Wednesday Weekly – 10Dec14

Wednesday Weekly December 10th, 2014 Print Version

1.   Prince George Pro Life Society- Empty Manger

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins in the Central Region:

On Sunday, December 14th and December 21st from 4:00-5:00 pm, the Prince George Pro Life Society will be hosting an “Empty Manger” caroling event. As we begin the third Sunday of Advent awaiting the coming of our Lord’s birth, it is a good time to reflect on the connection between our Blessed Mother and her perfect love for her Son and our own imperfections as mothers and fathers. We can easily show people the beauty of life and hope through song. Singing Christmas carols outside the hospital with an “empty manger” to represent the coming of our Lord and all those babies yet to be born is a beautiful connection to choosing life. For further information about this event, contact Tony Donovan at 778-349-4412 or or see the website:


2.     New CCCB publication, The Missionary Dynamic of the Parish Today

There is a new resource by the CCCB Episcopal Commission for Doctrine, titled The Missionary Dynamic of the Parish Today. While intended primarily for pastors and all those who work in parishes, the Commission also hopes it may serve as an additional resource in the ongoing renewal of parishes across the country. The text notes our current Canadian context, including the various challenges faced by parishes across the country, and proposes that the response to which all our parishes are called is a new effort in evangelization, characterized by renewed missionary, catechetical, and pastoral activity. Please note the PDF format is to be used for consultation only. Any additional printed copies are to be ordered from CCCB Publications. Parishes can contact Teresa Phillippe at the Diocese of Prince George Pastoral Centre 250-964-4424 or to order.


3.     The Vocation And Mission Of The Family In The Church And Contemporary World

In preparation for the General Synod of Bishops on the Family, scheduled for October 4th to 25th, 2015, the General Secretariat of the Office for the Synod released the publication of its preparatory document, known by its Latin name, the ‘Lineamenta’. It is available on the Vatican website at:

4.     Annual Diocesan Appeal Update

20141210 Appeal Update