Wednesday Weekly – 26Nov14

Wednesday Weekly November 26, 2014 Print Version


1.     Young Adult Ministry Update

November SUMMIT – To celebrate the end of young adult faith studies, a November Summit night of adoration, praise & worship and testimony will be held on Sunday, November 30th at 7:30 PM at Sacred Heart Cathedral. The evening begins with a potluck dinner at 6:00 PM in the basement of the Sacred Heart Cathedral. All are welcome!


Christmas Coffeehouse Fundraiser – The Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry and the John Paul II Club at UNBC are jointly hosting a coffeehouse fundraiser to help support the 25 young adults travelling to the RISE UP Conference. Book your calendars for Sunday, December 7th at 7:00 PM at Art Space, 1685 3rd Avenue, Prince George. Rise Up is an annual joy-filled and dynamic young adult conference sponsored by Catholic Christian Outreach. This year RISE UP will be held from December 28-January 1 in Calgary, Alberta. Spaces are still available on the Diocesan bus to the conference. Don’t miss out! Contact Eunice Hii at for details.


2.     Domano Renewal Centre

The December At a Glance newsletter for the Domano Renewal Centre is attached. Events can also be viewed on the Diocesan Calendar found on the Diocese website at:

Advent is a time when we recall the Son of God becoming man for us, and we prepare ourselves for his second coming in glory. The Domano Renewal Centre has several offerings to help let go of the fast-paced world we live in and to reflect and recharge. Pick one that fits your schedule. Of course, all are invited to come by on December 10 to the annual open house: stop in for a visit and enjoy a hot beverage, treats and great company!

 December 2014 at a Glance


3.     Giving Tuesday – December 2, 2014

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins:

In response to the consumerism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping in the United States and now in Canada, Giving Tuesday was launched three years ago as a global day of giving to encourage the support of non-profits and charities. Whether through monetary donations, volunteering, helping someone in need or initiating a random act of kindness, Giving Tuesday is a concrete way to respond to the Gospel: “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40).



4.     Monthly Day of Adoration – December 9th, 2014

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins in the Central Region:

Emmanuel Hermitage invites you to a Personal Date with Jesus on December 9th in the Domano Chapel (at the Domano Renewal Centre, 6500 Southridge Ave). Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. and the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for a day of silent prayer and adoration. We will pray especially for the people and needs of our Diocese, the universal Church, and the world. In particular we will pray for the protection of all human life, for vocations, and for the intentions of those participating in the day. Please mark your calendar on the second Tuesday of each month for Personal Dates with Jesus days.


5.     Human Rights Day Pro-Life Vigil – December 10th, 2014

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins in the Central Region:

The United Nations General Assembly declared December 10th as International Human Rights Day to help promote and protect Human Rights for all peoples and all nations. In recognition of the most basic human right, the right to life, the Pro Life Society of Prince George will be holding a vigil for all unborn people at the University Hospital of Northern British Columbia on December 10th from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. The Pro Life Society invites everyone to come and stand for two hours of prayer and witness as we fight for the humanity of everyone’s right to life. Contact Tony Donovan at 778-349-4412 for further information.


6.     Foundations Of Faith Community Nursing

Please share the attached poster with those who may be interested:

The Health Ministries Network in Bellingham, Washington is offering a Foundations in Faith Community Nursing/Health Ministry course in Spring 2015. The course is open to both registered nurses and lay people. Those who are not Registered Nurses but have an interest in caring for the mind, body and spirit, can attend this training to become a Health Minister. RNs that do not have a faith or spiritual community will learn how to develop their nursing practice to include care of a client’s spiritual needs in any setting. The course involves two classroom sessions combined with a 6-week course including online classes, self-study, discussions, readings and projects. Further information can be found on the attached Foundations of Faith Community Nursing Program.

 Foundations in Faith Health Ministry Course


7.     Annual Diocesan Appeal Update

20141126 Appeal Update