Wednesday Weekly – 3Jun15

Wednesday Weekly June 3, 2015 Print Version

1.     Welcome new archivist

We are pleased to announce the arrival of our new Diocesan Archivist, Richard Sinclair who began work at the Pastoral Centre on June 1, 2015. He comes to us from Sydney, BC but is not new to our part of the world, having lived in Prince George for 10 years previously. Richard’s work schedule is Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. His email is and phone is (250)964-4424 extension 243. Welcome Richard! It is good to have you here as part of our diocesan team.


2.     Condolences

It is with sorrow we advise that Terry Beaudette, brother of Rev. Richard Beaudette, OMI, passed away Thursday, May 28, 2015 at the age of 62. A Funeral Mass will be held Thursday, June 4, 2015 in Vegreville, Alberta. As we pray for the repose of his soul, we also offer our condolences and prayers to Fr. Richard and his family as they mourn the loss of Terry and their father Lawrence who passed away in March of this year.


3.     Save the date!

A farewell celebration will take place for Fr. Richard Beaudette, OMI who has faithfully served in this diocese for many years and will be leaving us in August for Oblate ministry in Ottawa. The farewell will take place at the Domano Renewal Centre in Prince George on Monday, June 29, 2015, beginning with Mass at 7:00 p.m. in the Domano Chapel followed by a reception in Bethany House Dining Room. All are welcome. Further details and a poster will be forwarded in next week’s Wednesday Weekly.


4.     Rose Prince Pilgrimage

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins each weekend in June:

The Annual Rose Prince Pilgrimage will be held July 3-5, 2015 at Lejac. Please join us in 2015 as we celebrate the 100th anniversary, or first Centenary, of Rose’s birth. Father Jack Michalchuk and John Connelly, Office of Catechesis and Evangelization will be the guest speakers. The weekend begins with opening prayer at 7 p.m. Friday and concludes with lunch at 1 p.m. Sunday. Along with presentations by Fr. Jack and John, there will be prayer services, a Healing Mass, the Living Rosary and a Candlelight Procession. Bishop Stephen Jensen will celebrate Mass at 10:30 a.m. Sunday. For more information contact Father Vincent James, OMI at St. Andrew’s Parish, Fraser Lake (250)699-6593 or see the schedule on the diocesan website.


5.     Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Please find attached a statement from Archbishop Gerard Pettipas, C.Ss.R., President of the corporation of Catholic Entities party to the Indian Residential Schools Settlement (CEPIRSS), which represents 17 dioceses and 37 religious institutes involved in managing and helping to operate the former Indian Residential Schools which were under the jurisdiction of the Government of Canada. We welcome the renewed efforts to heal and reconcile and on constructing a better future for Aboriginal People and better relations among all Canadians, both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal.

Entities’ Response to TRC Findings


6.     Cat Chat Vacation Bible School

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins until August:

The Cat Chat Vacation Bible School is an exciting Catholic summer program for children to explore and grow in their faith while building new friendships through games, music, crafts, snacks, and faith teaching. It is open to all children ages 4-11 (preschool to grade 6). This year the program will be offered at the end of the summer holidays at the Diocese of Prince George Pastoral Centre, 6500 Southridge Avenue, Prince George from August 31-September 4 from 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. each day! Our theme is Wilderness Adventure through the Sacraments!!! Registration forms are available on your church bulletin board; online registration will be available soon on the Sacred Heart Cathedral website. The cost is $50/first child, and $35/each additional child. Please drop off your registration and payment at the Sacred Heart Cathedral Office. We are also looking for youth and young adult volunteers. For more information, or if you are interested in volunteering, please contact the Sacred Heart Cathedral Office at 250-564-5225.


7.     Pure Witness Team!

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins periodically until August:

Have you ever thought of giving a year of your life in missionary service? Pure Witness Ministries engages teams of Catholic men and women, eighteen years of age and older and trains them as missionaries to proclaim the freedom, hope and joy that come from living pure lives for Christ, and to present the teachings of our Catholic faith to youth and families across Western Canada in dynamic ways that speak to this generation. Pure Witness missionaries experience a transformational year in their lives as they live out the three-fold mission of: Community Life, Faith Formation and Outreach. Discover all that you were created to be and be a part of the renewal of faith in our Church as we work together to love a generation back to Christ. For more information check out or email