Indulgences
A plenary (“full”) indulgence, which is applicable only to the souls in Purgatory, is granted to the Christian faithful who devoutly visit a church or an oratory on All Souls Day, November 2.
Requirements for Obtaining a Plenary Indulgence on All Souls Day
- Visit a church and pray for souls in Purgatory
- Say one “Our Father” and the “Apostles Creed” in the visit to the church
- Say one “Our Father” and one “Hail Mary” for the Holy Father’s intentions (that is, the intentions designated by the Holy Father each month)
- Worthily receive Holy Communion (ideally on the same day if you can get to Mass)
- Make a sacramental confession within 20 days of All Souls Day
- For a plenary indulgence be free from all attachment to sin, even venial sin (otherwise, the indulgence is partial, not plenary, “full”).
You can acquire one plenary indulgence a day.
A partial indulgence, applicable only to the Souls in Purgatory, can be obtained when saying the “Eternal rest …” prayer.
Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Perhaps you are not sure you can attain complete detachment from all sin, even venial. Before you perform the indulgenced work, ask God explicitly to take away any affection for sin you might be treasuring. Do this often and, over your lifetime, and you may find it easier and easier. Support your good project with good confessions and good communions. You need those graces.
Young Adults
Save the date for DYC 2016
April 29 – May 1, 2016 in Prince George—More information to come.
World Youth Day 2016 in Krawkow, Poland
All those 18+ are invited to join us as we head to WYD in Poland. We will be partnering with the Archdiocese of Vancouver. The anticipated total cost for the trip is $3800 (including taxes). Those interested can email A deposit of $1000 is due by October 31, 2015 to secure your spot.
Faith Studies
All young adults in Prince George are invited to join a weekly small-group faith study. This 6-week study focuses in on the foundations of what it means to be a Catholic. These faith studies will begin the week of October 13, (this week) These groups will be setup according to the schedules of those who would like to participate. Email Eunice at if you are interested in joining a group.