Wednesday Weekly – 22Oct14

Wednesday Weekly October 22, 2014 Print Version


1.     New Deans Appointed

The Church’s Code of Canon law states that each diocese is to be divided into distinct parts to foster pastoral care by means of common action. Several parishes joined together constitute a vicariate forane, commonly known as a Deanery (canon 374).

On September 30, 2014 Bishop Jensen established the four regions of the diocese as Deaneries and appointed the following priests as Deans:

Western Deanery:   Rev. Terence Brock

Midwestern Deanery:   Rev. Pier Pandolfo

Central Deanery:   Rev. Christopher Lynch

Northern Deanery:   Rev. Venerando Sabacan

         A copy of the decree is can be found by clicking: Deanery Decree


2.    Men’s Retreat – Negotiating the Male Journey, Nov 21-23

Please place the following notice in parish bulletins:

Men, mark your calendars for the upcoming retreat with Archbishop Emeritus Sylvain Lavoie, OMI to be held November 21-23rd at the Domano Renewal Centre. Topics covered include Men at Prayer, Men Fully Alive, Living a Holistic Spirituality, Doing Soul Work, and Reconciliation & Moving Forward.   The retreat will offer quiet time for prayer and reflection as well as one-on-one sharing, fellowship and relaxation. Participants can expect to come away renewed, with the greater ability to be fully alive in our society and Church today. For further information and to register, contact the Domano Renewal Centre at 250-964-4475 or at


3.     Retirement – Jo-Anne Allison

After over nine years of dedicated service, Jo-Anne Allison has resigned her position as archivist of the diocese, effective Friday, October 24. We thank Jo-Anne for her presence and service in the curia and wish her well in her retirement.


4.     CIS Employment Opportunities – Notre Dame School

Notre Dame School in Dawson Creek has two Limited Duration Full-time teaching positions (Grade 2 & Grade 4) available. The positions are available immediately and will remain open until filled. Please see the attached ads for further information.

LD 1 0 FTE Grade 2 Teacher Oct-14

LD 1 0 FTE Grade 4 Teacher Oct-14


5.     Employment Opportunity – Music Director, St. Mary’s Parish, Prince George

Please post the attached job opportunity in parish bulletins. The deadline for applying is November 12, 2014. See the ad for further information.

 Music Director St Marys Parish


6.     Life Giving Love

The Catholic Organization for Life and Family (COLF), with the support of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, has launched a National Campaign in Favour of Palliative and Home Care, and Against Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide. This campaign of education and action, which is structured around the theme “Life-Giving Love”, is also a response to Pope Francis’ urgent call: “In imitation of our Master, we Christians are called to confront the poverty of our brothers and sisters, to touch it, to make it our own and to take practical steps to alleviate it”. Please read the attached pamphlet for further information or view the campaign website at:

 Life Giving Love


7.     Assisted Suicide and the Supreme Court of Canada

The appeal of the Carter Case decision commenced in Ottawa at the Supreme Court of Canada this past week. The Catholic Health Alliance of Canada and the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition have intervenor status in the appeal and will be presenting intelligent and persuasive arguments for leaving our laws as they are on this issue. Attached is flyer created by CHABC giving a timeline of events in Canada over the past two decades and asking the faithful to pray that the Supreme Court judges make a just decision for all Canadians on this issue. In addition, a copy of an open letter to all Canadians from a group of physicians who oppose any change to our existing laws is attached. Parishes are asked to share this information with parishioners. The information is also available on the diocese website by clicking here.

 CHABC flyer on assisted suicide

An Open Letter to Canadians on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide


8.     Annual Diocesan Appeal Update

appeal update






9.  Sacramental Online Prep Training

Please post the following information in parish bulletins:

Two ONLINE TRAINING opportunities for our new Diocesan Sacramental Preparation program GOD’S GIFT for First Reconciliation and First Communion will be offered on  Thursday Nov 6th @ 6:30 pm and Saturday Nov 8th at 10 am.  Kathleen Suzuki from Loyola Press will guide leaders through an hour and a half session via the internet.  The webinar can be viewed as a group in your local parish, or in the privacy of your own home.  Priests, catechists and helpers, please mark your calendars for one of these workshops, and grow in your ability to facilitate this program. Registration details will be provided next week.